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Why root my rezound

2022.01.07 19:22

Joe Ritze says:. September 22, at am. RooterNoob83 says:. October 8, at pm. October 10, at pm. February 2, at pm. December 27, at pm. Ralph L. September 12, at pm. Mahesh Makvana says:. January 24, at am. Jake L says:. February 10, at pm. September 25, at pm. September 27, at pm. Tyler says:. Marko says:. December 6, at pm. December 8, at pm. Kareem says:. December 9, at pm.

AllusiveGold says:. December 19, at pm. Thomas A Johnson says:. January 6, at am. January 12, at pm. January 22, at pm. Matsod78 says:. January 25, at pm. Juan Arevalo says:. Bryan says:. June 30, at pm. February 28, at pm. Vlad says:. March 3, at am. April 15, at pm. April 18, at pm. Chris P says:. April 27, at am. PharmD says:. May 2, at pm. Peter Eberhardt says:. May 30, at am. Zach weatherford says:. May 31, at am. Peter E. I root all of my devices outside of warranty, the only one not rooted so far is my business phone under warranty because Samsung decided to start using an actual "fuse" that will blow when rooted and voids the warranty unlike previous models that I could unroot and send back under warranty for hardware issues.

Root gives me more options and better security, allowing me to pick and choose what app gets what permission, it also allows things like ad-blocking at a root level, file exploration, tinkering, and better control of the phone in general.

I had the original android phone, the G1 spent a lot of time camped out in front of a T-Mobile store and Cyanogenmod was awesome as it allowed great battery life savings, tons of tweaks to make it better, and other nice features not available without rooting. XDA is the popular place for support. After a new device comes out, I like to check out the forums a month down the road to see what the developers cook up.

I was interested in the T-Mobile LG V10, and checking out the forums will give you an insight to how much support there is for a device. Helps me in purchasing decisions I bought the phone and I expect it to do what I want, when I want and how I want.

This is why I always find myself rooting the phone. It is required to remove the pre-installed junk and also to access advanced settings.

Personally, I would love to see the Android OS fixed so this is no longer an issue. The main risk people worry about with rooting is that you then are running as root all the time.

So why not add the ability to log in as root as needed? Or a function like sudo? I would love to see the ability to just unlock the "Root account" and switch back and forth from standard user and root as needed.

This would solve a lot of the issues with security. I am fine with it staying hidden from standard users, but have it so advanced users can unlock the account.

It is my understanding that is what apps like SuperSU are for I would love to root my android, but I'm pretty clueless on mobile phones so it's safer for me to just leave it be Especially since my workplace doesn't provide "on call" cells and my personal phone is also used as my work phone. Yeah, I know, pretty lame. Back when I had an Android phone in , rooting was pretty much a necessity.

You had to redirect your app storage to your SD card to get more than MB of app storage, which was only possible with root. This was back in the 2. Without root, the HTC Eris would have been stuck on 2. Sometimes for automation that wouldn't be possible otherwise. I also needed it on my M8 to do some audio post-processing as the built in capabilities weren't cutting it for me. Also Verizon locking away features behind paywalls.

However as of the past couple years, its been much better than it has been. You can do a lot of things that used to only be possible with root, like USB storage, officially without root. I remember when the phones could do voice commands without having to contact the Mother Ship or upload contacts and calendar info. Seems now that my bias toward Android is waning. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

Learn how your comment data is processed. Posted by Guest Author. Tuesday, October 22nd, Related Posts. October 23, at am. Michael Pahl says:. Mahesh Makvana says:. October 25, at pm. October 28, at am.

Ariel says:. February 13, at am. Josh says:. April 10, at am. Terry Sellers says:.