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What type of feedback reduces the stimulus

2022.01.07 19:18

This hormone increases metabolic activity and heat production in cells throughout the body. The adrenal glands may also be stimulated to secrete the hormone adrenaline. This hormone causes the breakdown of glycogen the carbohydrate used for energy storage in animals to glucose, which can be used as an energy source. This catabolic chemical process is exothermic, or heat producing.

Blood Glucose In the control of the blood glucose level, certain endocrine cells in the pancreas called alpha and beta cells, detect the level of glucose in the blood. If the blood glucose level rises above the normal range, pancreatic beta cells release the hormone insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin signals cells to take up the excess glucose from the blood until the level of blood glucose decreases to the normal range.

If the blood glucose level falls below the normal range, pancreatic alpha cells release the hormone glucagon into the bloodstream. Glucagon signals cells to break down stored glycogen to glucose and release the glucose into the blood until the level of blood glucose increases to the normal range. Positive Feedback In a positive feedback loop , feedback serves to intensify a response until an endpoint is reached.

Blood Clotting When a wound causes bleeding, the body responds with a positive feedback loop to clot the blood and stop blood loss. Positive feedback causes an increasing deviation from the normal state to a fixed endpoint rather than a return to a normal set point as in homeostasis.

When Homeostasis Fails Homeostatic mechanisms work continuously to maintain stable conditions in the human body. Feature: My Human Body Diabetes is diagnosed in people who have abnormally high levels of blood glucose after fasting for at least 12 hours. Any weight loss is beneficial. Losing as little as seven percent of your weight may be all that is needed to stop diabetes in its tracks.

It is especially important to eliminate excess weight around your waist. Exercise regularly. You should try to exercise five days a week for at least 30 minutes. This will not only lower your blood sugar and help your insulin work better; it will also lower your blood pressure and improve your heart health.

Another bonus of exercise is that it will help you lose weight by increasing your basal metabolic rate. Adopt a healthy diet. Decrease your consumption of refined carbohydrates such as sweets and sugary drinks.

Increase your intake of fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. About a quarter of each meal should consist of high-protein foods, such as fish, chicken, dairy products, legumes, or nuts. Control stress. Stress can increase your blood glucose and also raise your blood pressure and risk of heart disease. When you feel stressed out, do breathing exercises or take a brisk walk or jog.

Also, try to replace stressful thoughts with more calming ones. Establish a support system. Enlist the help and support of loved ones as well as medical professionals such as a nutritionist and diabetes educator. Having a support system will help ensure that you are on the path to wellness and that you can stick to your plan.

Review What is homeostasis? Define the setpoint and normal range for physiological measures. Identify and define the four interacting components that maintain homeostasis in feedback loops.

Compare and contrast negative and positive feedback loops. Explain how negative feedback controls body temperature. Give two examples of physiological processes that are controlled by positive feedback loops.

The more sucking, the more milk is usually produced. Is this an example of negative or positive feedback? Explain your answer. What do you think might be the evolutionary benefit of the milk production regulation mechanism described in part a?

Explain why homeostasis is regulated by negative feedback loops, rather than positive feedback loops. A setpoint is usually: the top of a normal range the bottom of a normal range in the middle of a normal range the point at which changes can no longer occur The level of a sex hormone, testosterone T , is controlled by negative feedback. Another hormone, gonadotropin-releasing hormone GnRH , is released by the hypothalamus of the brain, which triggers the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone LH.

LH stimulates the gonads to produce T. Conversely, in negative feedback, the output is decreased or inhibited. Feedback loops play an important role in order to preserve homeostasis. Homeostasis is the maintenance of an internal environment of the body from the harm and fluctuation of the external environment and helps in maintaining body stability. For example, a cold-blooded animal, like fish, maintains a lower body temperature according to the external environment whereas a warm-blooded animal like a whale preserves higher body temperature to maintain internal stability.

Positive feedback is known as a positive response or a self-reinforcing response to external or internal input. In this, the effector boosts up the stimulus that enhances the product formation for maintaining body stability. Positive feedback promotes a change in the physiological state instead of reversing it. What is a positive feedback loop? Positive feedback involves a physiological system that reinforces the change works to reinforce or intensify the change.

The variation is sensed by the receptor, and then the effector works to produce the identical outcome — this enhances the physiological change. The actual change will continue to amplify by the positive feedback loop until the stimulus is removed. Compare: negative feedback. What is an example of positive feedback in homeostasis? Each one depicts what a positive feedback mechanism is like:. One of the major examples of positive feedback is the effort of the body in reversing the damage caused by any injury.

