One piece how old is boa hancock
While there are some personal similarities between Luffy and Boa, the story of One Piece subtly established the idea that he and Nami are just meant to be.
Early in the series, Luffy and Nami happened to lock eyes after getting caught up in a pirate raid. Since then, the series has provided plenty of screen time of the two being together, at least, in comparison to the other Straw Hats. This included everything from Akira Toriyama's hunt for a MacGuffin to the spirited and gluttonous main character.
Another similarity that the two series could share could be having its main characters marry a warrior princess of a strange land. Small age gaps are negligible when it comes to shipping, but it's a little steeper when it comes to shipping Luffy and Boa. Boa Hancock is 31 in the story, twelve years older than Luffy's On the other hand, Nami is just It's difficult to gauge romances in anime by just using age difference, but Nami is closer to Luffy's age group and that is certainly a relevant point to consider in terms of their compatibility.
While Nami may be a comrade on Luffy's ship, Boa Hancock is a colleague of his as a pirate captain. To an extent, that means that these two do share some ambition and history as leaders. From an aesthetic point of view, this shows some kinship that Nami can only be a stranger unless she starts her crew after the series.
If there was going to be a grand pirate empire in the future, it could be lead by these two experienced captains. Nami has known Luffy longer, something Boa can't compete with. To be fair, Boa Hancock was close to Luffy over the time-skip, which is longer than Luffy's adventure with the Straw Hats.
However, much of that time had his training in isolation. Meanwhile, Luffy has known Nami longer than most people in the crew. Additionally, Nami was one of the first people that he ever got to see after he first left his hometown. This means that these two shared plenty of adventures and tears, developing a deep relationship that would be hard for Boa Hancock to keep up with.
While there is a level of chemistry between Luffy and Nami, it leaned more towards friendship than it does romance. Neither Luffy nor Nami made any romantic overtures to each other in the manga or anime filler so far. Meanwhile, Boa Hancock is head over heels for Luffy and makes no qualms about it. She even worries about falling under Love Sickness, an ailment she believed led to the death of the other Empresses.
One of the downsides of being with Boa is she is too in love with Luffy. This resulted in her forgiving him of every single one of his faults. Nami, meanwhile, never hesitated to let Luffy know when he's acting like an idiot. Nami isn't above strangling him for his idiocy. Though this is extreme, it is often necessary when Luffy's thick-headedness is considered. Luffy would benefit from having someone willing to help keep his impulses in check, even if he'd prefer a carefree life.
When Boa found out about Luffy's history and namely his heritage, she didn't bat an eyelash, believing fully in the man she knew.
She did not even mind that he was the offspring of the world's worst criminal, Monkey D. The actions of his father didn't reflect on Luffy, nor did they wipe away all of the good Luffy had done. For someone like Boa, who is prone to harboring grudges, particularly against men, her wiping the slate clean for Luffy is a big deal.
There's something to be said in having the utmost faith in someone. While Boa has trust in Luffy as well, Nami's is on a different level. Boa is capable of handling herself in a fight, while Nami often has to believe in Luffy's skill to keep her safe. That sort of trust does not come easily, especially with how often Nami scolds Luffy. She also especially hates the World Government , in particular the World Nobles.
Over the years, despite Elder Nyon's love and mercy, Hancock became cold, burying any warm feelings, kindness, and sensitivity deep within her, and although she would later become the Empress of the Kuja , she was selfish and uncaring towards her people.
When Hancock was eighteen, she became the empress of the Kuja and quickly gained a notorious reputation despite her young age, catching the attention of the Marines and even the World Government, who were frightened of her potential, as she had earned a large bounty after only one campaign. Hancock later opted to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea in order to protect her fellow Kuja, by forming a treaty to protect their homeland from the government, preventing them from entering there.
