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What was the mummy name

2022.01.07 19:26

As the effects team designed the Mummy, they liked his transparency so they "removed" his organs. Stephen Sommers described his vision of the film as "as a kind of Indiana Jones or Jason and the Argonauts with the mummy as the creature giving the hero a hard time".

While the film made extensive use of computer generated imagery, many scenes, including ones where Evelyn is covered with rats and locusts, were real, using live animals. According to Stephen Sommers , the hardest thing about the movie was the blend of humour and horror: He said, "I didn't set out to make a straight horror movie.

When Clive Barker was attached to the project, the film was intended to be a low budget horror film. Barker's vision for the film was violent, with the story revolving around the head of a contemporary art museum who turns out to be a cultist trying to reanimate mummies. George A. Romero was brought in with a vision of a zombie-style horror movie similar to Night of the Living Dead , but this was considered too scary.

From the beginning, Stephen Sommers didn't want a guy shuffling around in bandages. Motion capture was chosen so that Imhotep would move as a human, not a magical being. Stephen Dunham auditioned for the role of Rick O'Connell. He was rejected, but Stephen Sommers liked his acting so much that he made up the character Mr.

Henderson just for him. Stephen Sommers has said that The Mummy was the one movie that scared him as a kid. He was only eight when he saw it and wanted to recreate the things he liked about it on a bigger scale. This was Oded Fehr 's first big screen role. Ardeth Bay, an anagram of Death By Ra, is the name of a sworn protector of mankind from the mummy Imhotep.

However, in The Mummy , Ardath Bey is the alter-ego of the mummy Imhotep played by Boris Karloff when he attempts to pass for a modern Egyptian note the difference in the spelling of both names.

The scenes showing the Cairo streets were shots of a souk in Marrakesh that was so expansive that the actors and crew were warned not to wander too far from the set or risk getting lost. In the original script, Evy was supposed to say, "He's gorgeous" when she first sees the fully resurrected Imhotep. The line was filmed, but removed from the final cut. Kevin J. O'Connor had been roughed up so much during the filming of the scene with Beni in the Egyptologist's office that he was badly bruised and his nipples had to be iced afterward.

The locusts shown in the scene at Hamunaptra were mostly computer-generated, but a number of live grasshoppers were used for the shot; the grasshoppers were chilled in a refrigerator to make them more sluggish and easy to film.

One of the unforeseen problems with shooting in the desert was that the sand would cause all the guns to jam. The firing of the weapons would be later filled in ILM. For the television broadcast version of the film, a small bikini was painted onto Anck-su-namun's body. O'Connor had a dimmer switch in his wardrobe to put the torch he holds out.

The plastic dummies used as dessicated corpses in the film to represent the Mummy's victims are the same as those used in the cult s sci-fi film Lifeforce One character even refers to the Mummy sucking the 'lifeforce' out of people. Stephen Sommers toyed with the idea of opening the film with the old Universal film logo, which would dissolve into the desert sun. He'd later use that opening for Van Helsing though the logo would turn into the flame from a torch instead.

The scene of the Cairo Prison was shot on the very first day of filming in Marrakesh. When Rick jumps off the boat after telling the Egyptian warden "Wait here! I'll go get help! It took three months for the animation supervisor to complete the musculature for Imhotep's body. Despite the name, the title character was never mummified.

His followers were, but he was subjected to a very different death. The tattoos on Ardeth Bay's forehead are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs that spell "Underworld", and the ones on his cheeks are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs for the word "truth.

Medjai females only get the wrist tattoo when they come of age, but are not marked with any of the other symbols that are particular to men.

If the Medjai - male and female alike - shows any sign of pain or cries during the tattooing process, it is considered that they have brought shame to their family.

In some scenes, characters who speak Arabic can be heard saying the same lines with different subtitles. This isn't as much a mistake as it is a throwback to the hero movies of old, in which foreign characters would say their lines in a different language to put up the illusion that they were speaking in that language. He is a comedian who made his acting debut in this movie.

