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Can you lay spikes and stealth rock

2022.01.07 19:18

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Boards Pokemon X Do Stealth rocks and toxic spikes stack? User Info: xcall1bur. I say they wouldn't last one night in mine. User Info: RandysRage. See also; its Smogon NU rank. So, if you do not have the ability or the patience to obtain a stealth rock Shuckle Smeargle is your only other option to have those two moves along with any other two moves you desire - I'd at least recommend Spore or something to keep him alive long enough to finish 'setting'.

Starting at level 1 and every 10 levels thereafter, he learns Sketch So just pair him up in a double battle with a pokemon who knows the move you want Smeargle to learn, and start sketching. Smeargle's Smogon page might help you get an idea about how to build him They rank him RU, which is still better than shuckle's NU.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Who is a good Hazard Pokemon? Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 11 months ago. Active 7 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 50k times. Improve this question. Shadow Z. On this set in particular, you could easily run Toxic Spikes and Sleep Powder over Spikes and your coverage move. If you wanted to, you could also go with both Toxic Spikes and Spikes, and forego the coverage move.

There's also Leech Seed, which can be used as another form of recovery instead of Rest. When choosing Roserade's moveset, it's just important to remember that Spikes and Sleep Powder are illegal together. Roserade's Speed lets it outpace a good amount of the OU leads.

Against bulkier leads without Lum Berry, Sleep Powder puts them right out before they have a chance to lay their own hazards. Roserade has a tougher time against the faster leads with Taunt, since it can't put them to sleep or use Toxic Spikes. Leaf Storm does plenty of damage to them though. Roserade is geared toward more of an offensive use of Toxic Spikes. This Forretress has an incredible amount of utility.

Not only can it lay down Toxic Spikes and Spikes, it can Rapid Spin other hazards, and if a Ghost-type switches in to block it, Payback hits it for a good amount of damage.

One of the few downsides to Forretress in general is the lack of reliable recovery. Without recovery, it becomes hard to continuously take attacks. In that regard, it is advised to run Wish support with this Forretress, which usually comes in the form of Blissey or Vaporeon.

Kevin Garrett and august's Kevin, Please Come Home is a beautiful example of using Spikes effectively on an offensive team. It uses hard-hitting offensive sweepers like Lucario and the now Uber Salamence to blast holes in the opposing team. The Specs Heatran set mentioned earlier is an interesting choice, because even if you predict correctly, you still can lose a massive chunk of health.

Anything that forces your opponent to do more switching than usual is a good way to abuse entry hazards in general. These include moves such as Perish Song, Whirlwind, and Roar. Gyarados can be a very dangerous sweeper if teams are unprepared. Combined with Intimidate and a unique typing, many opponents are forced to switch out. This is a prime time to abuse Roar. When the initial Gyarados counter comes out, it already takes a possible Obviously, you won't have three layers of Spikes and Stealth Rock out everytime, but the damage continues to rack up like that.

If you also happen to have Toxic Spikes, Gyarados does an amazing job at stalling out the opponent with Rest and Sleep Talk, and letting the passive damage do the work for it. Gyarados' solid defenses, typing, and ability can already keep it around for a long time, and only increase in effectiveness with Rest.

Sleep Talk is also helpful in that it negates Roar's negative priority and sometimes allows Gyarados to Roar before the opponent has a chance to attack. Philip's Team of Torment is an excellent team designed around doing just that. Forretress is used to set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes, while the rest of the team forces switches. Both Latias and Gyarados can be dangerous sweepers on their own, so when the opponent continuously switches out, it makes their job even easier.

It's harder to abuse Toxic Spikes in the same way you abuse Stealth Rock and Spikes, so a different approach is needed. I'm sure almost everybody reading this has at some point been swept by this set. When using it, you simply Calm Mind on the initial switch, and if Jirachi can beat the opposing Pokemon, just set up with more Calm Minds and Wish when appropriate.

WIth no offensive investment, this set won't be doing much when up against the likes of Blissey. Toxic Spikes are the perfect remedy for a Blissey walling this set.