Hancock's first appearance is three to four days after Bartholomew Kuma had sent Monkey D. Luffy flying to her island not to her knowledge. After sailing with her all-female crew, they met a Marine ship led by Vice Admiral Momonga , who told Hancock that the Seven Warlords were being summoned to prepare for the upcoming war against the Whitebeard Pirates due to the execution of Portgas D.
Ace a week from then. However, Hancock refused, stating that she would not obey the World Government, even though she fancied her Warlord position. When Momonga threatened to revoke Hancock's position if she did not comply with the summoning, she came up with a make-believe story. The Marine crew turned into stone mysteriously. She also demanded all the treasure on Momonga's ship which the Marine rookies happily and absent-mindlessly complied to , and justified her selfish actions by claiming herself to be "beautiful", which everyone present excluding Momonga vehemently agreed with.
Then, she performed a special move that mysteriously turned the Marines to stone, except for Momonga, who had stabbed his own hand to avoid the effects of her attack. As her crew sailed away, Momonga called that he would wait for two days, and if she did not follow him, the treaty with the Kuja would be null and void. She arrogantly told him to "Do as he pleased". Upon returning to Amazon Lily, Hancock was greeted with pleasantries though concerned that the warriors were not around, due to them chasing after a "monkey.
When deciding to take a bath in privacy, she unexpectedly encountered Luffy, who fell down into her bath while looking for the person in charge, wanting to borrow a boat. He managed to see the symbol on her back and commented that it looked familiar. The beam did not have any effect on him even though he saw her naked.
Luffy attempted to run away, but ended up captured and thrown in the battle arena. In the combat arena, Hancock showed no mercy to Luffy or anyone who tried to defend him, turning Marguerite , Sweet Pea , and Aphelandra to stone for attempting to defend him after they admitted to bringing him to their country.
At first, she attempted to have Bacura execute Luffy, but predictably, he knocked it out with a single punch.
Soon afterwards, she realized that Luffy was not attracted to her in any way, and was in fact disgusted by her behavior, nearly causing her to collapse. Out of desperation, she sent her younger sisters to attack him in the arena, ordering them to bring back his head. Luffy stopped holding back and entered Gear Second , and effortlessly defeated the sisters' strongest attack. After Luffy defeated Hancock's younger sisters and when Sandersonia's back was about to be revealed to the audience, Luffy sympathetically covered her back as he stated he realized that the sisters would rather die than let the symbol be revealed.
In response, Hancock ordered everyone to evacuate the stadium immediately. The Snake Princess was then seen crying silently to herself. After the other Kuja evacuate the arena, Hancock decides to test Luffy. She offers Luffy the choice between the restoration of the three women or a boat home to safety. However, Hancock and her two sisters are shocked to find Luffy, without a moment's hesitation, down on his knees with gratitude upon hearing that the three women can be recovered.
Hancock had been expecting Luffy to be selfish and immoral like all the other men that she had encountered. Hancock ill with Love Sickness. She later showed Luffy the symbol on her back, and told him of her painful past. After many years, Hancock revealed the side of her that had been buried until then, crying from the painful experiences.
She then asked if Luffy scorned her because of her past, though he said the only ones he hates are the World Nobles. Hancock smiles, saying she liked Luffy, and offered him use of her ship. After Luffy learned that his brother Ace was to be executed in a week, he went to ask Hancock a favor to learn that she had suddenly taken ill.
Elder Nyon diagnosed the disease as fatal, but revealed that Hancock has love sickness : Hancock had fallen in love with Luffy.
She happily agreed to answer the World Government's summons so that Luffy could sneak aboard a Marine vessel in order to get to Impel Down and save Ace from execution something that shocked even her. Wearing a large robe around her body with Luffy clinging to her back, Hancock leaves the Kuja to board Momonga's ship, agreeing to the government's summons but ordering the vice admiral to go to Impel Down while reviving the men of his crew with her Devil Fruit power.
