Whyalla steel works act
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The wind up application includes consent from McGrathNicol for it to act as liquidator over two companies owned by Mr Gupta, including OneSteel Manufacturing, the entity that owns the Whyalla steel mill in South Australia, and Tahmoor Coal, which owns a coking coal asset on the east coast of Australia.
A first hearing for the application will be on May 6. If successful, the entities that own the Whyalla and the Tahmoor coal asset will fall into liquidation — an outcome feared by the unions covering more than workers across both business.
Coke Works. Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metal Melting. Metallurgical Works. Scrap Metal Recovery. Waste or Recycling Depots. Activities Producing Listed Waste. Bulk Shipping Facilities. Railway Operations. Crushing, Grinding or Milling: rock, ores or minerals. Coal Handling and Storage. Fuel Burning: rate of heat release exceeding 5 megawatts. Discharges to Marine or Inland Waters. Agency means a body or bodies of a participating State or a participating Territory which that State or Territory has nominated for the purposes of any Measure applicable to this licence.
Arisings means the mass rate of raw effluent generated by the relevant process. Authorisation Fee Payment Date means the anniversary of the grant or renewal of this licence. Authorised Officer means a person appointed to be an authorised officer pursuant to Part 10 Division 1 of the Act. Bulk Shipping Facility means the conduct of a facility for the bulk handling of products as defined in Schedule 1, clause 7 1 of the Act, and includes the subsequent handling and transhipping of products in Spencer Gulf.
Consignment Authorisation means an approval which includes a unique identifier granted by an agency or a facility delegated by an agency in the jurisdiction of destination to allow the movement of Controlled Waste. Facility means a place where Controlled Wastes are received. Indentured Land For purposes of this licence the reference to 'Premises' includes the area within the boundary identified in the Whyalla Steel Works Act - Appendix C to the Indenture.
List of Titles. STP means standard temperature and pressure zero degrees Celsius and Waste Containing Friable Asbestos means:. Waste Fill means waste consisting of clay, concrete, rock, sand, soil or other inert mineralogical matter in pieces not exceeding millimetres in length and containing chemical substances in concentrations calculated in a manner determined by the Authority less than the concentrations for those substances set out in Table 1 and 2, but does not include waste consisting of or containing asbestos or bitumen.
The Licensee is authorised to conduct the prescribed activities as described in this licence at the Locations, and on the Premises, subject to the following conditions:. Control of Emissions. The Licensee must take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that, at the ore processing area:. The Licensee must take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure that the Pellet Plant Reclaim Shed doors are kept closed when the plant is operating in order to minimise fugitive particulate emissions.
Record Keeping and Monitoring. The Licensee must maintain a contingency plan acceptable to the Authority for the control, containment or mitigation of any spill, accident or plant failure, which may result in or increase the risk of the release of pollutants to the environment. The Licensee must maintain a register of complaints received regarding the Licensee's operation that sets out:.
In addition all Carbon Dioxide emission rates from the above nominated plants to be expressed in tonnes per year;. Only small scale occasional iron ore and iron ore products mobile crushing and screening activities will occur at the pellet plant area of the Whyalla Steelworks after the relocation which may generate dust from time to time.
This will include the following items:. Subject to compliance with this condition, the Licensee may discharge waste water from the Premises into the waters adjacent to the Premises. The Licensee must ensure that no more than kilograms of zinc is discharged to the marine environment from the blast furnace scrubber wastewater effluent stream, in any calendar year. Onesteel Doc. It is the latest setback for Mr Gupta's global business after the collapse of major lender Greensill last month.
Credit Suisse is trying to recoup some of the money it is owed by breaking up Mr Gupta's Australian assets. The premier said he didn't want to see parts of the business sold off and expressed hope Mr Gupta could secure refinancing.