Why does sharpton call romney willard
Change is finally after a century of talking about it passing health care reform. And change is keeping the -- one of the first promises I made back in , and that is ending the war in Iraq and bringing our troops home.
Joining me now is Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, democrat from Illinois. Thank you for joining us tonight, Congresswoman. How is that for a agenda, in your opinion? I actually was in the audience for that speech in Chicago, and people were really fired up. Those who think there may be an enthusiasm gap, I would declare them wrong.
People are ready to fight for that basic American values agenda. Recruiting volunteers. People are ready to go. They understand, you know, one thing I agree with Mitt Romney on and the president does, too, that this election really is about the very soul of our country.
Whether or not the fundamental American bargain that if you work hard, no matter who you are, or where you start, that you are going to be able to make it in America.
That this is a land of opportunity for everyone and not just a few. We have 8. Take a shower and go out and get one. Newt Gingrich saying that children in poor neighborhoods where nobody works, he says, should be janitors. I mean, you know, their view -- I really wonder what kind of world they live in. What they see with Barack Obama is someone who really understands what needs to be done and Republicans who have been obstructionists the whole time.
He has a jobs bill to put people to work. Now, what we need. And no thanks to the Republicans. Listen to this. And the gap between what he promised and what he has done is about as big as you can imagine. After years, we now have a health care bill where health care for all Americans is established as a right regardless of pre-existing conditions, regardless of ability to pay.
He stopped discrimination in the workplace with a Lilly Ledbetter act. I mean, we could go on and on and on with the. Ended the war in Iraq. How is that? Congresswoman Janet Schakowsky, thank you for your time. Still ahead, pipeline to nowhere.
It would run from Canada to refineries in Texas. It would cross the largest source of freshwater in the United States.
A spill of this toxic sludge would be an economic and environmental disaster which is why people across the Midwest are fighting to stop the pipeline. And we have hardly any say so at all. Part of the pipeline already built has had 14 leaks since Just last year, it dumped 21, gallons of oil in North Dakota.
This project is a mess. Just listen to my next guest. Mike Klink is an engineer who worked on the keystone pipeline in North Dakota and South Dakota and saw firsthand the dangers in this project.
Mike, thanks for joining me tonight on this important story. You are blowing the whistle. This pipeline -- why is. Thank you, Reverend Sharpton. You are blowing the whistle on this pipeline.
Why is this story so important? Having lived it, this pipeline is nothing more than a toxic man-made river being built across our country. Without the water in -- the people are going to die. And it also, you said, it crosses the largest aquifer. It also crosses another one in Texas that supplies water for 12 million Texans. This project is nothing but a -- tar sands. Tar sands is what you would call a black peanut butter that has to be cut with all kinds of chemicals and hydrocarbons and its chemical makeup is some of the most toxic substances known on this earth.
What is this, and is this what is being sent to Texas? They mine it out of the ground, and they have to heat it, super heat it, and they have to put it under pounds of pressure and send it down the pipeline. These people deserve better and deserve more protection. Matter of fact, just for a quick instance is, if you were following this truck down the road it would -- still under the Department of Transportation, you would have to have plaques on the trucks telling you what hazard waste it is.
Protect the people, protect the neighbors that would happen to get into it. This is what is a very large shame. Not only that. It should be studied. It was one giant leap for Mitt Romney.
And how can you forget the miracle on the Hudson when Chesley Sullenberger safely landed a plane in the Hudson River saving the lives of passengers? Well, move-over Sully, it turns out it was actually Captain Willard piloting that plane. Yep, he gets that credit. And remember that big stink about Al Gore in vetting the internet? Twitter, Facebook, Google, funny videos for kittens, all of that stuff that makes it harder to concentrate at work is all because of Willard Romney.
I tell everyone Republican I know what a great job you did with Romney-care. Because he spent house early years in Hawaii smoking something, spent the next set of years in Indonesia, and another set of years in Indonesia and, frankly, when he came to the U.
Sununu went after the president hours before that in a little noticed radio interview. So three times today, John Sununu went after the president of the United States for not understanding America. Is it any doubt that this is a planned strategy by the Romney campaign?
