Who is allowed to donate organs

2022.01.07 19:26

Organs to donate include: Heart. Tissues to donate include: Corneas. Heart valves. Blood vessels. Connective tissues, such as tendons. Can you choose what to donate? What are the facts about organ donation? Priority for transplants depends on a number of things, which may include: Tissue and blood type. The length of time the person has spent on the waiting list. The distance between the donor and recipient.

The recipient's health. Medical urgency. The financial status or celebrity of the recipient is not considered. Credits Current as of: July 2, Top of the page Next Section: Related Information. Previous Section: Related Information Top of the page. NHSBT uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. We also use non-essential cookies to help us improve our services, any data collected is anonymised.

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You are here: Home Helping you to decide About organ donation Who can donate? Who can become an organ donor? Organ donation and eligibility. Anyone can register a decision to become an organ donor after death, there is no age limit. Age limit. Myth: If I agree to donate my organs, the hospital staff won't work as hard to save my life. Fact: When you go to the hospital for treatment, doctors focus on saving your life — not somebody else's.

You'll be seen by a doctor whose expertise most closely matches your particular condition and who can give you the best care possible. Fact: Although it's a popular topic in the tabloids, in reality, people don't start to wiggle their toes after they're declared dead.

In fact, people who have agreed to organ donation are given more tests at no charge to their families to determine that they're truly dead than are those who haven't agreed to organ donation. Fact: Organ donation is consistent with the beliefs of most major religions. These religions include Roman Catholicism, Islam, most branches of Judaism and most Protestant faiths.

If you're unsure of or uncomfortable with your faith's position on organ donation, ask a member of your clergy. Fact: Many states allow people who are younger than 18 to register as organ donors, but the final decision will remain the responsibility of your parents or legal guardian.

Discuss your wish to become an organ donor with your family, and ask for their consent. Keep in mind that children, too, are in need of organ transplants, and they usually need organs smaller than those an adult can provide. Myth: An open-casket funeral isn't an option for people who have donated organs or tissues. Fact: Organ and tissue donation doesn't interfere with having an open-casket funeral.

The donor's body is clothed for burial and treated with care and respect, so there are no visible signs of organ or tissue donation. Fact: There's no defined cutoff age for donating organs. The decision to use your organs is based on strict medical criteria, not age. Don't prematurely disqualify yourself. Let the doctors decide at the time of your death whether your organs and tissues are suitable for transplantation.

Fact: Very few medical conditions automatically disqualify you from donating organs. The decision to use an organ is based on strict medical criteria. It may turn out that certain organs are not suitable for transplantation, but other organs and tissues may be fine.

Only medical professionals at the time of your death can determine whether your organs are suitable for transplantation. Myth: I'd like to donate one of my kidneys now, but I wouldn't be allowed to do that unless one of my family members is in need. Fact: While that used to be the case, it isn't any longer. Whether it's a distant family member, friend or complete stranger you want to help, you can donate a kidney through certain transplant centers. If you decide to become a living donor, you will undergo extensive questioning to ensure that you are aware of the risks and that your decision to donate isn't based on financial gain.

You will also undergo testing to determine if your kidneys are in good shape and whether you can live a healthy life with just one kidney. Myth: Rich and famous people go to the top of the list when they need a donor organ. Fact: The rich and famous aren't given priority when it comes to allocating organs. You can donate and receive organs in the U. Doctors give organs to people based on medical need, not citizenship.

You may be a donor even if you have an illness. When you die, doctors will decide if donation is possible. Total body donation is often not an option if you choose to be an organ and tissue donor. You may still be an eye donor. Some medical schools and research groups may accept an organ donor for research.

Anyone over age 18 can sign up. In many states, people younger than 18 can sign up as well. There are several ways to sign up. Let your family know about your decision. The transplant team may ask them for information. When you sign up in your state, you're giving permission to donate your organs when you die. Usually, that means dying in a hospital and on artificial support. You will stay on your state's registry unless you remove yourself.

You may not have the card with you or it may get missed in the event of your death. Most families want to carry out the wishes of their loved one. Be sure to tell them how you feel. Most states give you the option to choose which organs and tissues you want to donate, or to donate everything usable.

Check with your state registry. You can change your donor status at any time.