Where is davison fallout new vegas

2022.01.07 19:25

Where one of them stands, the most one sees is the air shimmering, like sunlight on water They set upon us as we were on our way to worship one morning. We had just entered the basement. My flock fought bravely, and killed a few, but at such cost. Nearly half of us died or went missing. The rest of us retreated up here. One of the demons raved at us, but they have not tried to attack us since.

Still, their demonic presence brought all progress towards the Great Journey to a standstill. But now you have come. Once again, the creator has sent a human to help us across a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Antler brought us here for a reason Why was that, Antler? A piece of paper. Shipment invoice. Hundreds of Stealth Boys, sent here a long time ago But Stealth Boys must be in the one room one we don't search yet - the one we can't search. I could give them to you. Antler thinks big.

Antler IS big. Antler don't bring us here for Stealth Boys some puny human carry. Pull head out of your ass. Threats of death should we step outside, guarantees of safety should we stay locked away. It went on for hours, and did not always make sense. But that was the first day only. Since then, silence. Will you drive away the demons, wanderer? But not squishy like others. This ghoul is tough.

If you kill too many Nightkin Davison will become hostile regardless. I guess ill crouch past nightkin, have no idea how to kill them and return stealthboys to Davison.

I killed Harland because after agreeing to help him I advanced to far into his room and he began shooting. This is intended His companion is the other way anyway.. Just follow the arrow Once you tell Harland the bad news he leaves and you can head up to where he just was If you already killed Harland and don't want to reload an earlier save..

Just read the reports and head back to Davison. Can you complete birds of a feather without killing Cass? Can you get into gun runners in Fallout New Vegas? How do you complete tend to your business? Can you kill the van graffs after heartache by the number? How do you complete vision to the blind? Where is Silver Rush New Vegas? Does the silver rush restock? How do you rob the van graffs? As long as you bring about 3 Stealth Boys into the basement after looting the Nightkin corpses around the area, you can get through the entire basement part without combat.

You cannot kill Davison! Antler protects Davison! Antler make you pay if you hurt Davison! Last edited by Jacy Kururugi ; 22 Mar, am. Originally posted by SlowedMussel :. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 15 Mar, am.