What happens if you let morinth live

2022.01.07 19:19

If Shepard talks to Morinth on the ship, she claims her partners experienced pleasure far beyond that of a normal melding, and expresses her desire to mate with the Commander, as Shepard is unlike any other person she has had before.

She even suggests that Shepard is too strong-willed to die if the Commander joins with her and proposes that after they complete their mission that they should celebrate by doing so. If they both survive the suicide mission , Shepard can choose to mate with her as promised; however, Morinth's claims prove to be incorrect and Shepard painfully dies during joining.

If Morinth survived the suicide mission, then when Shepard returns to the Normandy after visiting the Council for the first time after leaving Earth , Morinth will send the following e-mail:.

I'd apologize for slipping off the Normandy without saying goodbye, but we both know the Alliance wouldn't take too kindly to my presence there. I probably needed to stretch my legs in a new city, anyway. Since you're back with the Alliance, it's probably best not to tell you which one.

I'm still grateful you took a chance on me. Take care of yourself. I'd hate to hear you were killed before we get the chance to meet up again. Liara's Shadow Broker terminal may also give access to a series of e-mails Morinth sent to her sisters Rila and Falere. According to the terminal, they were deleted unread. If Shepard visits the Ardat-Yakshi Monastery on Lesuss , in one of the computer terminals in the complex it is revealed that Morinth's emails to her sisters were caught in the extranet filters and the incumbent Superintendent Jethra deleted those before Rila and Falere had a chance of reading them.

This fact confirms Morinth's attempts to communicate with the last of her family. Morinth can appear during the assault on Earth as a Banshee , an Ardat-Yakshi that has been re-purposed by the Reapers , after Shepard destroys the Hades Cannon shooting down most of the incoming Hammer forces. In combat Morinth behaves like any other Banshee, without any special properties. Mass Effect Wiki Explore. Mass Effect: Andromeda.

If you are planning to continue onwards to ME3, I recommend Samara over Morinth for some small story elements. Samara will also provide some war assets while Morinth will not show up at all not even in the Citadel DLC and provide nothing outside of that Banshee fight. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Samara vs Morinth, benefits of each choice? Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. Active 4 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 98k times. Are there any other content or gameplay bonuses to choosing one over the other? Improve this question. Community Bot 1. Add a comment. Morinth will attempt to stop Commander Shepard from killing her, saying that she could be an asset to Shepard's squad.

Now, Shepard must decide who of the two Asari to kill and who to keep. Shepard will automatically side with Samara if they were unable to resist Morinth's seduction. But if Shepard was able to resist, the two will initiate a battle, where Shepard can decide. If Shepard helps Samara, Morinth will die.

Of course, this means helping Morinth leads to Samara dying and Morinth will take her place on the Normandy. She looks similar enough to her mother that Morinth will pretend to be Samara and only Shepard will know that she's really Morinth in disguise. Morinth and Samara's abilities differ somewhat.

For example, Morinth has an Ardat-Yakshi skill, but leveling this to rank 4 causes it to change to Samara's Asari Justicar ability.