Amazon which currency
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You may change your settings at any time. One Amazon Coin equals one U. By converting coins to pennies instead of dollars, Amazon is giving developers the flexibility to sell in-app purchases for less than a dollar if they choose. It also means that mentally converting your Amazon Coin balance to real dollars won't be too hard, a problem that's plagued Microsoft Points and Nintendo Points. One answer is that virtual currency takes the sting out of a purchase, it's not real money after all, thus encouraging us to buy more.
Perhaps more to the point, and the audience, the virtual coins also make it easy for kids to buy games and apps on the Kindle Fire without badgering their parents for real money — at least not until the coins run out. Likewise, it's easy to forget you're spending real money when you pay with virtual currency, because you're thinking in terms of coins or points, not cash. Since you've already pre-paid for your Amazon Coins, several small purchases hardly feel like a drain on your bank account, at least until it's time to reload your balance.
Though Amazon didn't offer any details on why it thinks consumers will adopt its virtual currency, it makes sense that the company would have kids and parents in mind. Amazon knows that more kids are getting their hands on tablets like the Kindle Fire, and parents don't want to constantly field requests to buy a new app or pay a few dollars for in-app characters or special features.
Right now, if you want to keep your kids away from your credit card on a Kindle, you can buy an Amazon gift card and load it into the Amazon App Store on the tablet.
That means the move into Amazon Coins is less about utility, and more about convenience.