When was the first bathroom created
Imports from throughout the world allowed the Roman citizens to enjoy ointments, incense, combs and mirrors. Some resources suggest that bathing declined following the collapse of the Roman Empire, but this is not completely accurate — it was actually the Middle Ages that saw the beginning of soap production — proof that bathing was definitely not uncommon.
It was only after the Renaissance that bathing declined; water was actually feared as a carrier of disease, and so sweat baths and heavy perfumes were preferred. In the Middle Ages, many towns actually had bathhouses — this is where people could pay to have a bath. Other people simply made do with wooden tubs in their bedrooms. During this time, there was an important soap making industry in England, with many people making their own soap at home.
People also used combs and tweezers, as well as toothpicks and mouthwash. Throughout the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, the use of public baths gradually declined, and private bathrooms were favoured — this laid down the foundations for the modern bathroom, as it was to become in the 20th century. The plague hit England 7 times in years, and it was this that had a great impact on the public opinion of bathing, hygiene and cleanliness.
Instead of bathing to keep clean, it was thought that wearing clean linen next to the skin would make the body clean, and as a result laundry and washing became important for the women in Tudor England. White linen underclothes that soaked up the toxins and smells became the solution for keeping the body clean. Bathing was still not a daily ritual for many westerners during the 18th century. As London was seeing the development of its first massive irrigation project being installed, the wealthy could pay for taps to be fitted into their homes.
This meant that bathing, cleaning and washing could be done more privately inside the home. In Georgian London, many of the rituals that we perform today in our bathrooms were done in the bedroom. Basins sat on elaborately designed and expensive stands and would hold water for washing. Although not fully private, this area of the bedroom was essentially the bathroom. In the 19th century the house became organised around what was perceived as the usefulness of the rooms, and at a time when fears concerning germs and hygiene were rife, the bathroom rose to prominence within many households, while mass showers were provided for the poor.
The discovery of germs and a more specific cause for disease changed the way people thought about cleanliness and hygiene. Taking a bath and cleaning the body with soap was now generally thought of as a necessity for good health.
More commonly though, toilets shape the spaces of our skyscrapers. And it works in the same basic way: gravity. Several designs emerged to solve the problem of vertical waste disposal - some spiral up towers, for example, while some were entire towers; some dropped waste into cesspools, moats, and some just dropped it onto the ground below. Going to the toilet, wherever and however you do it, is common to us all and flush toilets, clearly, are here to stay! This site uses cookies to bring you the best experience.
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