Where is kendrick dragon age awakenings

2022.01.07 19:28

Dragon Age Wiki Explore. Dragon Age Series. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Keep Out of Reach of Children. Loot his corpse after the fight to find a piece of Heartwood, which you can bring to Wade for a chance at a unique bow or shield.

Wade needs four items to craft either:. Catgut can be found by searching a dead mabari in the wrecked town in the center of the Blackmarsh. Finally, the Grandmaster Lightning Rune must be made by a grandmaster runecrafter. Yuriah, the merchant in Vigil Keep's throne room, will have the necessary tracing for sale if you've completed the Trade Must Flow quest. It's worth mentioning here that the Heartwood Shield is the single best tanking shield in Awakening although you could argue that the Landsmeet Shield is slightly better for an arcane warrior , and will be a significant upgrade for whoever's on meatshield duty.

Talk to the Statue of War and agree to help him rest, then inspect the Magister's Remains to the north. If you're having trouble finding them, they're actually a pile of bones, which may blend in with any darkspawn you've slain in the immediate area.

This wakes up an arcane horror, which is easy enough to destroy. Fight with the demon M8. Apart from him, you will have to kill his undead allies too. After the fight, you will see a ghost of a woman that was imprisoned by the demon. She will thank you for your help. You will the letter in one chest M3, 4. It was written by Darran Lyle , who was a treasure hunter. You will learn that he has found something in the chasm and that he took it to the [Amaranthine].

To find out what it was go to [Amaranthine - Chantry of our Lady Redeemer]. Look for a shelf full of notes M Read then and find out that Darran Lyle was living in the house, outside of the town. Go there and you will find Packed Earth M10, You will find a bag in the chasm. M3, 5. Open it and you will find Micaha charm.

When you will be in [Amaranthine] speak with Colbert M10, 9 and this item to Micah. They will be grateful for your behavior. Take it and give it to dwarfs. Go to [Vigil's Keep] and give it to Dworkin M2, 8. This quest is connected to the task The Righteous Path. Do as it was written before until you will get to the [Silverite Mine]. The most important things is to resolve problems with Velanna.

Then get back to Mervis M10, 12 and tell him that all problems has disappeared. When he will be giving the reward to you, try to use your persuasion skills. As a matter of fact, you will get higher amount of money.

You will find two statues M5, 8 somewhere in the woods. One of them will speak to you. He will tell you about his history and he will ask you to kill his enemy - the magister you will his remains nearby M5, 9. Use them to summon him to this world. After the conversation the second statue will say something too. Now listen to him. He will tell you that you should have mercy for the magister.

Now you have two option:. Come closer to the magister remains M5, 9 and click on them. You will summon him and you will have to fight with your enemy. He is very weak and the battle should be really easy. After the fight return to the statue of war M5, 8 and tell him about your progress. Speak with the statue of war M5, 8 about the revenge. Use your persuasion and tell him that the better option is to show mercy for his enemy.

Then speak with the statue of peace and he will give you some recipes. If you want to, you can still summon magister M5, 9 and fight with him when the quest is completed. In [Amaranthine] nearby the temple you will find Wynne M10, Speak with her and she will give you the quest.

Your task is to go to the [Wending Wood] to find Ines the mage. You have to persuade her to go to the mage gathering. Ines M5, 11 is living in the south-eastern part of the forest. She is looking for some Northern Prickleweed Seeds M5, 13 and she won't go anyway until she won't have it. As a matter of fact you have to help her.

Seeds are near the [Silverite Mine] M5, 2. Get back to Ines and she will give you some recipes. You will find dying Keenan in [Silverite Mine] M6, 5. He will ask you to recover his wedding ring and give it back to his wife that is living in [Amaranthine]. Wedding Ring is in the possess of big Hurlock M6, 7.

He will be wandering near dragon whelps. Kill your enemies and take the ring from his body. Keenan's wife - Nida M Tell her about her husband and you will learn that she was cheating on him. Before the final battle quest: Depths of Depravity it is good to complete this quest.

With the power of these crystals M11, 3 and 4 and 5 and 7 and 10 the fight will be much more easier. Crystals are located in the cocoons. There are 12 of them. If you will put 4 of them in the tower you will activate it. If you want to activate all towers then you have to have someone who can open locks in your team. One the crystals is locked in the chest M11, In [Forlorn Cove] some bandits are waiting for you Eileen Bensley is with them.

Now you have two options:. Do not tell them that you do not have money and do not say anything about killing your enemies. You can say that you are a commander and scare bandits with you threatening skills. Some of them will run away and the fight will be much more easier. The second option is to persuade your enemies to show you the girl.

They will send her to you before you will give them money. Now get back to the [Vigil's Keep] and ask private about some news. Read the message and take your money. Go to the [Turnoble Estate]. You will see that peasants are dead and you have to kill every darkspawn that you can find. When you will do it, the quest will be over. Go to [Anselm's Reef]. You will be attacked by some thieves along with a Blood Mage. After the fight take all goods hidden in chests you will find 10 of them and in robbers corpses 4.