On the warship, Hancock hid Luffy in her room, while punishing and ordering Marines around, with demands like ordering kg meals five times a day to feed Luffy and petrifying anyone who dared to peep on her. She also daydreamed about hand-feeding Luffy, even embarrassing herself by taking responsibility for Luffy's food related outbursts. After four and a half days of sailing, Hancock and Luffy arrive at Impel Down.
Because the Marines consider the Seven Warlords to still be pirates, Hancock would have to wear Seastone handcuffs and be subject to a full-body search. Although this puts Luffy's objective in danger, he merely tells Hancock he will think of something and that she should press on. When Hancock is allowed to enter, she is told by the "Vice-Chief of the Great Impel Down" Hannyabal and Domino how the prisoners get treated when they arrive.
During the full-body check, she uses her charm and successfully petrified Domino, along with the vigilant snail. Luffy immediately comes out of her robe.
Hancock shows her concern towards Luffy and nearly fainted when he finally says her name, "Hancock". She is then sent to Ace's prison while praying for Luffy's fortune. Afterwards, when Luffy decides to say thank you by using lip sync, Hancock mistook it as "I love you" and fainted.
Hancock tells Ace that his brother is coming to rescue him. Thanks to the antics of Luffy and Buggy The Clown , the prison guards report to him that there is an emergency situation. Hancock decides to buy more time for Luffy by using her charms to insist on having them taken to the level he is kept in, and an enamored Magellan complies. Upon reaching Level 6, she visits Ace and Jinbe 's cell. Many of the prisoners ogle her, as she tells Ace and Jinbe that she is joining the fight against Whitebeard , but cryptically tells Ace that his brother is coming to rescue him before leaving for Mary Geoise.
In the anime, it showed her sitting in a guest room with the other Warlords at Marineford during the assembling of troops worrying over Luffy's safety. When the broadcasted execution of Ace started, she was shown alongside Kuma, Donquixote Doflamingo , Gecko Moria , and Dracule Mihawk , ready for the battle ahead.
When Oars Jr. Hancock, far from being unaware of the battle, annihilates the group attempting to attack her and then indiscriminately attacks everyone around her, pirates and Marines alike.
When an angered Marine questions her as to whether she is friend or foe, Hancock reasons that she only agreed to fight Whitebeard, not ally herself with the Marines. She then claims that, in front of her, every man except Luffy is an enemy.
When Commodore Smoker pins Luffy to the ground with his Seastone jutte , Hancock intervenes and violently kicks Smoker aside, claiming she has never been so angry in her life and threatened to chop him up and feed him to beasts. Luffy hugs her in gratitude, making Hancock collapse from joy, believing that the hug was a marriage proposal on his part.
Luffy then runs off towards Ace again, leaving the Marines watching to presume Luffy defeated her using a sumo move. Before Smoker can follow after Luffy, Hancock intercepts him again, easily breaking his jutte in half, and prevents him from giving chase before casting aside Smoker's warning of what her actions could mean for her people.
Her battle with Smoker seems to end unceremoniously, when he and Tashigi depart in order to make room for the deployment of the Pacifistas , while Hancock remarks that Luffy needs to hurry and save Ace.
When Whitebeard causes the island and sea to tilt, Hancock wonders if Luffy is alright. She is then seen blushing in astonishment as Luffy is sent soaring over the siege wall and lands in front of the three admirals. She had been seen standing with her fellow Warlords of the Sea only moments before. She screams in anger at Aokiji when he stabs Luffy with an ice blade, but before she can interfere, Marco knocks Aokiji back.
She is next seen blocking a group of Pacifista, who stand down because she is an ally, to prevent them from firing lasers at Luffy in order to buy him time to make it to the execution platform. Even after Luffy successfully moves ahead, she goes so far as to destroy a Pacifista's head with a slap. Sentomaru confronts her afterward, wondering why she is demolishing Pacifistas left and right despite being a Warlord. Her only response is to say that "love always comes in a hurricane", which leaves Sentomaru perplexed.
