Which liturgical year is 2017
The Gospel of John is read throughout Easter, and is used for other liturgical seasons including Advent, Christmas, and Lent where appropriate. Not just Christmas Day itself, but a season of continued celebration for several weeks afterward.
The exact length of the Christmas Season varies from year to year. Season of Lent A season of preparation for Easter, Lent has both a penitential and baptismal character. September 30, - Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. September 23, - Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. September 16, - Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
September 9, - Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. September 2, - Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time. August 26, - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. August 19, - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. August 12, - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
August 5, - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. July 29, - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. July 22, - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. July 15, - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. July 8, - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. July 1, - Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
June 24, - The Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Our Lady of Mount Carmel [1]. Saint Camillus de Lellis, priest [4]. Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna [Optional]. Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, priest and doctor [Optional]. Saint Mary Magdalene [Memorial].
Saint Birgitta, religious [Optional]. Saint Sharbel Makhluf, hermit [Optional]. Saint Francis Solanus, Priest [1]. Saints Joachim and Anne [Memorial]. Saint Anne and Joachim, parents of Mary [2]. Saint Martha [Memorial].
Saint Peter Chrysologus, bishop and doctor [Optional]. Saint Ignatius of Loyola, priest [Memorial]. Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop [Optional]. Saint Peter Julian Eymard, priest [Optional]. Saint Jean Vianney, priest [Memorial]. Transfiguration of the Lord [Feast]. Saint Sixtus II, pope, and companions, martyrs [Optional]. Saint Cajetan, priest [Optional]. Saint Dominic, priest [Memorial].
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, virgin and martyr [Optional]. Saint Lawrence, deacon and martyr [Feast]. Saint Clare, virgin [Memorial]. Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, religious [Optional].
Saint Pontian, pope and martyr [Optional]. Saint Hippolytus of Rome, priest and martyr [Optional]. Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest and martyr [Memorial]. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Solemnity]. Saint Stephen of Hungary [Optional]. Saint Rocco, Priest [1]. Saint Alberto Hurtado [3]. Saint John Eudes, priest [Optional].
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, abbot and doctor of the Church [Memorial]. Saint Pius X, pope [Memorial]. Queenship of Blessed Virgin Mary [Memorial]. Saint Rose of Lima, virgin [Optional]. Saint Bartholomew the Apostle [Feast]. Saint Louis [Optional]. Saint Joseph of Calasanz, priest [Optional]. Saint Monica [Memorial]. Saint Augustine of Hippo, bishop and doctor of the Church [Memorial].
Saint Rose of Lima [1] [3]. Saint Gregory the Great, pope and doctor [Memorial]. Blessed Dina Belanger [2]. Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Feast]. Saint Peter Claver, priest [Optional].
Saint Peter Claver, priest [4]. Saint John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor [Memorial]. Triumph of the Holy Cross [Feast]. Our Lady of Sorrows [Memorial]. Saint Cornelius, pope [Memorial]. Saint Cyprian, bishop and martyr [Memorial]. Saint Robert Bellarmine, bishop and doctor [Optional]. Saint Januarius, bishop and martyr [Optional].
Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, priest [Memorial]. Saint Paul Chong Hasang and companions, martyrs [Memorial]. Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, priest [Memorial]. Our Lady of Mercy [1]. Our Lady of Mercy [3]. Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, martyrs [Optional]. Saint Vincent de Paul, priest [Memorial]. Saint Wenceslaus, martyr [Optional]. Saint Lawrence Ruiz and companions, martyrs [Optional].
Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, archangels [Feast]. Saint Jerome, priest and doctor [Memorial]. Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor [Memorial]. Guardian Angels [Memorial].
Saint Francis of Assisi [Memorial]. Saint Bruno, priest [Optional]. Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, virgin [4]. Our Lady of the Rosary [Memorial]. Saint Denis and companions, martyrs [Optional]. Saint John Leonardi, priest [Optional]. Our Lady of the Pillar [1]. Saint Callistus I, pope and martyr [Optional]. Saint Hedwig, religious [Optional]. Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin [Optional].
Saint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr [Memorial]. Saint Luke the Evangelist [Feast]. Saint Isaac Jogues, priest and martyr [Optional]. Saint Paul of the Cross, priest [Optional]. Saint Paul of the Cross, priest [4]. Saint John of Capistrano, priest [Optional]. Saint Anthony Mary Claret, bishop [Optional]. Saint Simon, apostle [Feast]. Saint Jude, apostle [Feast]. All Saints [Solemnity]. All Souls [Solemnity]. Saint Martin de Porres, religious [Optional]. Saint Charles Borromeo, bishop [Memorial].
Mary, Mother and Mediatrix of Grace [1]. Dedication of the Lateran basilica [Feast]. Saint Leo the Great, pope and doctor [Memorial]. Saint Martin of Tours, bishop [Memorial]. Saint Josaphat, bishop and martyr [Memorial]. Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin [4]. Saint Albert the Great, bishop and doctor [Optional]. Saint Margaret of Scotland [Optional].
Saint Gertrude the Great, virgin [Optional]. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, religious [Memorial]. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary [1]. Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin [4].
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Memorial]. Saint Cecilia [Memorial]. Saint Clement I, pope and martyr [Optional]. Saint Columban, religious [Optional].