Why year round school is a bad idea

2022.01.07 19:22

Remediation for students is available during the school year but ends when summer break begins. It is very easy for school students to become exhausted when they are going to school with minimum breaks; the year-round school calendar utilizes breaks to accommodate both students and teachers with their ability to stay on top of things.

Teachers will also receive a year-round salary, which no teacher would argue against. Despite the justification in agreeance with year-round schooling, many students and parents have drawbacks concerning the new system. For high school students, the main concerns are extracurricular activities and jobs. According to Natalie Regoli, most schools do not provide clubs or competitive sports all year; this would hinder meeting times and practice schedules for almost all clubs and sports Regoli. Summer jobs would come to an end as students would have to search for jobs that would adjust to a year-round school schedule.

On the other hand, as a school district adopts the new school schedule, the community will begin to adapt. It will take time for an entire community to make accommodations, but changes will be made for the common good of students and their education.

Many parents have concerns about childcare during the numerous breaks offered in a year-round school calendar McGuire. During summer break, most parents would send their children to summer camps or youth camps; by doing away with summer break, these summer camps will wither away, and parents now have a new dilemma in finding childcare. Nonetheless, this could open doors for new businesses in a community, which could provide childcare during the three-week breaks throughout the year.

Youth camps could still flourish, just in a different time frame than parents are accustomed to. Remedial opportunities are available all year, making remediation more effective for the students who need it. Likewise, teachers benefit from the system; the short breaks offered throughout the year give teachers time to get refreshed, while also giving them a year-round salary. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers.

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Decreases Summer Labor Force The Congressional Research Service discusses how shortened summer breaks limit the number of job opportunities for teens. Interferes With Extracurricular Activities During break periods kids may not have transportation to get to games and practices since they can't simply stay after school.

School Break Slide In the case of YSR's with three standard breaks, teachers will have to treat each new term like the start of the school year. Weighing the Options The type of educational system that works best for each child and family can vary. Statistics on Public School Vs. Back to School Activities for Families. Government Internships for Teenagers.

By Michele Meleen. Examples of Extracurricular Activities for Teens. By Jennifer L. Michigan Youth Summer Camps. By Gabrielle Applebury. By Vijayalaxmi Kinhal. Military Schools for Troubled Teens. Worst Summer Jobs. By Jeanne Grunert. Pros and Cons of Lion Cuts for Cats. Homecoming Slogan Ideas for Class Spirit. Eighth Grade Outfits. Flirting Tips for Teenagers. By Crystal Schwanke. Oprah Teen Book Club. There are lots of pros and cons to having year-round school but in my opinion I believe it can be a bad idea.

Students, teachers, and money do not need to be effected by a transition like this. Why do we need to interrupt a good system that has currently worked for us after all these years?

Year-round schooling is a bad idea.. Year-round schooling is a bad idea. Accessed November 12, Download paper.

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