She is next seen urging Luffy and Ace to hurry up and escape. When Whitebeard splits Marineford in half, so that his forces can escape safely while he remains to settle matters with the Marines, Hancock is seen telling Salome, her Snake Weapon, how she is worried for Luffy.
As the war ends and Trafalgar Law carries Luffy away in his submarine , it is shown that Hancock has commandeered a Marine ship, having them take her to Luffy while commanding that they report to the Marines that she is chasing after him to take his head.
Although the Marines do not know what direction to go in, she commands that they just keep going after Luffy. Having tracked Law's submarine through Salome, Hancock turns the Marines on her ship to stone and inquires about Luffy's condition, while scolding Bepo and calling him a "beast" for trying to change the subject about how she located them. Law informs her that Luffy's life is preserved for the moment, but that he is in critical condition, which worries Hancock.
At that moment, the Impel Down prisoners, led by Emporio Ivankov , emerge from the Marine ship that Hancock had hijacked, having hid themselves on board earlier, and Hancock determines that they are on Luffy's side. When Ivankov claims that the ordeals that Luffy has gone through would crush anyone's mind twice, Hancock laments that she should have been hurt in Luffy's place, her worry for Luffy inciting envy from several Heart Pirates.
When Luffy finally awoke two weeks later, Hancock showed great pleasure at hearing this and desired to see him immediately. However, Elder Nyon claimed that it would be bad for her to go meet him on her own, as they already have enough man troubles with Law as is. Hancock's sisters also tell her that she needs to eat something, as she has hardly eaten anything since she had arrived home. Hancock ignores their requests and demands that a mountain of food be prepared for Luffy, while she lovingly states that she will watch over all of the cooking personally.
Nyon scolds Hancock though, telling her that she can see Luffy once he has recovered. After Luffy resolved to go back to the Sabaody Archipelago to reunite with his crew, Hancock, her family, and her servants went down to the beach with the food to see Luffy. On the way to the beach, Nyon was explaining to her that the hug she received from Luffy at Marineford did not indicate a marriage.
Hancock then asks Nyon what she would have to do to have a proper marriage ceremony. When she arrived at the beach, Hancock showed great joy in seeing Luffy. When Jinbe saw the food, Hancock glared at him, saying that the food was meant for Luffy, but then she decided to allow him to have just a little.
While her sisters were shocked to see Rayleigh there, Hancock remained single-minded about Luffy, only moments later realizing that Rayleigh was there. Hancock orders her crew to watch over the resting Luffy before collapsing from her heart pounding too much.
Hancock angry with Rayleigh telling her she can not see Luffy during his training. She said she would bring food for Luffy every day from Amazon Lily.
When Luffy thanked her, she said that was the tenth time that Luffy had called her by her name and asked Nyon if that meant they were engaged. Nyon replied no, and then asked why Hancock kept moving farther and farther away from Luffy. When Rayleigh told her that no women would be allowed on the island during Luffy's training, she was furious, but calmed down when Rayleigh told her that it was all for Luffy's own good.
She then asked Rayleigh if she should be worried about Luffy since the island is dangerous. Rayleigh replied that it would not be training without danger, and that if she is worried about Luffy, the best thing to do would be to pray for him. The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story. After some time passed while Luffy was in training, Hancock decided to send her crew to deliver some food and clothes to Luffy, thinking he would like it.
Nyon scolded her for her decisions, reminding her she promised Rayleigh she would not interfere with his training. She went on saying that men do not like meddelsome women like her and that she was a Warlord and should not be so obsessed over a man. Hancock interrupted her with a kick to the head, stating she knew that and was why she was sending her crew to do it for her.
Just then, a messenger bat arrived and Nyon read the letter revealing the World Government was calling all the Warlords together for an emergency. However, Hancock was more focused on Luffy than anything else. She later tore up the letter. At night, Hancock's sisters delivered the food for Luffy and Sandersonia informed her sister of Luffy's condition and Hancock was estatic to hear Luffy loved it leaving Nyon to mention Hancock would have had a heart attack if she met Luffy in person again.
