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Can you make 2.00 g of a compound

2022.01.07 19:23

Use mathematical representations to support a claim regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media. Log In. Animals Microbiology. Address P. Can You Make 2. With the Can You Make 2. Stoichiometry Laboratory Kit, students become industrial chemists! Their goal is to apply stoichiometric relationships from a balanced equation to make 2.

Product Details Students become industrial chemists! Their goal—to apply stoichiometric relationships from a balanced equation to make 2. Using two compounds, students calculate the amount of each chemical they need and, through a double displacement reaction, produce exactly 2.

The dried precipitate will be turned in for verification and grading. This experiment is designed to be a culminating activity to provide the teacher with feedback on how well students have mastered several fundamental skills in chemistry.

It is assumed that the students already have an understanding of the concepts of formula writing, balancing chemical equations, determining molar mass values, using dimensional analysis for problem solving, and applying stoichiometric relationships to determine experimental proportions. The students should also be proficient in basic lab techniques, such as filtration, the proper handling of chemicals and using mechanical or electronic balances to measure mass.

Perhaps they may have already used solubility rules or charts to study precipitate reactions between ions in solution. In order to successfully complete this experiment, students will need to apply all of these skills and plan the steps of an experiment the way a chemist does in industry.

Using a wash bottle, wash any solid remaining in the beaker into the filter paper. Safety Precautions The six chemicals provided in this kit were selected because of their relatively low toxicity levels and ease of disposal. Zinc sulfate is a skin and mucous membrane irritant and mildly toxic. Magnesium sulfate irritates eyes and respiratory tract. Please review all MSDS sheets before starting lab. Wear chemical splash goggles, chemical-resistant gloves, and chemical-resistant aprons.

Typical mistakes made by the students include incorrectly written chemical formulas, errors in balancing the equations, wrong molar mass calculations or mistakes in the dimensional analysis using the stoichiometric conversion factors.

Ideally, the pre-lab should be corrected and handed back to the students before they begin the actual laboratory procedure. The pre-lab also makes an excellent guide for the experiment. Write a complete word equation listing the names of the reactants and the predicted products. Write a balanced formula equation for your double displacement reaction.

Predict which compound will form a precipitate and indicate this in the equation using the symbol, s , following the chemical formula. Calculate the molar mass of each reactant and product and put the answers in the blank spaces below. Calculate the number of moles in 2. Molar mass of precipitate: of moles of precipitate: Use dimensional analysis to determine the mass of each reactant required to make 2.

First, determine the number of moles of each reactant and product and then calculate the mass of all reactants and product s. Put the answers in the blank spaces below. Does the total mass of all reactants equal the total mass of all products?

If not, check your work. Therefore, the students must develop a detailed procedure and the laboratory portion of this activity should not be started until all chemical formula equations, calculations, and procedures have been checked by the teacher. Any mistakes can be corrected at this point or you can simply let them find the error of their ways for themselves. There are enough chemicals included in this kit for five sets of experiments.

There are 12 different combinations that will produce a precipitate reaction, so each lab group has a unique problem to solve. Cut out the possible pairs of reactants found on page 13 and assign them to lab groups. Experimental errors can result if the students do not dissolve the reactants completely in distilled water before mixing.

Some of the solid filtered out may be the undissolved reactant s. Tap water should not be used because the impurities in it, such as calcium and magnesium ions in hard water, can also precipitate out and interfere with the desired reaction. The filter paper and precipitate must be completely dried and any water of hydration must be removed by the drying process. Usually, the most accurate method to ensure complete dehydration is by heating until a constant mass is achieved.

For any group that produces CaS 4 s , a 1. Some of the solids, such as calcium sulfate, do not immediately precipitate out of solution. Patience and additional time are required. Disposal All solids can be buried in a landfill site approved for the disposal of chemical and hazardous wastes, following the Flinn Disposal Method 26a. Solutions can be simply poured down the drain if your school is connected to a sanitary sewer system with a water treatment plant according to Flinn Disposal Method 26b.

