Why colors absorb heat

2022.01.07 19:19

The more light a color absorbs, the more thermal energy it produces. Black fabric absorbs all colors of light and is therefore warmer than white fabric which reflects all colors. I predict that the colors of the spectrum appearing the darkest and most like black violet, indigo, and forest green will produce the most thermal energy. The other colors red, orange, and yellow , will produce the least thermal energy because they appear lighter or more like white.

Materials 1. A halogen bulb is a good choice because it has a high light intensity and its light spectrum is very similar to sunlight. Tape the thermometer in the center of the cardboard. Turn the lamp on. Wait 30 minutes, then record the temperature under the cloth. Turn the light off and take the cloth off the cardboard. Repeat steps 3 through 8 using each of the other colors of cloths. Orange, yellow, forest green, indigo, violet. Repeat the experiment at least 6 times and calculate the average temperatures for each color.

Conclusion My hypothesis is correct. The darker colors forest green, indigo, violet produced the most thermal energy after 30 minutes of intense light. The lighter colors red, orange, yellow produced smaller amounts of thermal energy. Interestingly, the temperatures of the fabrics fell in to two groups instead of increasing as the colors got closer to violet. The difference between the temperatures of the red, orange, and yellow fabric was minimal, only 10ths of a degree. The same thing was true for violet, indigo, and forest green fabric.

However, the difference between the temperatures of the two groups was a little more than 3 degrees Fahrenheit. In conclusion, even though violet, indigo, and forest green are generally referred to as "cool" colors, you will be warmer if you wear them! You may not be any warmer if you wear blue instead of green, or green instead of purple.

Bibliography Gardner, Robert. Science Projects About Light. The different kinds have different wavelengths. Ultraviolet light, for example, has a wavelength of meters. Visible colors have a wavelength of about meters, the diameter of a bacteria. If a certain substance reflects most light wavelengths, most heat energy will be reflected as well. Therefore, due to the nature of visual light, colors that reflect most wavelengths of light tend to be cooler than those that only reflect a few.

Understanding how this principle applies to different colors can allow a person to stay warmer or cooler simply by wearing different colored clothes. Dark colors, especially black, absorb more heat since they'll absorb more light from the environment. If you're trying to stay cool, wear light colors, which absorb less heat. Dark colors absorb a lot more heat than lighter ones because they absorb more light energy. In fact, the closer to black a color is, the more heat it absorbs from light sources.

The key is that colors do not absorb different amounts of heat, only heat from light. Dark and light colored clothes coming out of a dryer will be the same temperature. However, because light clothes reflect more light when a person is outside, the accompanying heat from the sun is reflected as well.

Since dark clothes reflect little solar light, they reflect little solar heat and are hotter as a result. Colors like pink or yellow are often called "bright" because of the high degree of light they reflect back. Visual light is composed of numerous different colored wavelengths which make a white light when combined. Wusup Feb 23, Feb 23, Awesome, Wusup! Feb 1, Awesome, Baby Boss! Glad to hear it! Come Wonder with us again soon!

Oct 16, Jacynda Aug 17, I have a suggestion for another story! I hope you can write something about The Big Bang. I'm happy I could help! Aug 18, Caleb Jul 17, This is cool I've heard about black absorbing heat and I thought this was really cool.

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