Just then, a pirate named Byrnndi World showed up and demanded Hancock's location from her sisters. He then defeated the Kuja Pirates and Luffy as Hancock listened to what was happening. As she tried to figure out what happened, Nyon informed her of what the letter mentioned as World was on it, leaving Hancock shocked.
World challenged her, stating he took her sisters hostage and would leave a Vivre Card if she wanted them back. Hancock made her way to Rusukaina and reunited with Rayleigh and Luffy as they discussed what just happened. Hancock naturally wanted to go save her sisters and Luffy decided to tag along despite objections from Rayleigh since he was still in the middle of training. He eventually agreed though only after Luffy promised not to make too much of a scene to keep himself hidden from the Marines.
As they sailed off, Nyon revealed some backstory on Byrnndi. The Kuja Pirates eventually reached their ship which was revealed to be a massive island base submarine. World used his powers to send large cannonballs to Hancock's ship. Luffy blocked them but fell into the water.
Hancock tried to jump in but Nyon stopped her and sent Salome instead. Nyon reminded her she was also a fruit user and she would drown if she tried to swim. Hancock then went to land and furiously attacked World's crew for what they did to her sisters and Luffy.
After Luffy was saved by Salome, the two faced off against Sebastian, who revealed his blindness, which made him immune to Hancock's powers. The duo defeated him with little difficulty as they ran off to which Hancock called Luffy "honey" along the way. They were found by Perona , who used her powers to stop Sebastian as Luffy tried to remember where he saw her. Once they made their way inside, Hancock asked Luffy who Perona was and when Luffy could not remember, Hancock thought he was lying and wondered if this was what they call "cheating".
They eventually ran off into a room and Hancock was separated from Luffy by World. Though hesitant to leave him, she did so after he said he would fight World and she could save her sisters. This left the Pirate Empress swooned by Luffy saving her and ashamed for thinking he was cheating on her. She made her way to a room where she met Nightin. Despite her mockery of Hancock being a Warlord, Nightin was able to counter Hancock's powers with medical herbs, which made her immune to her powers.
She then proceeded to destroy some of Hancock's clothing and made a drink to make herself as young as Hancock. The two fought with Hancock having little difficulty against Nightin as Hancock was able to easily dodge her moves and continue to temp her into her charms. Nightin did fall for them as Hancock defeated her by turning her to stone.
Hancock soon arrived in the room where Luffy told her to get her sisters off the ship while he dealt with Byrnndi. She did so with an order of her own for Luffy to survive.
After World's defeat, Hancock anxiously waited for Luffy's return. After the ship exploded, Hancock screamed Luffy's name as she worried for him. Luckily, Luffy survived by flying in the air as Hancock was happy to see he was alright and then rushed over and hugged him happily, leaving her sisters, Salome, and Nyon shocked at her action. Hancock then realized what she did and soon backed off blushing heavily, but Luffy and Hancock just smiled.
Hancock and her sisters greeted Luffy after his two years of training were complete and prepared to take him back to Sabaody Archipelago. When Luffy regretted not eating the animals on Rusukaina Island, Hancock said that she had all of Luffy's favorite foods on the ship. When Hancock brought up the idea of becoming Luffy's wife, Luffy bluntly declined, but she appeared undeterred by his rejection. She was later seen on her ship near the Sabaody Archipelago, giving Luffy a large amount of supplies with enough supplies to last him years in some cases.
She also helped in disguising him by giving him her coat and a fake mustache. When Luffy was departing, she asked Luffy not to say good bye. Luffy responded by saying that he never does and he hopes to see her and everyone again. Hancock mistook Luffy's words as a marriage proposal.
Hancock concealed her aid to Luffy by claiming to be angry that the Marine battleship crossed her path. Hancock also winked at Luffy while giving him the opportunity to set sail. She was next seen stalling the Marines, mesmerizing them with her beauty.