At 1h 44m 57s Imhotep appears to grab Jonathan Carnahan by the throat and lift him up the wall. In reality, the actor is lifting himself up by having one foot on an apple box.

The building used for the Cairo Museum was an actual government building in Marrakesh. The last cinema film of Bernard Fox. Production designer Allan Cameron found a dormant volcano near Erfoud where the entire set for Hamunaptra could be constructed. Stephen Sommers liked the location because, "A city hidden in the crater of an extinct volcano made perfect sense. Out in the middle of the desert you would never see it.

You would never think of entering the crater unless you knew what was inside that volcano. These sets took 16 weeks to build, and included fiberglass columns rigged with special effects for the movie's final scenes. This set was feet m in length and featured "a steam train, an Ajax traction engine, three cranes, an open two-horse carriage, four horse-drawn carts, five dressing horses and grooms, nine pack donkeys and mules, as well as market stalls, Arab-clad vendors and room for costumed extras".

When Jonathan accidentally brings the army of mummies to life and they go after O'Connell, Brendan Fraser runs across skeletons that are floating in water to get away from the mummies while making the same sort of noise that his character George makes from George of the Jungle The shots of Giza port were shot in England and edited digitally to show the pyramids and Nile. This was the first theatrical film to be broadcast on the WB television network.

The bronze sword that Rick wields during the climax of the movie, as well as the bronze khopesh used by the soldier mummies, are considerably bigger and longer than their historical counterparts.

Not only would a bronze sword like that be absurdly heavy, a sword that long would easily bend during battle. After Jonathan has a scarab beetle cut from his arm he is seen in the next scene with a bandage made from Ardeths robe. The Book of the Dead and the Book of Amun-Ra are both made to look like a bunch of black stone and gold respectively tablets bound together in a form resembling a codex a modern-day book.

The Ancient Egyptians would have written their books on papyrus scrolls. Even if they could make the books the way they're depicted, the Book of Amun-Ra would never have been made out of pure gold--it would have been obscenely heavy. Anck-Su-Namun chose freedom, wherein they gave into passion by having another shared kiss, however as he was embracing her, Imhotep gripped Anck-Su-Namun's arm close, smearing the gold paint on her body.

Seti soon arrived and realized that Anck-Su-Namun had been touched by another. As Seti turned around, he came face-to-face with Imhotep, who took his sword right from under him. Anck-Su-Namun took this opportunity to stab Seti in the back, before Imhotep partook in the slaughter.

Horrified at what she was witnessing, Nefertiri alerted Seti's faithful guards, the Medjai , who stormed the residence.

With only moments left to leave, Imhotep still refused to leave Anck-Su-Namun, but his priests scurried him away to safety, wherein he promised to resurrect Anck-Su-Naman, watching in horror as his lover stabbed herself to death in front of the Medjai.

Sometime later, Imhotep and his priests stole Anck-Su-Namun's body and brought it to Hamunaptra in order to resurrect her. He entered the city's lower chambers to do so, bringing along his priests to aid him. Imhotep read from the Book of the Dead and called his lover's soul out of the Underworld. Unfortunately, the Medjai, who had followed them, intervened and stopped Imhotep before he could complete the ritual, forcing Anck-Su-Namun's soul to return to the Underworld.

Imhotep's priests were mummified alive and buried inside the walls of the city. Imhotep meanwhile was forced to suffer the Hom Dai , a legendary curse that granted the victim eternal suffering as an undead revenant yet also bestowed them unholy powers and control over the Ten Plagues of Egypt.

His tongue was cut out, he was bound tight in wrappings, and as he was placed inside a sarcophagus, carnivorous scarab beetles were poured onto his body, which would feed on his body over many years. His sarcophagus was buried at the feet of a statue of Anubis, and from that day forward, the Medjai were tasked with preventing anyone from setting foot in Hamunaptra, fearing Imhotep's return.

