Who said a life of quiet desperation

2022.01.07 19:24

That place within is joyful its deeply satisfying. It only comes with the longing to be dead now, and the willingness to go along with such foolishness. Dead to the past, dead to the future, brokenness, with all that entails. Out from the tyranny of time. When the old thoughts arise with their yapping, and to my amazement, I find joy.

I am a depressive. It is. It is always there. Perhaps I have gone insane. It is there. It is there now. The thoughts are stilled. I smile at the impossible simplicity. It was always there. Name required. Mail will not be published required. One Thought Mike Turitzin's essays and articles. Pay attention to the following signs of a quietly desperate life. Oct 24, AM.

Amelia books view quotes. Oct 22, AM. Farin 1 book view quotes. Oct 19, AM. Sauhard books view quotes. Oct 18, AM. Ed 21 books view quotes. Oct 14, PM. Matthew books view quotes. Oct 13, PM. ThingFinder 6 books view quotes. Oct 09, PM. Frank 7 books view quotes. Sep 29, AM. Benjamin Hernandez books view quotes. Sep 25, PM. Nicole books view quotes. Sep 23, PM. Sep 15, PM. Claudiu 1, books view quotes. Sep 12, AM. Andreas 41 books view quotes.

Sep 11, PM. M books view quotes. Sep 09, PM. Allison books view quotes. Sep 08, AM. Evan 34 books view quotes. Sep 07, AM. Miguel books view quotes. Sep 06, PM. Jared 26 books view quotes. Sep 06, AM. Chad books view quotes. Sep 04, AM. Liam 29 books view quotes. Sep 03, PM. JP books view quotes. Aug 30, AM. Benjamin 2, books view quotes.

Aug 17, PM. Fernando books view quotes. Aug 16, PM. Cind books view quotes. Aug 14, PM. Rani books view quotes. Aug 10, AM. Silviu 2, books view quotes. Aug 07, PM. ZGA books view quotes. Aug 06, PM. Nancy 60 books view quotes. Jul 25, AM. Vladimir 2, books view quotes. Jul 21, AM. SocksTier books view quotes.

Jul 19, AM. Vanessa books view quotes. Jul 13, PM. Ben 20 books view quotes. AJ: How do people get stuck there? JR: Bills and commitments. You have an apartment you have to pay for, you have a car you lease, a wife you need to feed, you have your this and your that … your options are severely limited as you gather responsibilities.

AJ: But can people just make that change? JR: Yes, you can but you have to plan it out. You have to put enough money aside to give yourself a window and you have to have a plan, and you have to work every hour outside of whatever shit job you do, to plan your escape like your life depends on it. Thoreau believed we only need meagre comforts in life and he practised this by moving to Walden Pond. While living by a pond is extreme, I like many have too much stuff and life is too comfortable quiet.

Discomfort is both physical and emotional. Our comfort drive led us to find food. To build and take shelter. To flee from predators.