Why oncology nursing career

2022.01.07 19:19

They became my family. We celebrated and cried together. Oncology nurses give patients hope and patients give oncology nurses humbleness and gratitude. But is this the only reason why nurses and other medical professionals choose oncology?

What else does oncology have to offer? There is no better time than the present to be in the field of oncology. It is exciting, rewarding, and forever evolving. Log Out. ONS Store. Career Guidance: Advance The oncology nursing profession is always advancing.

Education Earn a certificate in chemotherapy biotherapy. Resources Understand core competencies. Certification Earn an additional certification. Involvement Join ONS communities.

Go to ons. Hello [Name]! Close Menu. Salaries for these nurses typically rank above national averages. Certified pediatric oncology nurses care for children and adolescents who have cancer. They also provide treatment and emotional support for patients and families. Pediatric hematology oncology nurses specialize in treating children with leukemia and other cancers that affect the blood.

They often administer chemotherapy. Breast care nurses support patients during breast cancer treatment and help to educate them on preventing recurrences. Blood and marrow transplant nurses help patients prepare for transplants, administer transplants, monitor progress, and educate patients on their ongoing needs.

Oncology nursing jobs, like nursing jobs in general, pay above the U. The U. With cancer rates projected to increase as the U. Becoming an OCN requires at least two years of experience as an RN, though entry-level oncology nurse jobs do not necessarily require certification. Oncology nurse salaries can vary based on experience, certification, geographic location, specialization, and many other factors.

Are you Made for a nursing career? Learn more about nursing at Northwell Health. Year of the Nurse: Why I became an Oncology nurse. Subscribe to our blogs Stay up to date with stories you want to know more about right to your email inbox.