When is it safe to overtake
While overtaking, make sure that you maintain a safe distance with the vehicle ahead. This will help you drive your car in flow with the moving traffic. To get back into your lane, lift off the throttle slightly and indicate left.
Do not suddenly slow down, others might also be overtaking and you do not want to pose a risk to them or the vehicle behind. Once you are safely in the left lane again, cancel your indicator and resume a safe speed. As a general guide, you should not return to your lane until you can see in your interior mirror that you have safely passed the other vehicle. A little patience and courtesy can make the drive safer for everyone.
When being overtaken yourself and in case there are approaching vehicles, slow down a little to let the other driver pass by safely. If you have made a driver error, remember that flashing your lights will not move an oncoming vehicle out of the way. Overtaking is not something to be done without caution.
You do not overtake to impress passengers or as an expression of rage on the road. Summertime in the Southern Hemisphere coincides with the festive season and end-of-year travels. It is well-known for long drives to our beautiful beaches as well as inland journeys to various nature reserves and game farms. It is a season we wish to celebrate with family and friends but also sadly a. Read More. Intelligent Speed Assist ISA technology that is so evolved it provides predictable, real-time, location-aware speed control that saves your business time and money.
Large quantities of freight are transported on our roads daily. To share roads safely and responsibly with other road users there is an onus on the operator to ensure that these loads are safely secured during transport.
But what are the Rules of the Road on Securing loads during transport, what do. South Africa is well known for a rich history in mining and the export of mineral resources. With the 10th largest road network in the world and a heavy reliance on road freight transport, it is to be expected that motorists often share the roads with the transporters of dangerous goods.
Are we. The Arrive Alive website supports those individuals and institutions who take the initiative to arrange road safety conferences in South Africa. We believe that this contributes to greater awareness of road safety and could assist in planning effective road safety strategies.
The website www. The Department of Transport has revealed in a Green Paper that annual road deaths in SA are at a shocking 15, lives lost. These numbers do. Load More Pages. But why is overtaking more complicated than the driver might foresee? Where to Overtake: Some places are simply better and safer to overtake than others! Where not to Overtake: It is best not to consider overtaking at these spots: On the left shoulder of the road - to overtake on the wrong side in the emergency lane is totally inconsiderate of the needs of road users who in the case of an accident may be in need of emergency services.
Where a vehicle has stopped at a pedestrian crossing or a scholar patrol If overtaking can create a danger to any pedestrians such as in parking areas, building complexes, near schools etc Where the vehicle in front is slowing down at a YIELD sign Where the driver of the vehicle ahead is not able to have a clear vision of what is behind and passing.
In blind areas such as bends in roads, corners, near junctions, crossroads, and intersections. In blind spot areas such as sharp curves or bends in the route, except where the road is wide enough to allow safe overtaking Where the vehicle in front is slowing down when approaching a hill or a blind rise If overtaking can create a danger to any oncoming traffic or the vehicle that is being overtaken Do not begin an overtaking manoeuvre near to the exit that you need to take.
In the above cases, it is better to avoid overtaking and rather to enjoy a slow and safe drive. Partners View All. The following provides information on upgrading your licence to a higher class. Heavy vehicle inspections Heavy vehicle inspections required on change of ownership from Parents and supervisors Supervising a learner driver is a challenging experience. It can also be very rewarding.
You'll help a young person develop the skills and attitudes they need to become a safer, smarter driver. Road rules Is your knowledge of basic road rules up-to-date? Breaking basic road rules contributes to thousands of avoidable crashes in South Australia resulting in injuries and fatalities each year.
Safe driving tips Driving involves risk and safe drivers aim to reduce and manage their risk. Visitors to South Australia Driving involves risk and safe drivers aim to reduce and manage their risk. The Driver's Handbook Overtaking.
Contents Before you drive Licence Classes. Before overtaking another vehicle, you must: be sure it is safe to do so on a single-lane road, be sure that the road ahead is clear for a sufficient distance be sure you have sufficient distance to return to the same lane or line of traffic without endangering the vehicle being overtaken or any vehicle coming from the opposite direction be sure no other vehicle is overtaking your vehicle by checking the road behind in your mirrors and blind spot signal your intention to overtake for long enough to give sufficient warning to all other road users.
When you overtake, you must: leave a safe gap between your vehicle and the vehicle you are overtaking allow a minimum of 1 metre clearance when overtaking bicycle riders; 1. Being overtaken When driving a vehicle being overtaken by another vehicle, you must: keep to the left, if safe, to allow a reasonable space for the overtaking vehicle to pass or keep within your lane and not increase your speed until the other vehicle has completely overtaken your vehicle and returned to the lane or line of traffic.
Following distance outside of built up areas for long vehicles Except when overtaking, road trains must maintain at least metres behind another long vehicle and if your vehicle is a long vehicle 7. Overtaking trucks Unsafe overtaking is something truck drivers see all too often. Some people take a very large risk for only a few seconds' gain. Before attempting to overtake ask yourself the following: What will I achieve? What are the risks?
Is it safe and is it legal? You must not cross double unbroken lines to overtake. How to overtake safely The faster a vehicle is travelling, the more distance and time you need to overtake. Before overtaking another vehicle: check the road ahead is clear, with enough distance for you to safely overtake check side streets and other lanes to make sure nothing will enter your overtaking space check mirrors and blind spots for motorcycles and other vehicles indicate to warn other drivers you intend to overtake.
You can cross a single broken line to overtake if the road ahead is clear. You can cross a double line with a broken line closer to you to overtake if the road ahead is clear. Road sign showing there's no road lines, so you need to take care overtaking. To overtake a vehicle turning right or making a U-turn from the centre of the road, you can: use the left lane drive on, across or outside edge lines for up to m drive in a bus lane, transit lane or truck lane for a maximum of m drive in a bicycle lane or tram lane for a maximum of 50m.
Overtaking long vehicles You should take extreme care when overtaking long or oversize vehicles such as a truck or bus or a vehicle towing a caravan or trailer. A long vehicle is longer than a normal vehicle. Signs on the back of long or oversize vehicles that indicate you must not overtake them when they turn. Do not overtake to the left of a long vehicle which is turning left. Overtake a long vehicle on the left when it's safe to do so and when on a multi-lane road.