Can you become a bail bondsman with a felony

2022.01.07 19:23

As a licensed bail agent, you can post a paper bond that allows someone who has been arrested to be out of jail while waiting for his case to be heard by the court. State laws regulating bail agents vary significantly throughout the country.

Some states, such as Oregon, Illinois and Kentucky, prohibit the use of private bail agents. Persons arrested in those states post bail directly with the court.

Most other states permit private bail agents that are licensed by a state agency, such as the Department of Insurance in California. In Texas, bail agents are licensed by county agencies, not the state. This type of risk is usually compelling enough that almost 97 percent of bail clients appear in court without incident. While the process to become a bail bondsman is specific to each state, the majority of jurisdictions have a process that generally follows these steps:. The profession of bail bondsman is a challenging one that requires knowledge of finance, contract law and criminal law, so most state licensing boards—which are usually agencies within state departments of insurance—require that bail bondsmen meet certain requirements in order to be licensed.

This typically includes:. While only a high school diploma is required to become a bail bondsman in most states, many of the most successful bail bondsmen prepare for the challenges of this demanding profession by attending college. This type of education is exceedingly helpful in the performance of bail bonding duties as well as preparing to take the bail bondsman licensing exam. In many states, the bail bond licensing board has instituted a pre-licensing course that specifically prepares candidates to take the licensing exam and complete the licensing process.

The U. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that there are approximately 15, bail bondsmen. Geographic location, certification, experience, and specialization could have a significant impact on these earnings. A bail bondsman in large cities especially on the East and West coast tend to earn a higher salary. In order to be successful in becoming a bail bondsman, it is important for a felon to be honest about their background.

Lying about their conviction will prevent them from becoming a bail bondsman. It is important to be honest in filling out an application for certification. A felony found on doing a background check but not disclosed, constitutes fraud and is a punishable crime requiring legal assistance. They are already working with the often negative perceptions of being dishonest, untrustworthy, and unwilling to follow directions from authority figures.

With their felony expunged they can have the chance they need to begin with a clean record and succeed in becoming a bail bondsman. A felon who has had their offense expunged can honestly state on an application that they have not been convicted of a crime. For families of felons wanting to pursue a dream of becoming a bail bondsman, encourage your loved one and support their efforts to live an honest life, change their lifestyle, and keep their dreams alive.

They have made mistakes and been incarcerated, but they have paid the consequences for their past actions. They are not defined by their crime. It is time for them to move forward and live an honest life. Studies have shown that a felon makes a good employee. Your family member is worth making the effort for, if they are sincere in their desire to become a bail bondsman. What do you think about this blog post?

Are you or someone you know been in the situation of trying to become a bail bondsman with a felony? What was that like for them, and how did they achieve success? Please tell us in the comments below. You must renew your bail bondsman license on June 30 of odd-numbered years. Featured Programs:. Request Info. Sponsored Content. What is Skip Tracing? Meeting Employment Requirements in North Carolina.