Imhotep remained imprisoned in Hamanaptra for three thousand years, sealed inside his sarcophagus, until in , three treasure-seekers: Richard O'Connell , Jonathan Carnahan , and Evelyn Carnahan , came to Hamunaptra, hoping to find treasures. Imhotep's chamber was located at the base of the statue of Anubis. Meanwhile, another treasure-seeking party including Dr. With the chest opened, these four men would be killed by Imhotep should he ever return from the dead.

No, I've never seen a mummy look like this before, he's still Yes, he must be more than three thousand years old and Imhotep's sarcophagus was opened using the same key the Medjai had attempted to take from Evelyn on the boat during their journey there. With it finally pried open, Imhotep's body burst out of the coffin, being stuck popped outstanding, frightening all three of the treasure-seekers. They were surprised at what they saw; Imhotep's body was still "juicy" even after over three thousand years of decomposition.

The group then examined the sarcophagus, finding markings made from fingernails, and among them was a message, which read, "death is only the beginning". That night of Imhotep's discovery, Evelyn was taken over by her own curiosities about the Book of the Dead.

She took the book from Dr. Chamberlain as he slept. Evelyn headed back to her campsite and examined the book before reading it. Reading aloud to O'Connell, he asked her what the hieroglyphs meant, and she began to read. Unbeknownst to either of them, the words she spoke from the book caused the mummy below to awaken, roaring. Chamberlain awoke at once and screamed out to Evelyn that she must not read from the Book. Suddenly, a swarm of locusts came from the horizon and engulfed the campsites, forcing a number of the explorers and diggers to the underground tunnels.

The first plague had arrived. In their haste in escaping the locusts, one of the Americans, Bernard Burns , tripped and fell in the tunnels with his glasses being knocked off and stomped on accidentally by his guide Beni Gabor.

Not stopping to help Bernard back up, Beni ran after the others, leaving Bernard to stumble along the corridors essentially blind. Imhotep made his way around the underground chambers, despite his own eyes and tongue having rotted away over the centuries. Upon finding Bernard in the corridors, Imhotep used his powers to forcibly remove Bernard's eyes and tongue. The curses, meanwhile, continued in the form of frogs.

On their way through the corridors, O'Connell, Jonathan, and Evelyn were running for their lives from a large number of scarabs that erupted from the floor. As they ran through the corridors, Evelyn had lost O'Connell and Jonathan, and fell through a secret entrance. The entrance had led Evelyn to Bernard, who had now lost his eyes and tongue and was reduced to pain and shock. Before she could make her way out, Imhotep stepped out of the shadows, causing Evelyn to shriek in horror at the sight of the reanimated mummy.

Imhotep stepped closer, squinting at her, believing her to be his long-lost lover Anck-Su-Namun ; Having stolen Bernard's eyes, Imhotep's eyesight was faulty. He then extended his hand to her, telling her to come with him. O'Connell quickly ran into the chamber to retrieve Evelyn, and had a moment of shock when he saw the mummy. Jonathan, Henderson, and Daniels then entered the chamber at that moment, equally startled. Looking back to O'Connell, Imhotep released a great roar, unhinging his jaws and stretching out his decayed body; O'Connell reciprocated by mocking the gesture and blasting the mummy with his shotgun.

Running from the chamber at once, Imhotep emerged once again, angrier, having recovered from the mortal weapon. While the Medjai and the expedition headed straight for Cairo, Beni had gotten lost in the underground passages, and was separated from the others. Trapped in a chamber and hearing strange sounds, Beni turned and found himself face-to-face with a snarling Imhotep.

In terror, Beni attempted to use a variety of different religious charms and trinkets, praying in their respective tongue in an effort to protect himself from the advancing mummy, including a crucifix, a Khanda, and a Buddhist symbol, all of which had no effect on the mummy, who was stepping forward to throttle Beni to death. Imhotep raised his hand, ready to kill him. Beni then used his last icon, the Star of David, and began to pray in Hebrew. Imhotep stepped back, recognizing the language of the former slaves, and decided to enlist Beni as his servant, offering gold as well as immunity to his wrath in return for servitude.

