Why chemists are interested in the study of synthesis reactions

2022.01.07 19:25

The reactions that join two — aromatic or other sp 2 — carbon atoms together with the help of a palladium catalyst have become essential for building organic scaffolds. But the flat biaryls traditional cross coupling reactions are so good at making are becoming increasingly limited — chemists want their couplings to go 3D. In the synthesis of antidepressant paroxetine, the fluorobenzene ring needs to be attached in the very first step.

Chemists would have to repeat the entire sequence every time they wanted to test different substitution patterns around the benzene ring. A robust carbon—carbon coupling would solve this problem. Undesirable side reactions can takeover, other times the reaction shuts down entirely. What might be needed is a different metal entirely. Nickel, for example, allows unusual transformations like cross coupling between alkyl amines and alkylzinc halides.

But no matter the metal, all cross couplings need pre-functionalisation. Attaching reactive groups onto the coupling partners lets the catalyst know where to join the carbon atoms. Sometimes, for example with pyridines , making these precursors is a big sticking point. So some chemists want to rid themselves entirely of the need to pre-functionalise. The goal is to convert C—H directly into C—C bonds.

The problem is that organic molecules are all about C—H bonds. This substituted piperazine is a precursor for a cancer drug candidate. Making the same molecule without the methoxymethyl group takes only three steps. Fluorinating reagents can react with heterocycles and oxidise rather than fluorinate them. Cross coupling catalysts are often poisoned by heterocycles as they stick to the metal permanently.

There are some ways to install functional groups on aromatic heterocycles late in a synthesis though, like iridium-catalysed borylation. It installs a boron group that can be replaced with a substituent of choice. But figuring out where the reaction might occur — a mix of steric and electronic effects play a role in heteroaromatics — is the subject of entire publications.

When chemists want an aliphatic heterocycle with unusual substitution patterns, it gets even more complicated.

Usually, this means starting from an acyclic precursor. The substituents are installed on the acyclic molecules, which are then painstakingly cyclised later in the synthesis. In , chemists at a British biotech company published a paper called Heteroaromatic rings of the future.

Ten years on, a group of French researchers revisited the state of synthesis by looking at the 22 examples the study had selected as representative. Six have been made as part of larger scaffolds.

Another seven have still not been described. This transformation could revolutionise medicinal chemistry if it were possible. The moonshot synthesis: single atom exchanges, particularly to convert rings into heterocycles, would have the potential to revolutionise medicinal chemistry.

Syntheses like that of anti-cancer drug crizotinib — currently done in at least six steps — might look quite different if chemists could simply edit in the nitrogen ring atoms at the end of the synthesis. Like a chemical version of gene editing, the reaction could take a finished molecule, target a specific carbon atom and exchange it for a nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur. Fundamentally, chemistry is the study of matter and change.

The way that chemists study matter and change and the types of systems that are studied varies dramatically. Traditionally, chemistry has been broken into five main subdisciplines: Organic , Analytical , Physical , Inorganic , and Biochemistry. Over the last several years, additional concentrations have begun to emerge, including Nuclear chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Biophysical chemistry, Bioinorganic chemistry, Environmental chemistry, etceteras.

All of these areas of chemistry are addressed in our classes here at UWL to some extent, and by the research interests of our faculty in the Chemistry Department. The following descriptions of the five major subdisciplines were written by several of our faculty members in their field of expertise.

UW-La Crosse's accredited Chemistry and Biochemistry programs blend technical, hands-on research experience with practical skill development. Organic Organic chemistry is a sub-field of chemistry that involves studying the molecules of life.

It is mainly concerned with looking at the structure and behavior of these molecules, which are composed of only a few different types of atoms: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and a few miscellaneous others.

These are the atoms used to construct the molecules that all plants and animals require for their survival. Traditional organic chemists are concerned with synthesizing new molecules and with developing new reactions that might make these syntheses more efficient. The kinds of molecules organic chemists synthesize include useful things like drugs, flavorings, preservatives, fragrances, plastics polymers , and agricultural chemicals fertilizers and pesticides , and sometimes include unusual molecules found in nature or ones that might simply provide a challenge to make.

