How long will elop last

2022.01.07 19:23

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Email required. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Notice and European users agree to the data transfer policy. Today 28 April Nokia launched a marketing push designed to showcase how to retain its points of difference after being acquired by Microsoft. Too many brands concentrate on female stereotypes, treating women as a homogenous group rather than individuals.

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What you need to get from the next two paragraphs is the nuance of the previous contract situation between Nokia, and Elop [emphasis mine]:. Under the amendment to his service contract, Mr. Elop for cause. Under Mr. Under his original agreement, Mr. Elop would be entitled to these same benefits if he terminated his employment for cause at any time regardless of a change of control , but would be entitled only to the same cash severance benefit but not the acceleration of all equity awards if his service contract was terminated by Nokia without cause prior to a change of control.

So, being fired would have been financially detrimental to Elop. However, under the change of control provisions of Mr. Elop may terminate his employment on or following the Closing and assuming he has not materially breached his service contract prior to such termination or Nokia may terminate his employment without cause prior to the Closing, and in either such case, Mr.

Now, however, regardless of how Elop leaves, he gets the full accounting. Slightly, but keep in mind that the new agreement was inked at the same time the deal with Microsoft was. So, the risk here was essentially nil, with Nokia stating that Elop would be compensated as he would have if he had quit.

Although the actual amount of these termination payments and the value of equity acceleration will not be determined until such termination occurs, using compensation values and the Nokia closing share price of EUR 4.

This amount includes: base salary and management incentive EUR 4. Who pays the tab? Interestingly, Nokia is only paying the tip, with Microsoft picking up 70 percent of the costs at hand.

Elop is subject to a covenant restricting him from working for certain specified competitors of Nokia, provided that upon Mr. Why all the above? More Insider Sign Out. Sign In Register. Sign Out Sign In Register. Latest Insider. Check out the latest Insider stories here. More from the IDG Network.

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