Why do i keep biting the inside of my cheek

2022.01.07 19:25

Occasional Cheek Biting Occasional cheek biting is something that just happens. Habitual Cheek Biting Some people bite their cheek habitually. Chronic Cheek Biting Chronic inside of the cheek is when you are often biting on your cheek. By Dr. Share This Story! Facebook Twitter Email. Our Locations Book Appointment.

Savannah, GA Email Us. Living with OCD can be challenging, but in this Spotlight, we take a look at some habits that you can adopt that may help you to cope with it. Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT is a short-term talking therapy where a professional counselor or therapist works with an individual to help them….

Everything you need to know about cheek biting. What is cheek biting? Causes Complications How to stop Seeing a doctor Summary While most people have accidentally bitten the inside of their cheek before, some people bite their cheek compulsively over a long period. Share on Pinterest A person may bite their cheek because of a minor accident or a mental health condition.

How to stop. When to see a doctor. Share on Pinterest A person should speak to a doctor if they are regularly biting their cheek by accident. Exposure to air pollutants may amplify risk for depression in healthy individuals. Costs associated with obesity may account for 3. Related Coverage. How to treat anxiety naturally. Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, Ph. What is dermatophagia?

Medically reviewed by Stacy Sampson, D. What is psychomotor agitation? Medically reviewed by Daniel Murrell, MD. If you've had a lump for awhile that you always seem to be biting, see us for an examination.

With a simple procedure, we may be able to remove that irritation once and for all. If you would like more information on treating mouth lumps and other sores, please contact us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. Guests Number. Category: Dental Procedures. The first step is to determine if the behavior is habitual or compulsive. Habitual cheek biting can often be addressed with light guidance, self-discipline, and patience. Some techniques that have proven successful for some people include:.

Compulsive BFRB cheek biting and cheek chewing is a more complicated condition to address. According to the TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors , treatment for chronic cheek biting should focus on emotional and behavioral components. Some steps that have been recommended include:. If you find yourself biting the inside of your cheek on a consistent basis, your first step is to identify the type of cheek biting you are doing:. Once you understand your type of cheek biting, you can determine how to best address the behavior, whether it be visit a dentist, see a psychologist, or start a self-directed plan.

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