Where is c sec mass effect

2022.01.07 19:28

As Harkin discovered, C-Sec is not above keeping files on its officers if the Executor feels disciplinary action may be warranted. Finding no evidence to support the matter, the officer in charge, Garrus Vakarian , still wanted to pursue the issue, until being told by Pallin to drop the case.

Garrus, however, continued to investigate which eventually led to the Med Clinic in the Wards. Here, Garrus ambushed a group of thugs and saved Dr. Chloe Michel 's life, with the assistance of Commander Shepard. Michel offered her thanks and told them about the quarian who came to see her, Tali'Zorah nar Rayya. Garrus then asked to join Shepard's team.

Detective Chellick was also running an investigation about weapons smuggling and how it was getting onto the Citadel. Shepard has the opportunity to ruin the operation, but is talked down by Chellick, who then asks for the Commander's assistance. Chellick reveals the extent of the investigation and asks Shepard to assist. Should Shepard agree, and not blow the operation, then the Commander is given some mods as compensation.

Should Shepard compromise the operation, Chellick is furious and says that the Commander blew months of undercover work and now they have to start from scratch. C-Sec had also pulled aside a krogan named Urdnot Wrex , who was reported by Fist for making threats. C-Sec brought him to the C-Sec Academy "for a friendly chat. Sometime prior to , galactic tension is rising due to batarian ambassador Jath'Amon 's arrangement of a meeting with the Citadel Council, with the intention of negotiating a peace between the batarians and the Alliance.

At this time, Jacob Taylor is tasked to discover a terrorist threat endangering the Council itself. His investigation eventually leads him to the Citadel in order to warn the council about Jath'Amon's real intention. There, Jacob is stopped by a C-Sec officer, who is exposed as a batarian, revealing the terrorists have infiltrated Citadel Security itself. C-Sec undergoes radical restructuring between Saren's attack on the Citadel in and In the aftermath of the decimation, humans now occupy many of the positions that were vacated due to casualties inflicted by Saren's armada.

Under the authority of Executor Pallin, C-Sec tightened security to reduce the possibility of geth infiltration, instituting "no-fly" lists, prohibiting weapons and bio-amps , and even barring individuals from traveling in certain circumstances , no matter how unlikely the suspect.

Captain Bailey explains the situation to Commander Shepard and can assist the Commander during several different investigations and operations aboard the Citadel. Captain Bailey can also provide the Commander with an interrogation room to assist Thane in dealing with his son. Captain Bailey also can assist the Commander in dealing with Garrus' past. When you arrive in C-Sec, you can spot Wrex surrounded by C-Sec guards to the side of the central elevator.

Approach him, and you'll initiate a scene that ends with him joining your squad after telling you about a Quarian that Fist, the owner of Chora's Den, is going to extort to Saren. If not, you should go find Garrus, which you can do by talking to Harkin in Chora's Den: head to Citadel: Garrus to learn more. Mass Effect Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 24 Sep pm. However it gets renamed to "Citadel: Wrex" very early on, so we've used that name instead.

If you just finished speaking with Garrus and Dr. Michel, then you're really, really close to Wrex's location. Leave the Med Clinic and head right. You'll see some stairs in the center: go down them and head through the door on your left. This will bring you to a long corridor that you can run down to a door on the other side. More topics from this board Where in the world is Major Kyle? Plot 2 Answers Can you use squad's decryption abilities?

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