When was wimax developed

2022.01.07 19:25

WiMAX broadband technology uses some key technologies to enable it to provide the high speed data rates:. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex, OFDM is a form of signal format that uses a large number of close spaced carriers that are each modulated with low rate data stream.

The close spaced signals would normally be expected to interfere with each other, but by making the signals orthogonal to each other there is no mutual interference. The data to be transmitted is shared across all the carriers and this provides resilience against selective fading from multi-path effects.

MIMO is a form of antenna technology that uses multiple antennas to enable signals travelling via different paths as a result of reflections, etc. Read more about MIMO technology. The WiMAX Forum is a wireless industry consortium with a growing number of members including many industry leaders. It has been set up to support and develop WiMAX technology worldwide, bring common standards across the globe to enable the technology to become an established worldwide technology.

One of the aims of the forum is to enable a standard to be adopted that will enable full interoperability between products. Learning from the problems of poor interoperability experienced with previous wireless standards, and the impact that this had on take up, the WiMAX Forum aims to prevent this from happening.

In a follow-on effort, the industry has attempted to resolve many of the issues of Wi-Fi by developing the next generation of wireless local area network 1 WLAN technologies. The first wireless local area network WLAN technology called Wi-Fi was developed in under the auspices of the Wi-Fi Alliance to satisfy a demand for short range wireless access for local area networks.

This technology was developed in response to the FCC spectrum allocations for license-exempt use under Part 15 of the Rules. Interestingly, the Wi-Fi standards were developed for specific spectrum allocations as opposed to the WiMAX standards that were developed without any specific spectrum designation.

So Wi-Fi was a set of standards developed pursuit to a detailed spectrum allocation, whereas WiMAX was a set of standards developed prior to any specific spectrum allocation and in fact was a standard in search of spectrum. In general, broadband wireless applications have been expanding rapidly. Future public safety communications applications will demand mobile broadband service, migrating from the current dominant voice-only mode to multimedia applications.

The use of common standards-based commercial technologies naturally supports interoperability and the sharing of commercial or municipal wireless network infrastructures at a lower cost for public safety systems. As indicated in the previous note, public safety agencies across the country have been able to leverage the widely successful private sector broadband wireless technology, Wi-Fi and Mesh Networks, as a complementary solution for disaster and municipal public safety communications.

Several shortfalls to using this method for public safety communications were also addressed. These include higher data rates, new modulation schemes and access methods; channel bonding that simultaneously uses two separate non-overlapping channels to transmit data; antenna diversity; and spatial multiplexing of multiple independent data streams that are then transferred simultaneously within one channel of spectral bandwidth.

MIMO is a technology that uses multiple antennas for multipath signal diversity to coherently resolve more information than possible using a single antenna. This results in increasing a receiver's ability to recover the data information from the source signal. If properly implemented, a single 40 MHz channel can provide greater than twice the usable channel data rate of two Despite the recent IEEE WiMAX can support voice and video as well as Internet data.

WiMax developed to provide wireless broadband access to buildings, either in competition to existing wired networks or alone in currently unserved rural or thinly populated areas. WiMAX is also intended to provide broadband connectivity to mobile devices.

It would not be as fast as in these fixed applications, but expectations are for about 15 Mbps capacity in a 3 km cell coverage area. With WiMAX, users could really cut free from today's Internet access arrangements and be able to go online at broadband speeds, almost wherever they like from within a MetroZone. WiMAX could potentially be deployed in a variety of spectrum bands: 2. WiMAX can satisfy a variety of access needs.

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