Beni humbly accepted the mummy as his master; Imhotep then brandished the broken canopic jar from before and demanded to know where the other jars are. Agreeing to help him find them, the Hungarian then took his new master to Cairo, where the entire expedition sought refuge after the recent disturbing events. Imhotep had reached Cairo with Beni's help by means of disguising himself as a prince in black garments, complete with a mask to hide his face. The plan set forth was that Imhotep would remain in disguise so that he could enter Mr Burns' residence without being discovered.

He first went after the now blind Bernard Burns, under the pretenses of being a bidder seeking Burns' canopic jar. During the meeting, Beni revealed to Burns that Imhotep's intent was to take the rest of Burns' organs and fluids, and Imhotep did so by first removing his mask, revealing his rotted face. As Imhotep finished off the American, the next plagues from his curse occurred outside, as the waters of Egypt turned red with blood and the skies rained hail and fire.

Imhotep let out a great roar that was heard by the people outside. O'Connell and Evelyn had heard the roar and rushed to Burns' quarters to investigate. As they entered, they saw that Burns had been killed, reduced to a shriveled husk of a man. They then saw Imhotep standing in front of the fireplace as his flesh and muscles regenerated itself, creeping up his dried bones. O'Connell, along with Jonathan and the remaining Americans, opened fire on the corpse as he walked forward.

The shots did nothing to Imhotep, who then shoved O'Connell through the air, throwing him into the other men. Baboons, cats, birds, and crocodiles, which also had great religious significance, were sometimes mummified, especially in the later dynasties. Ancient writers, modern scientists, and the mummies themselves all help us better understand the Egyptian mummification process and the culture in which it existed. Much of what we know about the actual process is based on the writings of early historians such as Herodotus who carefully recorded the process during his travels to Egypt around BCE.

Present-day archaeologists and other specialists are adding to this knowledge. The development of x-rays now makes it possible to x-ray mummies without destroying the elaborate outer wrappings.

By studying the x-rays or performing autopsies on unwrapped bodies, experts are learning more about diseases suffered by the Egyptians and their medical treatment.

A better idea of average height and life span comes from studying the bones. By learning their age at death, the order and dates of the Egyptian kings becomes a little clearer. Even ties of kinship in the royal line can be suggested by the striking similarities or dissimilarities in the skulls of pharaohs that followed one another. Dead now for thousands of years, the mummy continues to speak to us.

Ancient Egypt Egyptian Mummies. Process The mummification process took seventy days. Who Was Mummified After death, the pharaohs of Egypt usually were mummified and buried in elaborate tombs. The Study of Mummies Today Ancient writers, modern scientists, and the mummies themselves all help us better understand the Egyptian mummification process and the culture in which it existed.

Mummy Mask. Mummy Of Cat. Smithsonian American Art Museum Mask. Fragment Of Mummy Coffin Cartonnage. Mummy Coffin Model Of Wood. Wood Mummy Mask. Piece Of Mummy Cartonnage. Shabti, Mummy Model Of Alabaster. Of Mummy Mask. Head Of Mummified Cat. After some time has passed, Jonathan manages, by accident, to find a compartment where a sarcophagus is stored, releasing a large stone coffin.

While the two others present stand in awe at this find, the Warden is still prying stones off the walls elsewhere, until one stone, having missed his bag and fallen onto the floor, cracks open, revealing a living scarab beetle, that tears open the Warden's shoe and eats its way up the Warden's skin to his head. The other three examine the sarcophagus that has fallen from the ceiling, and deduce that the puzzle box that had been the cause of the Medjai attack on the riverboat is the key to opening the sarcophagus.

