Poker should i fold
Once the flop comes down you will be out of position without initiative and unable to easily apply pressure to your opponent. It takes a ton of skill to be able to profit from flat-calling in the blinds with a wide range. You need to understand your opponent and have some sort of post-flop plan before you click that call button.
For most players, you are much better off sticking to a 3-bet or fold mentality when seated in the blinds. This is especially true in the small blind. Sorry, I know this one seems obvious. But I still see this constantly happening on my tables even today.
As a result, they consistently fall victim to reverse implied odds. Think paired boards. Before deciding whether to call a raise with your draw, you need to check to see if any of your outs are dirty.
In other words, how many of the potential out cards might make your opponent a better hand. For example, you hold an open-ended straight draw on a two-tone flop. Normally, you would have 8 outs. However, in this case, 2 of the outs will complete a flush and potentially complete a better draw for your opponents.
This is because the player or players behind you can put in another raise and force you to fold away your investment in the pot. A good rule of thumb is to consider at your opponent who has yet to act behind you. If they are passive or a bad player, then you should tend to make the implied odds call. If they are a reg especially an aggressive one then just err on the side of folding without an enormously good price. The main theme here is that when figuring out your odds and implied odds make sure you are not overplaying your equity.
Often, you may find that your situation is not as good as it appears to be at first glance and maybe you should just fold. Just keep in mind that your implied odds will also generally be through the roof versus these players so you can fudge your requirements with draws against them.
This is especially true with draws that would be really well-disguised were you to complete it. Moral of the story: Made hands go down in value while draws go up in value in situations where you are up against a strong range.
For example, take a T32 rainbow board. Which hands should you continue with against an ultra-tight opponent? Of course, you will want to not fold your very strongest hands like 22, 33, and TT. It looks like you are crushed with just about every hand in your range. In fact, only AA is profitable to continue with in this spot. It is likely that a really tight player will always 3-bet at least KK and AA. In this case, having nothing but an inside straight draw actually gives you more equity than your non-nut made hands versus a tight player.
However, if you actually make your hand on the turn or river it will be very disguised. Therefore, due to implied odds, you should always call a normal-sized raise with this part of your range. Moral of the story: If you have less than 2-pair on the flop or hold a high implied odds hand, you should just fold versus the raise of an ultra-tight player.
The original raiser gets out of the way, and action is back on you. What should you do? The answer is simple — fold! All signs point to this player having a monster hand, such as a bigger overpair. However, knowing your odds can go a long way in determining when you should play and when you should fold. The big blind checks and you continue for 4, Your opponent then check-raises all-in for 40,, which constitutes half your stack.
Sets and two pairs make sense, as do straight and flush draws. Do you know how many outs you have against say a set of sixes? Given you know five cards for sure the flop and your two hole cards , that leaves 47 unknown cards. Of those 14 will help you, so what are the odds of making your hand?
You can find the answer by dividing your number of outs by the number of unknown cards. If your chances of getting there are high, then you should be less inclined to fold. Top Menu. How to play. Being able to fold when behind is what sets apart the great poker players from everyone else. It's really easy to play the best hand. The difference between how much the best and worst players in the world make with the nuts is almost negligible.
The real difference between the best players and everyone else is their ability to lose the least - by knowing when to fold losing hands. Regardless of how long waited for a decent starting hand, you have to muck it as soon as you know you're beat. The players on the table are aggressive and somewhat loose, but there are no real aggro donkeys to be found.
You've been absolutely card dead for the last 30 minutes without being dealt a single hand worth playing until:. Unless you skipped the title and introduction to this article, you know the correct answer to this question is fold. In fact, it's a very easy fold to make. But it's a common scenario for beginners to lose their stack in.
Raising under the gun at a six-max table implies that he actually has a decent hand. At this point, without any more information, we can put him on a range that includes all pocket pairs, all suited aces, all suited connectors and face cards.
You're ahead of a lot of that range with jacks, so you re-raise. Again, some would say it's slightly large, but it's totally reasonable. Now the button moves all in. This move should scare you, as he's pushing after a raise and a re-raise. He's saying he has a huge hand, and "by the book" play would dictate this player has AA or KK here. But we have to take into account that we're playing six-max and he might be making a squeeze play.
Although it's very possible he has AA or KK, it's also possible he's on a pure bluff, trying to squeeze for the pot. Either way, for you to call and be ahead, the button has to be making a play and UTG has to be assuming that and calling with a hand less than JJ. On top of that, think about the equity that Greg leaves on the table.
Takeaway: In order to fold less often, you need to defend with hands you would have otherwise folded in the past. Bluff players who refuse to defend properly. And if you hold an Ace or King blocker in your hand like A4 or K9 , Brian folds even just a bit more often…. Most players fold WAY too often facing preflop 3bets. Think about it. Say Adrian calls a little wide preflop.
In order for Adrian to continue at a closer-to-correct number, he would need to add some extra hands to his continuance range. But again, these are all hands Adrian is folding on the turn — hands that could easily be ahead, or at least have equity the times they are behind. Adrian simply never forces Bryce to fire the third barrel with a bluff, or to show up with a better hand than JT at showdown.
Those are only 3 spots, but there are tons more like it. Force your opponent to either fire the next shell which happens less often than most players assume or show up with the winner at showdown — all while actualizing your complete equity far more often.
OK, that was a lot to write down. But if you fully digest it, it will change your entire outlook on the game and prepare you for playing against more aggressive players as you move up.
Also, be sure to look for players who are almost certainly not folding correctly. Bluff a ton when players give up too often either in most spots, or just on specific textures , and bluff rarely when your opponent never folds and continues with too much trash.
Over your next few sessions I want you to ask yourself two questions in every hand that you play:. Contact me if you need any help improving your poker game! Folding Correctly In Poker. But the honest truth is that poker players fall into two main categories: Players that fold far too often Players that fold far too rarely There is a third type of player though.