After the events at Dressrosa , Hancock hung a gigantic version of Luffy's bounty photo on her castle wall. Hancock received an invitation to the Pirates Festival , and on her way there, she stopped by an island with Sandersonia, Marigold, and Nyon to take a bath.
To her shock, Luffy emerged in her bath from a spout and they reunited. The bounty hunter Ginger and his subordinates from the Cidre Guild then came in to kill her and Luffy, and the duo fought the bounty hunters alongside Sandersonia and Marigold.
However, Ginger released carbon dioxide gas into the air, forcing Hancock and Luffy to escape. Hancock and Luffy went toward the Cidre Guild's factory, where they were confronted by Cidre. Cidre, Ginger, and Guarana then retreated toward the factory, and Hancock battled Ginger and Guarana while they stood guard. The duo attacked Hancock with concentrated blasts of carbonated water, but she avoided them and landed attacks on the bounty hunters, turning them to stone.
After Luffy defeated Cidre, he bid Hancock farewell, revealing he would see her soon as he had acquired an invitation to the Pirates Festival. Boa Hancock arrived at the Pirates Festival with her crew as reinforcement for the Marines, though she quickly left to look for Luffy. Later, after Douglas Bullet used his ability to entrap the island and create a massive colossus, Hancock was still looking for Luffy, until she found something red under a pile of rubble. Believing it to be Luffy she pulled it out, only to find it was Buggy 's nose, whom she angrily kicked.
Soon after, Sabo , Smoker and finally Trafalgar Law , appeared before her, the latter proposing an alliance to take down, Bullet, though Hancock was originally uninterested. Luffy then appeared and attacked Bullet but was knocked down before the group. After Law proposed a plan, Luffy instantly agreed, which prompts Hancock to go along with them.
Luffy then used Gear Fourth and attacked the colossus again, but was again knocked down, causing Hancock to be enraged enough to kick the colossus in the torso, which gave the group assisted by Crocodile an opportunity to destroy the right arm. Seeing as that it wasn't enough to take down Bullet, the group performed a combo attack which destroyed most of the torso, though they were all knocked back right after.
However, this gave Luffy the opportunity to deliver the finishing blow and defeat Bullet once and for all. She then rushed to Luffy after he deflated, who had managed obtain Gol D. Roger 's treasure, which she identified to him as an Eternal Pose to Laugh Tale. After noticing he was coming under attack from Crocodile and Rob Lucci , Luffy destroyed it, stating that he didn't need it, causing Hancock to swoon.
Hancock and Luffy were then teleported to the coast by Law, where they attempted to flee. Hancock went with the Kuja's, who followed the Worst Generation as they made their escape, with the assistance of Sabo and Ann who used their abilities to create a path of flame on the water.
In the ending credits she is seen waving goodbye to Luffy atop a Yuda, which caused her siblings to be worried. After the Seven Warlords system was abolished, Hancock was seen in Amazon Lily , telling her subjects not to worry about the incoming Marine fleet, as she reminded them that the reason the Warlord position had been offered in the first place was because of how strong they were.
While her size is centimeters in the manga, [4] Hancock appears to be much taller in the anime as seen in Impel Down when she and Luffy part ways. In the anime, after Hancock returns to Momonga's ship to join the war against Whitebeard, she takes the blame for Luffy's stomach growling. When he accidentally groped her while climbing higher up on her body while under her cloak and causing her to blush, she let Momonga pass it off as a fever.
When Luffy accidentally sneezed, due to Hancock's long hair brushing against his nose, Hancock once again took the fall by saying that the night air wasn't good for her body, and despite Momonga suspecting the sneeze sounding like that of a man, she managed to bluff her way out by offering a full-body search, to which Momonga passed. Luffy in one of Hancock's daydreams. The anime also elaborates on her daydreams, such as Hancock imagining herself and Luffy kissing.
She also has a tendency to imagine Luffy as a bishounen when she daydreams. She also seems to have taken on Nami and Robin as rivals in love when she learns that they are in Luffy's crew , despite the fact that she had not even met them yet but seems to know what they look like as shown in her imagination.