Putting the key's ends in place, the three treasure seekers understand how to open the sarcophagus, but the moment is cut short when screaming erupts from the tunnels outside. Guns out again, O'Connell and the Carnahans rush out to find the Warden screaming and clawing at his head, running almost as if mad; pushing the others out of the way, the Warden runs shrieking head first into a stone wall, killing himself. That night, the treasure seekers' campsites are invaded by a group of Medjai, who come on horseback and kill off a number of diggers.

The treasure seekers from both expeditions begin firing their pistols at the warriors, taking down some of them, until O'Connell is confronted by the Medjai leader, Ardeth Bay, who disarms O'Connell of his gun before O'Connell rushes backward and lights a stick of dynamite, holding it out to show the Medjai chieftain that he will not give in so easily.

The Medjai chieftain decides to call off his warriors, telling the expeditionaries present that they will shed no more blood, but that they must leave the ruins or die. Giving the expeditions one day to leave, the Medjai leave the campsite, which causes some puzzlement among all the treasure seekers as to why a group of nomads would attack for no apparent reason. Making the decision to stay and to combine forces at night, the expeditionaries move their tents to one shared area.

Later, the relationship between Rick O'Connell and Evelyn Carnahan begins to grow, as Evelyn, now loosened somewhat, tells O'Connell of her family, and of her father, who was a famous explorer. As the librarian inches closer to the adventurer so as to kiss him, she passes out completely in a drunken state, having had some of the late Warden's whiskey. The next morning, the treasure seekers of both expeditions return to the tunnels and chambers below: the Americans and their diggers returning to the compartment at the base of the statue, where they extract a wooden chest.

As the three Americans step forward to pry the chest open, the Egyptologist informs them that the chest has a curse placed upon it. The Americans do not believe in the curse, although the Egyptologist warned them all that the curse would strike them all were they to open the chest. Regardless of the given consequences, the four Americans proceed to force open the chest, as Beni and their diggers run off in fear, thus putting them in danger in the event that the mummy was resurrected.

Meanwhile, the smaller group finds another item: a mummy that was preserved inside of the sarcophagus that they had found earlier. Oddly, his skeleton is entirely intact, and there are scarab skeletons inside the sarcophagus as well. The mummy had been buried alive and had managed to claw a message into the wall of his sarcophagus: "Death is only the beginning".

That night, as both expeditions talk about their findings over a campfire, Evelyn noticed that the Egyptologist has found the Book of the Dead and is attempting to pry it open with his hands, to no avail: without the key, Evelyn states, the Book remains locked.

Later, as all in the campsite are asleep, Evelyn steals the Book of the Dead from the Egyptologist's grip as he sleeps, and uses the key to open the locks. Evelyn then opens the Book and begins to read the words aloud, not knowing that the mummy found below in the chambers is awakening. Chamberlain awakes screaming at Evelyn to not read from the Book, but the damage has been done. A swarm of locusts flies out over the horizon, engulfing the camp and its residents entirely, as most of the expeditionary run into the underground passageways.

The expeditions are separated: the three Americans run down the corridors with a number of their diggers, but Burns , one of the three Americans, trips and falls, losing his spectacles , which are crushed by Beni as he attempts to reach the others.

Unable to see where he is, Burns stumbles about the corridors blindly, seeing a fuzzy-looking figure at the end of the corridor, but unable to see who it is. The figure sneaks up from behind him and attacks Burns as he screams in terror. Meanwhile, the others throughout the ruins are besieged with the peril of running from man-eating scarab swarms.

As O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan run through one corridor, Evelyn is separated from the others and falls through a trapdoor in the wall. Evelyn finds herself in a dark chamber where she sees Burns, his back turned to her. As she leans forward to speak to him, Burns turns around to reveal that his eyes and tongue have been torn out.

Evelyn is then caught by the culprit: the mummy that she and her fellows had found before had stands behind her with Burns' eyes and tongue in its skull: Imhotep. The mummy walks towards her, believing her to be Anck-Su-Namun, and roars in anger when approached by O'Connell, Jonathan and the two Americans. O'Connell roars back in mock gesture and blasts Imhotep in two with his elephant gun, allowing the expeditionaries to escape.