Acknowledgments Special thanks to Mark A. Materials for Stoichiometry Kit are available from Flinn Scientific, Inc.

Have each lab group draw a card to determine which pair they will use for their experiment. The total masses of reactants needed for a class with 12 lab groups to complete the experiment are g ZnS 4 ; g MgS 4 ; g Ca C 2 2 H 2 ; 8. They are also common laboratory chemicals that have applications in many other experiments. APPENDIX A Molarity of Ions in Solution ften it is necessary to calculate not only the concentration in molarity of a compound in aqueous solution but also the concentration of each ion in aqueous solution.

For example, consider the compound TiCl 4 titanium chloride. Each molecule of TiCl. The Mole Atomic mass units and atoms are not convenient units to work with. The concept of the mole was invented. This was the number of atoms of carbon that were needed to make 12 g of carbon. The word stoichiometry. Experiment 8 - Double Displacement Reactions A double displacement reaction involves two ionic compounds that are dissolved in water.

In a double displacement reaction, it appears as though the ions are. Understanding and applying the concept of limiting reagents. Determining percent yield. Learning how to perform a vacuum. Question What is a symbolic representation of a chemical reaction? What 3 things values is a mole of a chemical. Carbon has 2 isotopes C and C Of Carbon s two isotopes, there is Calculations and Chemical Equations Atomic mass: Mass of an atom of an element, expressed in atomic mass units Atomic mass unit amu : 1.

Of the various methods of expressing solution concentration the most convenient. A common chemical reaction used in chemistry class is zinc and hydrochloric In this lab, students.

Molar Mass and Moles A. Calculations of Molar Masses B. Calculations of moles C. Chapter 3: Stoichiometry Key Skills: Balance chemical equations Predict the products of simple combination, decomposition, and combustion reactions. Calculate formula weights Convert grams to moles and. Relative atomic masses of. Chapter 3 Stoichiometry Chapter 3 Stoichiometry In This Chapter As you have learned in previous chapters, much of chemistry involves using macroscopic measurements to deduce what happens between atoms.

The position of hydrogen in the reactivity series Hydrogen, although not a metal, is included in the reactivity series because it, like metals, can be displaced from aqueous solution, only this time the. The Empirical Formula of a Compound Lab 5 Introduction A look at the mass relationships in chemistry reveals little order or sense.

The ratio of the masses of the elements in a compound, while constant,. General Chemistry I FC, Introduction A look at the mass relationships in chemistry reveals little order or sense. The ratio of the masses of the elements in a compound, while constant, does not.

Types of Reactions Objectives The objectives of this laboratory are as follows: To perform and observe the results of a variety of chemical reactions.

To become familiar with the observable signs of chemical. To observe the various criteria that are used to indicate that a chemical reaction has occurred. To convert word equations into balanced inorganic chemical. This can often be done by way of chemical tests. Name: Chemistry Post-Enrolment Worksheet The purpose of this worksheet is to get you to recap some of the fundamental concepts that you studied at GCSE and introduce some of the concepts that will be part.

A small pin contains 0. How many atoms of iron are in the pin? A sample. Typically, one of the reactants is used up before the other, at which time the reaction stops.

Stoichiometry Review There are 20 problems in this review set. Answers, including problem set-up, can be found in the second half of this document.

To learn to think in terms. Determine the number of particles and the amount. When an electric. Objective: To predict the products of some displacement reactions and write net ionic equations. Chemical Principles: A. Reaction Types. Chapter 8 How to Do Chemical Calculations Chemistry is both a qualitative and a quantitative science. In the laboratory, it is important to be able to measure quantities of chemical substances and, as.

Permission required for reproduction or display. Quantities of such solutions are measured as volumes, while the amounts. To understand the rationale and the procedure behind the separation for various cations and anions. To perform qualitative analysis. Chapter 1 The Atomic Nature of Matter 6. Substances that cannot be decomposed into two or more simpler substances by chemical means are called a.