You will have to go to the [Wending Woods] to find some silk. Go there and find 9 pieces M5, 3 in some barrels , chests and in robbers bodies. All statues M5, 4 that you have to investigate are placed in [Wending Woods]. There are 8 of them. You will find the missing sword in [Blackmarsh]. You will be able to get it after completing the task Shadows of the Blackmarsh.

It is located in the docks, in a chest M9, 7. Find 4 poisons scattered all over the city and give them to the Kendrick M10, GK to get the price. You will find Moonshine in [Hubert's Den] M10, 5. Bottle is in the chest but first you will have to fight with some guys. Then put the bottle in the donation chest. You can take them and put in the donation chest. Orphans lost their pitchfork, hammer, pair of shoe soles, a doll and a pie. Find these items and put them in the donation chest.

You have to put them in her bed M Take these herbs and go to [Amaranthine - Chantry of our Lady Redeemer]. While inside, immediately turn right. Click on the bed and the quest will be completed. Orphans wants to scare Melissa. You have to place a scarecrow with a knife in front of her house. Knife M Scarecrow can be stolen from the little farm outside of the town.

Now go to Melissa house M10, Place your scarecrow near the entrance door to complete the quest. Orphans wants to apologize Melissa, because the scarecrow has destroyed her tomatoes. You have to gather some flowers and give them to Melissa. Go to the [Amaranthine - Chantry of our Lady Redeemer].

You will find flowers on the table M Take them and put them near Melissa house M10, Find some ancient sylvans in [Wending Woods] M5, You have to look around the whole location to find them all.

After you kill them, take the wood with you. When you will have 5 pieces return to [Amaranthine] , give them to the chanter M10, TK and take your reward. Go and speak with Mistress Rylien M She will ask you to kill 3 apostate mages. You will find them in town. They will be alone and they will be talking to themselves. When you will try to talk to them, they will attack you.

After killing these 3 apostate mages you will have to face their master. He is much stronger than his friends, but he is alone so it should be an easy fight.

She will give you a huge amount of money. Go and see him in [Vigil's Keep - Dungeon] M2, 3. First of all talk to the prison guard and then open the cage and speak with the prisoner.

When you will be ready Varel will come back and he will ask about your decision. Speak about the right of conscription. Nathaniel will have to become a warden and he will join your team. Decide where to hang your prisoner. Nathaniel will die and you will lost your companion. When you will chose the first option in the previous quest, then you will be moved to [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room].

Varel will change Nathaniel into a warden. Samuel M2, 11 will tell Nathaniel that his sister M10, 11 is alive and that she is somewhere in [Amaranthine]. You find her on the trade street. Nathaniel will speak with her and he will understand the history of his family. You will find Namaya in [Amaranthine] M10, 16 - she is a friend of Anders.

Mag will talk to her for a while and he will learn that in [Amaranthine - Abandoned Warehouse] M10, 4 some templars items are left. Especially his phylactery. Go to [Amaranthine - Abandoned Warehouse] and go to the further room. You will find some templars there led by Rylok.

You will learn that this was a trap and now you have to decide:. If you do not want to fight with your enemies then you can give them your companion. You will lose your friend now. Quest giver: When you will enter the [Vigil's Keep] after completing the quest Shadows of the Blackmarsh. When you will come back to the [Vigil's Keep] , Aura Kristoff's wife will want to speak with you. She will run away when it will turn out that her husband is dead and that some ghost is in his body.

Justice is worrying about it and he wants to talk to Aura in [Amaranthine]. Aura will speak with Justice and she will accept this situation. When you will be in [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room] speak with Varel and tell him that you want to change Sigrun into a warden.

He will do that. While walking with Sigrun you will come across a dwarf woman - Misha M10, They will talk about the past of your companion.

After the conversation Misha will go away. Tell her that you will help her in finding Misha to apologize her. Misha is standing in front of the door. Speak with her. Sigrun will want to give a ring to Misha. You may:. When you will be in [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room] speak with Varel and tell him that you want to change Velanna into a warden.

He will do it immediately. During one of your journeys you will meet 3 Dalish elves you have to have Velanna in your team. Velanna will talk with them and you will find out that she was exiled from her clan. There are five Ancient Sylvans in the Wending Wood, each of which will attack you on sight.

You should be able to find them quite easily by thoroughly exploring the area, including the spider lair southwest from the abandoned Dalish camp.

Collecting all five samples of Ancient Sylvanwood and turning them in to Kendrick is worth fifteen sovereigns. Side Quest: Ines the Botanist. Wynne, found in Amaranthine in front of the Chantry, will ask you to track down Ines for her. Ines is just southeast from the Silverite Mine in the Wending Wood, and she's looking for prickleweed seeds.

You can find these on a bush just southeast of the entrance to the Silverite Mine. Give them to Ines to receive a couple of recipes for various poultices and send her on her way. Side Quest: Heart of the Forest. Loot his corpse after the fight to find a piece of Heartwood, which you can bring to Wade for a chance at a unique bow or shield.