The expeditionaries are found and surrounded by armed Medjai who have already taken Dr. Chamberlain hostage; their leader, Ardeth Bay, explains that because they did not leave, they have brought forth an ancient suppressed evil that has been feared by the Medjai for over three thousand years, and Ardeth Bay informs O'Connell, who had shot the mummy, that mortal weapons cannot kill the creature as he is not of the mortal world.

Two Medjai warriors then bring Burns forward. Though at first Rick believes the Medjai to be responsible, the Medjai explain that they had in fact rescued Burns and he was lucky to survive before the creature could finish his work. Commanding them all to leave, Ardeth declared that his fellow warriors will go on the hunt and try to find the means to kill the mummy, for the creature is the bringer of death, never resting until his curse overtakes the whole of the Earth.

Meanwhile, Beni, who has been separated from the rest of the group, wanders the catacombs and finds himself face to face with the mummy; Beni tries to plead for his life with religious icons from different beliefs, but only the Star of David, the Hebrew symbol, appeals to Imhotep, who knows that it is the symbol of the former slaves.

Imhotep declares that he has use for Beni, and that in exchange for his servitude, he would be rewarded greatly. The surviving expeditionaries and diggers return to Cairo after their experiences in the desert and reside in Fort Brydon , the British military outpost within Cairo. In Fort Brydon, Evelyn begins packing her trunk with clothes so as to return to Hamunaptra, but O'Connell tries to persuade her to do otherwise.

Unable to convince Evelyn, O'Connell leaves her quarters to have a drink in a bar, where he finds Winston Havelock , an aging British aeroplane pilot that rues not having died in battle, who drunkenly laments his predicament aloud before leaving. O'Connell then meets up with Jonathan, Daniels and Henderson, the latter two planning to leave Cairo for Alexandria with Burns, but the boat will not leave until the next morning.

Meanwhile, Burns, who remains in his quarters, meets with the mummy himself, who Burns is informed is a prince seeking to buy Burns' canopic jar. Imhotep wears a mask and long dark robes to conceal his identity, with Beni as a mediator. Beni informs Burns that "Prince Imhotep" thanks the American for his hospitality,as well as his eyes and tongue, but Imhotep's work is not yet complete. He proceeds to drain the life out of Mr.

Burns as he screams in terror. Meanwhile Henderson and Daniels toast O'Connell and Jonathan with a drink, but promptly spit it out, along with the other bar patrons once they see that it is blood, as is the water coming from a fountain in the bar.

O'Connell hastily sprints out to meet Evelyn, informing her that they have reached problems; at that moment, thunder crashes and hail and fireballs rain from the sky, destroying buildings and incinerating people.

During this, O'Connell finds Beni and attempts to force the Hungarian to tell where he's been, but a loud roar from upstairs of the building that Beni emerged from distracts them all, and O'Connell and Evelyn rush in to find Burns a desiccated corpse in a bathrobe and blindfold.

At the end of the room, in front of the fireplace stands Imhotep, already regenerating. O'Connell begins firing at the corpse but the shots do nothing, nor do those of Jonathan, Henderson and Daniels, who all open fire as well. The mummy throws O'Connell clear across the room, knocking down the other three men before proceeding to lean forward to Evelyn, thanking her for bringing him back from the Underworld.

Imhotep attempts to kiss Evelyn but her cat Cleo makes her presence known by standing on the keys of a piano in the room; terrified at the cat, Imhotep groans aghast and departs the room in the form of a sandstorm out the window. Bey, who Evelyn states can provide answers, finding the curator with the chieftain of the Medjai himself, Ardeth Bay.

The three Americans and Jonathan point their pistols in their direction as Evelyn asks what the Medjai is doing there, to which Dr. Bey calmly asks them to lower their pistols so that they might explain.