Can i reuse priority mail boxes
Most of these boxes of course were not used to actually ship the item as priority mail. The fact I have them second-hand doesn't change the rules of how they are supposed to be used, are they?
If I use one right side out as something other than priority mail, or inside out just cardboard showing as non priority mail, or even as a box inside another box, these are still things the USPS dislikes and they'll charge me extra shipping? A quick search showed a thread about this back in but maybe none since then. If you use Priority supplies for any other class of mail, and the PO catches it, the receiver will be charged postage due for the Priority cost.
Note this can also happen if you use a specific Flat Rate Priority packaging but purchased regular Priority Mail and vice versa. Thru the years I have seen a very small percentage of packages buyers have returned blatantly using a Priority package but paid first class.
I have no idea how they got away with it, but I wouldn't try it. I can only assume many more have gotten caught, returned and rejected. If the package gets caught, your buyer would get charged the difference as postage due. Makes for a VERY unhappy buyer. As long as you are sending it Priority mail then you can resuse them till they fall apart.
IF the box is for Priority express then you have to use it for express I hate photobucket right now PS Answers given years ago may or may not be current now, please check with current posters to the boards to see if the information is still relevant. Message 2 of Thank you for the quick answer! That's a relief to know since I've accumulated so many from buying on here! I will definitely send the boxes for what they are intended for. Message 3 of If the box is in good shape, you can reuse it, just put your priority label on it, and send.
It is still a "priority" box, and due the postage. Message 4 of OP, Just curious - what led you to believe that you couldn't? Message 5 of Message 6 of In response to luckythewinner. Unlucky I have seen folks in the "priority box wars" threads saying that they can't be reused for any reason, not even to ship priority.
Message 7 of In response to circa Message 8 of In response to poppyswag. Message 9 of Message 10 of Message 11 of Message 12 of If you want to reuse your packaging, then the box needs to appear as if it were brand new, and has never been used before.
It will likely fall apart at some point during its journey to your recipient, and no one wants that to happen. The second thing to consider is whether or not the box you plan to reuse has any markings on it indicating what was once inside. At that point, USPS may refuse the package and return it to you. USPS expects you to pay for the designated service on any branded box. For more information on reusing boxes properly, check out the USPS website. Your email address will not be published.
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