Who said smoke and a pancake

2022.01.07 19:24

Notify me of new comments via email. Cancel Report. Create a new account. Log In. Select another language:. Please enter your email address: Submit. Powered by CITE. Know another quote from Austin Powers in Goldmember?

Don't let people miss on a great quote from the "Austin Powers in Goldmember" movie - add it here! Add a Quote. Our favorite collection of Famous Movies ». Fritz Lang - Pulp Fiction. Quentin Tarantino - Fight Club. Austin Powers: That's not right As you can see, it's making fun of Goldmember's Dutch accent - the bong part only comes in because he's trying everything possible to say something that doesn't come out accented. Some more obvious Dutch references you must have missed Evil: How 'bout no, you crazy Dutch bastard?

Goldmember: I'm from Holland. Isn't that vierd? Goldmember: His fahza. You know, the fahza. Evil: You know Goldmember, I don't speak freaky-deaky Dutch. Okay, perv boy? Goldmember: Fahza, his dad, dad is fahza.

Nigel Powers: All right Goldmember. Don't play the laughing boy. There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch. Goldmember: What? Take the fahza away! Dutch hater! Top rated lines from this movie Though it isn't. Oh, come on. If you've got an issue, here's a tissue. He ain't heavy He's my brother, baby.

Heh, heh. The tiny one can't take a hint. He doesn't understand. He is small, heh, heh. You're the best evil son an evil dad could ever ask for. Austin Powers in Goldmember Sound Clip. Latest Movie Sound Bites. Alexander the Great items. King Boxer: Fingers of Death items.