Chapter 8: Chemical Equations and Reactions I. Describing Chemical Reactions A. A chemical reaction is the process by which one or more substances are changed into one or more different substances.

A chemical. Description of the Mole Concept: Suppose you were sent into the store to buy 36 eggs. When you picked them up you would get 3 boxes, each containing 12 eggs. You just used a mathematical device, called. What is an amu? We need a conversion to the macroscopic world. How many hydrogen atoms are in 1. That is, when we add a certain compound to water. The number of atoms in a mole of any pure substance. Chapter 7 Page 1 Chapter 7: Chemical Reactions A chemical reaction: a process in which at least one new substance is formed as the result of a chemical change.

Aqueous Solutions and Solution Stoichiometry Water is the dissolving medium, or solvent. Some Properties of Water Water is bent or V-shaped. The O-H bonds are covalent. Water is a polar molecule. The formula shows the formulas. Monatomic Ions A. Monatomic ions 1. Naming Monatomic Ions 1. Monatomic cations are a. Identified by the. A formula that gives only the simplest ratio of the relative number of atoms in a compound.

Calculations that relate the quantities of substances. It is the study of quantitative measurable amounts relationships in chemical reactions and equations. Chapter 3. The meaning and usefulness of the mole The mole or mol represents a certain number of objects. SI def. Chapter 4 Chemical Composition Chapter 4 Topics 1. Mole Quantities 2. Moles, Masses, and Particles 3.

Determining Empirical Formulas 4. Appendix D Reaction Stoichiometry D. There, the relationships among grams, moles and number of atoms and molecules. Chapter 1: Moles and equations 1 Learning outcomes you should be able to: define and use the terms: relative atomic mass, isotopic mass and formula mass based on the 12 C scale perform calculations, including.

Acid Base Titrations Introduction A common question chemists have to answer is how much of something is present in a sample or a product. If the product contains an acid or base, this question is usually. Limiting Reagent using an analogy and a learning cycle approach Welcome: This is the fourth of a four- experiment sequence, covering four important aspects of chemistry, and utilizing a learning cycle.

Unit 10A Stoichiometry Notes Stoichiometry is a big word for a process that chemist s use to calculate amounts in reactions. It makes use of the coefficient ratio set up by balanced reaction equations.

Experiment 3 Separation by Solvent Extraction Objectives To separate a mixture consisting of a carboxylic acid and a neutral compound by using solvent extraction techniques.

Introduction Frequently, organic. Indicate whether a reaction will occur or not in each of following. Wtiring a balcnced equation is not necessary. Stoichiometry Atomic Mass atomic weight Atoms are so small, it is difficult to discuss how much they weigh in grams We use atomic mass units an atomic mass unit AMU is one twelfth the mass of the catbon Experiment Classification of Matter Experiment Matter can be classified into two groups: mixtures and pure substances.

Mixtures are the most common form of matter and consist of mixtures of pure substances. What is a mole? Chemistry is a quantitative science. What does this term mean? Chemical Equations and Chemical Reactions Chapter 8. Molecular Mass and Formula Mass. Section 3. Just as we can talk about mass of one atom of. On a microscopic level, two molecules of H 2 react with one molecule.

In a chemical reaction,. Unit 9 Stoichiometry Notes The Mole Continues is a big word for a process that chemist s use to calculate amounts in reactions. Using Chemical Formulas Objective 1: Calculate the formula mass or molar mass of any given compound. The Formula Mass of any molecule, formula unit, or ion is the sum of the average atomic masses of all. To identify. Unit 2 Mixtures and Pure Substances Matter can be classified into two groups: mixtures and pure substances.

SCH3U- R. Read P. Which of the following correctly represents g of water? What is the purpose of this experiment? Write the generic chemical formula for the coordination.

Log in Registration. Search for. Size: px. Start display at page:. Download "Stoichiometry. Mervyn Kelley 5 years ago Views:. Similar documents. More information. Stoichiometry Limiting Reagent Laboratory. Vocabulary More information.