Who owns pharmacy direct
We believe that your health is your most important asset. Whether you are fighting fit and looking for products to keep you well or you are having a health challenge that you need help with - we are here to help. Maybe you have a short term condition like a touch of hay fever or a longer term issue like diabetes or heart health. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our customer service team on. Pharmacy Direct is situated at. Why shop from us. There is no Tesitmonial added Need help: Email us on customerservice pharmacydirect.
How to get prescriptions from Pharmacy Direct. Main Menu. Shopping Categories. In Store Shopping. Online Shopping. Coronavirus Advice. Admin Tools. Your Basket. Total Excl VAT. Live Chat. Live chat is currently disabled. Toggle the switch to make yourself available for live chat. Type your message and press enter to send, An administrator will reply to you shortly.
Please select a branch to view orders, patients and history What do you want to do? Please provide your email address you use to login to your account, we will then send you a password reset code. The following list shows all the items you have placed orders for, click on an item to see all the dates you have placed an order for the item. Please provide a little more information to finish setting up your account Are you registered for GP online services? Are you exempt from prescription charges?
You are unable to place orders via online services. Please contact your surgery or click here to unlink. Online prescription ordering is not currently enabled for your branch. You can still store your items and set reminders to re-order. You haven't set up any reminders to reorder your prescription items. Click here to setup reminders now.
Please enter your login details to access your account To keep your password secure you will periodically need to change it. Please provide a new password to login to your account. New Password. What do you want to change? Select your local branch Select this dependant as the current user. Create an account for this dependant so they can manage their account themselves. I no longer need to manage this dependants prescriptions and they will not be doing it themselves.
Please provide us with a little information about your dependant What is the dependants relation to you Change your address I cannot find my address. Change your contact information If you have set your date of birth incorrectly, you can change it here Select the reason you are exempt from prescription charges.
Select your gender Change your names Providing your NHS number will assist us dealing with your orders. However you do not have to provide this information if you do not wish to. When linking to online services, would you like to store a copy of your prescription data so you can setup re-order reminders and we can send you updates on your order?
When registering for online services with your GP you will have received a document containing the information required for the form below. Removing your connection to GP online services will delete all your prescription information. To re-register you will need to contact your surgery for new linkage information.
This cannot be undone, are you sure you wish to continue? Linking to your GP online will automatially manage your prescriptions based on information provided by your GP. If you would like to make use of this service then please contact your surgery.
Pharmacy Direct is committed to capitalise on the vertical integration taking place within the Group by taking advantage of the relationship with Medscheme to grow its patient base, and collaborating with other partners in the group to pursue efficiencies and best practice. Pharmacy Direct has and existing, collaborative relationship with Allegra to manage scheduling and stock control of drugs, claims and co-payments. The relationship with Allegra assists Pharmacy Direct in remaining highly competitive with reference to new patient registration procedures, interrogation of dispensing data and claims history.
Flexibility in pricing strategies allows Pharmacy Direct to attract business through our sustained levels of customer service and compliance management to patients. For example, the prohibition of certain products or services. Another risk is the financial and reputational cost of breaching regulation and incurring penalties, even if non-compliance is unintentional. The business has engaged and partnered with a number of trusted suppliers, reducing the risk of catastrophic interruption to operations in the event of a problem with one service provider.
High volume of business transacted by Pharmacy Direct has resulted in Pharmacy Direct being a premier Client and which allows for the negotiation of attractive pricing agreements. Internal industrial action could be a potential risk with recent unionisation of the Pharmacy Direct workforce. To date, the relationships between management, trade unions and employees are harmonious and do not pose any threat to productivity.