She becomes jealous simply thinking about the fact that he has women in his crew, going so far as to daydream about Luffy choosing them over her.
Of course, this makes her vow that she refuses to lose to them. There are also daydream sequences added in the Marineford Arc. After Luffy hugs her at Marineford, Hancock visualizes Luffy and herself at a wedding ceremony with the Kuja tribe as the guests. Then she imagined Luffy and herself on a honeymoon where she was preparing meals for Luffy.
Her visit to Impel Down was also further elaborated, silently telling Ace that Luffy was also in Impel Down trying to save him, in a tone that apparently only Ace could hear Jinbe had to be told about it later. All of these are technically not differences but additions; they all follow actions believable to her character. The main purpose of this was to lengthen the time shown with Hancock and Luffy on the Marine ship, before going into the Impel Down arc.
This was done to show the "Friends' Whereabouts" filler over four episodes rather than over one and a half chapters in order to slow down the anime plotline so that it did not catchup to the manga. There had not been enough time in the plotline to insert any fillers since before the Sabaody Archipelago Arc , as the anime plotline was progressing ahead quite quickly.
During the pinnacle of the war, she stopped bazooka-wielding soldiers from targeting Luffy, under the claim that they would hit Garp as well, in which she added that he would be her grandfather-in-law when she and Luffy marry.
How she knew of this heritage is unknown, as the world did not receive this knowledge until after the war, and there was no indication that she got word of this beforehand in either the manga or the anime. In the English manga serialization in the American Shonen Jump magazine, Hancock is edited to wear a shirt with her blouse in order to hide her cleavage.
However, this is only for the magazine serialization. As a prominent character, there is fan merchandise made of her. Hancock has also been released in the P. One Piece Wiki Explore.
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This here is the 62nd Featured Article. A close up of Hancock's face. Hancock's second outfit during the Amazon Lily Arc. Hancock's outfit during the Impel Down Arc. Hancock's outfit during the Summit War of Marineford. Hancock's outfit during her farewell to Luffy on Rusukaina. Hancock as she appears during one of Ivankov 's explanations. Hancock's Wanted Poster, as depicted in the anime in Episode Hancock's portrait in One Piece: Gigant Battle! Hancock as she appears in One Piece: Pirate Warriors and its sequels.
Hancock in One Py Berry Match. Hancock's as she appears in One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3. Hancock in One Piece: Burning Will. Hancock in One Piece Thousand Storm.
Hancock in Jumputi Heroes. Hancock in Jump Force. Hancock in One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4. Hancock's concept art from the anime Impel Down. Hancock and Salome's concept art from the anime Marineford. Hancock in the Digitally Colored Manga. Hancock's portrait in One day. Hancock's attire from One Piece Log Collection. Hancock on the cover of the disc One Piece Nippon Judan! Hancock if she had the Goro Goro no Mi. Hancock in One Piece Everyday. Hancock's early design from Color Walk 2. Universal Conquest Wiki.
Whether I kick a kitten Tear off your ears Even slaughter innocent people The world will never cease to forgive my actions! Why, you ask? That's right, it is because I am To me All men are alike All but him.
Pirates :. Islanders :. Allies and Affiliates :. Locations :. Ship :. Perfume Yuda. Abilities Devil Fruit Based :. Weapon Based :. Snake Weapon. Fighting Style Based :. Related Articles Story Arc s :. Cover Stories :. Specials :. Movies :. One Piece: Stampede. Other :. Marshall D. Non-Canon :. Patrick Redfield. Busoshoku Haki Canon :. Monkey D. Haoshoku Haki Canon :. Related Groups :. Affiliated Organizations :. Ship s :. Abilities Devil Fruits :.
Fighting Styles :. Weapons :. Related Articles Locations :. Story Arcs :. Events :. Candidates :. Portgas D. Others :.