When the body gets injured the major threat to life is excessive loss of blood. Blood pressure and blood flow at the site of injury are reduced. At the site of the injury, blood clotting factors are released to initiate blood clotting. Once the process begins it promotes the clotting process further. Thus, overall, the process of sealing the injured site is speeded up.

Clotting factors are responsible for the formation of a clot in the injured or wounded area. This is one of the life-saving examples of positive feedback. The ripening of fruit is another example of a system employing positive feedback. If you observe a plant or a tree bearing lots of fruits, you will notice the fruits go through the stages: from unripe to ripe to overripe. The process will start when the first fruit begins to ripen. When it is ripe, it releases a gas which is known as ethylene C 2 H 4.

This causes the nearby fruits exposed to the ethylene to begin to ripen. As the ripening continues, these fruits also continue to release ethylene gas. This feedback loop is usually used in the production of fruits in which exposure to ethylene gas makes the ripening process faster. The estrogen hormone starts to release in the ovary before a female ovulates. The estrogen hormone travels to the brain and causes the secretion of two other hormones.

The hypothalamus is activated to release gonadotropin hormone while the pituitary gland is stimulated to release luteinizing hormone. Luteinizing hormone, in turn, enhances the release of estrogen. An increase in the levels of these hormones as well as of follicle-stimulating hormones leads to ovulation.

The stimulant can be any external substance that disturbs the homeostasis of the body it is the process of maintaining balance in all body systems. The stimulus is provided by controlled variables. In general, the stimulus causes the optimum range to be moved or fluctuate from the normal or standard range.

Physical injuries, infections, or any fluctuation in the external environment are some cases of stimulus. They disrupt the physiological functions of the body. The sensor is also known as the receptor. This component of the feedback system detects physiological value.

The sensor senses the variation in body equilibrium. It not only monitors the extent of change but also sends signals to the control center. The sensory nerves from the sensor will report the change to the control center. The control center is a part of the feedback system that compares the extent of fluctuation to the normal value. It not only receives signals from sensors but also processes the information.

The control center in the brain detects the changes, compares them with the normal values. If the value is not within the optimum range, an immediate signal to the effector is sent by the control center to maintain body equilibrium.

The pituitary gland is located near the brain, which is the control center of numerous response processes. Various hormones like oxytocin, antidiuretic hormone, and growth hormone are released from it, in response to the stimulus.

The effector can be any muscle, organ, gland, or any other structure that gives a response to the stimulus according to the signal received from the control center. The effector either opposes or enhances the stimulus.

The response of the effector depends on the command received by a control center. The goal of the effector is to maintain stability by moving the variable back near the standard point. For example, the result of positive feedback in the case of labor is the contraction of the uterus. So here the effector organ is the uterus. Feedback loops are biological procedures that help to maintain homeostasis in the body. This occurs when a product or event occurs and it alters the response of the body.

A p ositive feedback loop maintains the direction of the stimulus and probably makes the action faster. A case of the positive feedback loops present in the animal body is an explosion of chemical reactions that lead to blood clotting also known as coagulation. In this, as one clotting factor activates it will continue to activate others in a sequence until a clot, fibrin, is formed.

A negative feedback loop happens to lessen the change. Most endocrine glands are under the control of negative feedback mechanisms. Another example of negative feedback is the regulation of the blood calcium level.

The parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone, which regulates the level of calcium in the blood. If calcium decreases, the parathyroid glands sense the decrease and secrete more parathyroid hormone. The parathyroid hormone stimulates calcium release from the bones and increases the calcium uptake into the bloodstream from the collecting tubules in the kidneys. Conversely, if blood calcium increases too much, the parathyroid glands reduce parathyroid hormone production. Both responses are examples of negative feedback because in both cases the effects are negative opposite to the stimulus.

Negative feedback mechanisms act like a thermostat in the home. As the temperature rises deviation from the ideal normal value , the thermostat detects the change and triggers the air-conditioning to turn on and cool the house. Once the temperature reaches its thermostat setting ideal normal value , the air conditioning turns off. Positive feedback mechanisms are rare. It amplifies changes rather than reversing them. The release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland during labor is an example of positive feedback mechanism.

Oxytocin stimulates the muscle contractions that push the baby through the birth canal.