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Which liturgical year is 2017

2022.01.07 19:22

The Gospel of John is read throughout Easter, and is used for other liturgical seasons including Advent, Christmas, and Lent where appropriate. Not just Christmas Day itself, but a season of continued celebration for several weeks afterward.

The exact length of the Christmas Season varies from year to year. Season of Lent A season of preparation for Easter, Lent has both a penitential and baptismal character. September 30, - Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. September 23, - Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. September 16, - Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

September 9, - Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. September 2, - Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time. August 26, - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. August 19, - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. August 12, - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

August 5, - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. July 29, - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. July 22, - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. July 15, - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. July 8, - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. July 1, - Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

June 24, - The Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Our Lady of Mount Carmel [1]. Saint Camillus de Lellis, priest [4]. Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna [Optional]. Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, priest and doctor [Optional]. Saint Mary Magdalene [Memorial].

Saint Birgitta, religious [Optional]. Saint Sharbel Makhluf, hermit [Optional]. Saint Francis Solanus, Priest [1]. Saints Joachim and Anne [Memorial]. Saint Anne and Joachim, parents of Mary [2]. Saint Martha [Memorial].

Saint Peter Chrysologus, bishop and doctor [Optional]. Saint Ignatius of Loyola, priest [Memorial]. Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop [Optional]. Saint Peter Julian Eymard, priest [Optional]. Saint Jean Vianney, priest [Memorial]. Transfiguration of the Lord [Feast]. Saint Sixtus II, pope, and companions, martyrs [Optional]. Saint Cajetan, priest [Optional]. Saint Dominic, priest [Memorial].

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, virgin and martyr [Optional]. Saint Lawrence, deacon and martyr [Feast]. Saint Clare, virgin [Memorial]. Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, religious [Optional].

Saint Pontian, pope and martyr [Optional]. Saint Hippolytus of Rome, priest and martyr [Optional]. Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest and martyr [Memorial]. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Solemnity]. Saint Stephen of Hungary [Optional]. Saint Rocco, Priest [1]. Saint Alberto Hurtado [3]. Saint John Eudes, priest [Optional].

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, abbot and doctor of the Church [Memorial]. Saint Pius X, pope [Memorial]. Queenship of Blessed Virgin Mary [Memorial]. Saint Rose of Lima, virgin [Optional]. Saint Bartholomew the Apostle [Feast]. Saint Louis [Optional]. Saint Joseph of Calasanz, priest [Optional]. Saint Monica [Memorial]. Saint Augustine of Hippo, bishop and doctor of the Church [Memorial].

Saint Rose of Lima [1] [3]. Saint Gregory the Great, pope and doctor [Memorial]. Blessed Dina Belanger [2]. Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Feast]. Saint Peter Claver, priest [Optional].

Saint Peter Claver, priest [4]. Saint John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor [Memorial]. Triumph of the Holy Cross [Feast]. Our Lady of Sorrows [Memorial]. Saint Cornelius, pope [Memorial]. Saint Cyprian, bishop and martyr [Memorial]. Saint Robert Bellarmine, bishop and doctor [Optional]. Saint Januarius, bishop and martyr [Optional].

Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, priest [Memorial]. Saint Paul Chong Hasang and companions, martyrs [Memorial]. Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, priest [Memorial]. Our Lady of Mercy [1]. Our Lady of Mercy [3]. Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, martyrs [Optional]. Saint Vincent de Paul, priest [Memorial]. Saint Wenceslaus, martyr [Optional]. Saint Lawrence Ruiz and companions, martyrs [Optional].

Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, archangels [Feast]. Saint Jerome, priest and doctor [Memorial]. Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor [Memorial]. Guardian Angels [Memorial].

Saint Francis of Assisi [Memorial]. Saint Bruno, priest [Optional]. Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, virgin [4]. Our Lady of the Rosary [Memorial]. Saint Denis and companions, martyrs [Optional]. Saint John Leonardi, priest [Optional]. Our Lady of the Pillar [1]. Saint Callistus I, pope and martyr [Optional]. Saint Hedwig, religious [Optional]. Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin [Optional].

Saint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr [Memorial]. Saint Luke the Evangelist [Feast]. Saint Isaac Jogues, priest and martyr [Optional]. Saint Paul of the Cross, priest [Optional]. Saint Paul of the Cross, priest [4]. Saint John of Capistrano, priest [Optional]. Saint Anthony Mary Claret, bishop [Optional]. Saint Simon, apostle [Feast]. Saint Jude, apostle [Feast]. All Saints [Solemnity]. All Souls [Solemnity]. Saint Martin de Porres, religious [Optional]. Saint Charles Borromeo, bishop [Memorial].

Mary, Mother and Mediatrix of Grace [1]. Dedication of the Lateran basilica [Feast]. Saint Leo the Great, pope and doctor [Memorial]. Saint Martin of Tours, bishop [Memorial]. Saint Josaphat, bishop and martyr [Memorial]. Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin [4]. Saint Albert the Great, bishop and doctor [Optional]. Saint Margaret of Scotland [Optional].

Saint Gertrude the Great, virgin [Optional]. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, religious [Memorial]. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary [1]. Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin [4].

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Memorial]. Saint Cecilia [Memorial]. Saint Clement I, pope and martyr [Optional]. Saint Columban, religious [Optional].