Also, understanding something about organic chemistry is essential for learning about biochemistry and molecular biology because bio-molecules such as proteins, sugars, fats, and nucleic acids DNA and RNA are all organic molecules, albeit very large ones. Students who concentrate in organic chemistry typically go on to work in pharmaceutical, food or polymer companies, do research or teach in organic chemistry, pursue medical careers, or may pursue other related job opportunities. Analytical Analytical chemistry is the science of identification and quantification of materials in a mixture.

Analytical chemists may invent procedures for analysis, or they may use or modify existing ones. They also supervise, perform, and interpret the analysis. Electron spin resonance spectral technique is one of the fundamental techniques in detecting the spin state of metal ion or free ligand in inorganic compounds. It actually helps to determine the important aspects of chemical bonding along with significant illumination on structural features for metal complexes.

Not only the structural part, but also the generation of ligand centered radical in different organic transformations of laboratory and industrial significance during the investigation of catalytic pathways can also be defined with this particular analytical technique. ESR measurements for the inorganic complexes at different temperatures and in different phases bring additional importance to this technique.

The thermal behavior of the synthesized complexes has been studied to establish different decomposition processes and to confirm the proposed stoichiometry.

Thermal analysis plays an important role in studying the stability, melting point, structure, and decomposition properties of the metal complexes. The most authenticated way to determine the 3D structure of inorganic complexes is single crystal X-ray diffraction study.

It helps to locate the perfect atomic position in a molecule. Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.

Help us write another book on this subject and reach those readers. Login to your personal dashboard for more detailed statistics on your publications. Edited by Chandraleka Saravanan. We are IntechOpen, the world's leading publisher of Open Access books.

Built by scientists, for scientists. Our readership spans scientists, professors, researchers, librarians, and students, as well as business professionals. Downloaded: Introduction A substance that is used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, examine, or produce other substances is known as chemical reagent.

Combination reactions This is a type of a chemical reaction in which two or more reactants react themselves to produce a product. Decomposition reactions Often, decomposition reactions are considered as an opposite type of combination reactions.

Displacement reactions A displacement reaction is occurred during the replacement of an atom or ion with another atom or ion in a compound. Coordination compounds Coordination compounds cover a wide fundamental area in inorganic chemistry and primarily deal with coordination bonding between a ligand and a metal ion. Transition metal compounds Compounds with metal ions from group 4 to 11 are considered transition metal compounds.

Cluster compounds Cluster compounds can be classified as metallic cluster, non-metallic cluster, and metal complex cluster. Bioinorganic compounds Bioinorganic compounds are one of the most significant classes of a compound in chemical science, which are not only integrally related to the basic processes of nature but also provided significant insights into exploring the chemistry in living world [ 9 ].

Solid state compounds This important area focuses on structure [ 11 ], bonding, and the physical properties [ 12 ] of materials. Solubility test Solubility is one of the basic parameters that help to understand the properties of a compound.

Melting point Melting point determination for any compound helps to identify the level of reactivity in solid state for any synthesized ligands and metal complexes. CHN analysis Elemental analysis remains an important method to study the nature of elements especially C, H, N, and O exist in compounds. Electronic spectroscopy The UV-Vis spectra of all the complexes are recorded in spectrophotometer using different solvents in the wave range of — nm.

Magnetic susceptibility Magnetic susceptibility measurements of the complexes in the solid state are determined by the Gouy balance at room temperature using metal as the calibrant. Molar conductivity The molar conductivity is measured with a conductivity meter. Infrared spectroscopy IR IR spectral analysis is one of the most widely used analytical tools, which is utilized to assign different functional chromophores in the molecule.

ESR spectroscopy Electron spin resonance spectral technique is one of the fundamental techniques in detecting the spin state of metal ion or free ligand in inorganic compounds. Thermal analysis The thermal behavior of the synthesized complexes has been studied to establish different decomposition processes and to confirm the proposed stoichiometry. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis The most authenticated way to determine the 3D structure of inorganic complexes is single crystal X-ray diffraction study.

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