Listen to what the candidate himself said today at rally in Pennsylvania. Encouraging entrepreneur, celebrating success instead of attacking it and makes America strong.
His cost is extraordinarily foreign. This agenda was set by Rush Limbaugh yesterday when he said the president, quote, "hates this country. And Rush admits the connection. This is ugly politics. They know what our president really stands for. And what he really says about this country. We will be going forwards. We will win this election. And we will remind the world just why it is that the United States of America is the greatest nation on earth.
God bless you. First let me thank you both for being here. I think -- I think there are would points this are illustrated by this. One is, we have seen this before during the campaign, is the extent to which Romney really is kind of beholden. What there is dash on the Republican base is lot of resentment and resistance towards President Obama. What you see -- you want to get those people out to the polls. You are not going to tell them to vote for Mitt Romney.
Go vote against the socialist president. You know, is the Romney campaign taking the cue from Rush? Listen to what Rush said yesterday. This is what we have. As a president, a radical ideology, ruthless politician who despises December ices the country, and the way it was founded and the way in which it became great. Today I played in your intro where he took credit for what Sununu said three times today. All three were today. So this is a concerted effort to either energize their base, as the president is other than us, un-American, and to turn the page on the lack of transparency from Mr.
Willard Romney. I mean, this has been a terrible week for Mitt Romney. I think if he loses in November we are going to look back and we are going to say this is the week he lost.
We have got this Bain debate that he really started. I left it in February of and forced reporters to look at. Well, when did he leave and find all these discrepancies. So, this is the backdrop against which the horrible attacks come that this man is desperate, as Steve said, base t base never liked him.
So, they skipped the whole we love Mitt Romney part and have gone straight to we hate this extraordinarily foreign president. And it is ugly and it is going to stay ugly until November. John Sununu. He was born in Cuba. He was the chief of staff of the first President Bush. Took a government limo from D. This is the guy talking about the president of the, you know how the government works. He was the governor of New Hampshire from to He really has not been in politics since then.
That is more than two decades. We are talking 21 years now. He really is from a different era in politics. And yet, this is the guy the Romney campaign, he is one of their top surrogate, one of his top public faces this year.
There were so few people willing on speak up and vouch for him in the Republican primaries that this guy, you know, sort of a holdover from two decades ago, became his top surrogate and still is. Watch this, Joan. Never again apologize for America abroad. And never again apologize for America abroad.
I will never apologize for American greatness abroad. We will never again apologize for America abroad. I mean, Joan, what is the politics of this? And we all know that. And all reporters have to say that, every single time he makes that allegation.
But I think we know what the charge is. Some of it is skin color, some of it is eye. But clearly, some of it is race. And he is basically going to be attacked this way for the rest of the campaign because it is all they have.
It is -- I think it is exactly the opposite or close to the opposite of when you are asked about President Obama where people really support him.
So, that is all they have and this is what they are stuck with. Then when you get to others now that -- and the more extreme right, there is a new cartoon making the rounds of right wing blogs showing -- watch this, the president stabbing Uncle Sam in the back. This is what they are floating around today on some of the right-wing blogs. And look at this cartoon they are going around. Proudly showing his disdain and disregard for the poor in an interview yesterday, Romney once again ridiculed and demeaned the most vulnerable among us.
Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich coming in second place yet again , continually wastes no opportunity openly disrespecting African Americans and blaming us for the ills of society. Couple this outrageous behavior with an entire Republican Party that is so entrenched in suppressing the vote, that they don't even realize how far from reality they have veered.
Watching these so-called candidates and this party continually disrespect Blacks, Latinos, the poor and other minority groups, I've come to one definitive conclusion: silence is not an option. By now everyone is familiar with Gingrich's statements referring to Barack Obama as a 'food stamp president' and accusing him of placing more people on food stamps than any president in American history.
It doesn't take a genius to know that this use of coded racial language is the same verbiage Gingrich used when he was Speaker and the same that was used by Republicans for years -- including during Reagan's 'welfare queen' saga.
Same old tactics; same purpose.