Son of neptune who is sammy
Sydeli wrote: "I thought Leo was Sammy. Sep 13, PM. I bet you, that Sammy could have gone to Elysium, but then decided to be reborn into a new life, and ended up as Leo!
True, true. Well, we'll have to wait 18 days to find out The anticipation is killing me!! I'm sure there will be some awesome twist but that's all I got for now. Sep 16, PM. Time needs to speed up!! And I personally think that Leo in a descendant of Sammy. I personally don't think that Leo is Sammy, I just think he is a descendant of Sammy. I mean really people, having Leo as Sammy would be really weird since Hazel is starting to form feelings for Frank and that, I think, would sort of turn it into a love triangle that so far has been thankfully absent from Rick Riordan's books.
And Blackopshippo, I think it is highly unlikely that Leo is the reborn Sammy. But we just have to wait and see! Funny story: When I was trying to picture Sammy after reading his description, I realized that he looks similar to Leo. So I pictured them pretty much exactly the same. I think the point was Hazel looked at Leo and thought "Sammy". As in the resemblance was striking. That doesn't mean it is Sammy reincarnated.
Rick Riordan bends the physics rules a lot, but he wouldn't go that far. It's like at Wal-Mart when you see someone and think its your friend beause they look similar. Upon further investigation, you realize it's just a hobo looking for a box to sleep in. But I totally agree that they could be related.
Nah I think he's just a desendent. Lena wrote: "How do you know? Obviously I don't think it's just a coincidence, but what I'm Um isn't it obvious??????? This is a pretty far fetched theory. Sammy would have been about 60 years old when Leo was born, so he was old enough to be a grandfather. It also explains the similarities in personalities and looks between him and Leo.
Pros: It would completely make sense that Leo is pretty much Sammy, because he is reborn Sammy. Also, neither Hazel nor Gaea mentioned anything particularly heroic about Sammy. He would go to the Fields of Asphodel when he died, not Elysium.
Pros: Hera, A. It would make it awkward if Leo knew he was back from the dead. When Hephaestus talks to Leo in his dream, he tells him to reuse things. This is all that we thought of, but you probably have more ideas. Please leave comments! I am happy to discuss theories with you. Yeah HoO! Attention to all fanfiction writters!!! This article is listed as guide.
Annabeth was described Blood Of Olympus chapter 1 page 2. Blood Of Olympus chapter 1 page 1. Jack Frost and Leo. Oh, Nico The feels :'. Come out sooner HoH! True though it's a wee-bit too complicated and troublesome: probably Gaea made Leo look like Sammy when she tried to "break his spirit" and how could Leo know what he was supposed to look like otherwise?
Shape-shifting isn't beyond Gaea either I just think that Leo is a grandson, tis all. I think that Rick Riordan would stay away from some of these themes about birth and reincarnation as your own grandson. It's too awkward, and doesn't fit with the tone of the rest of the books, in my opinion. See look So Hazel died. Sammy fell in love with someone else, because Hazel was dead,.
Then Esperanza fell in love with Hephaestus and they had Leo. Think of it this way If Hazel never died, then there would probably have not been a Leo. In a way she sort of created Leo. Maybe Leo is her second chance for missing out on Sammy with her death and all. Do you think Leo is Hazel's second chance with love? Although it's a good idea, no, I don't think that Leo is Hazel's second chance at love, mainly because of Frank.
I don't think that Hazel would go for Leo, since she and Frank like each other. That is what it said in the book, right? Nov 08, PM. Yeah, Hazel and Frank like each other but she still remembers Sammy and is shocked when they watch the video message from Leo. Nov 20, PM. Nov 21, PM. Nov 22, AM. Nov 24, PM. Jk it's okay. But I'm not going to change my mind.
Jan 07, PM. Well i doubt Leo is a reincarnation as death only got chained recently so he couldn't have came back from the dead, i do believe as everyone's mentioned he's the grandson of Sammy however i'm not sure maybe Sammy was a descendant of Hephaestus which is why he got a long with Hazel both being demigods. Add a reference: Book Author.
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