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How should i store logs

2022.01.07 19:29

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What size logs are best when it comes to storing and burning? They love to share tales from their allotment including their experiments turning the spoils of their crops into alcohol, both the good and the bad!

To find out more about Rich and Nick, click here. Terry McRae 23rd November at pm Reply. Cancel Reply. Name required. You should also choose a location within the backyard that does not flood during heavy rain events. It is essential to prevent your logs from touching the ground as it will introduce moisture into the timber.

Use bricks or wooden palettes to elevate the logs, or install a concrete, asphalt, or gravel floor under the log store. Even a tarpaulin can be sufficient. If you are purchasing a pre-built woodstore, ensure it has a gap between the ground and the first layer of logs — this will allow air to circulate under the log pile, preventing your logs from rotting. Log stacks should be about a metre tall and no more than one log-length deep. You can stack each layer of logs in the opposite direction of the next one to maximise airflow.

If you are stacking the logs in a shed or log store, leave some room between the logs and the walls of the structure. Alternatively, you can simply cover your wood piles using a plastic or canvas tarpaulin.

If you decide to use a tarpaulin, make sure it is secure and will not be moved by strong winds. A tarpaulin can also be used with a woodstore if you think the wind may blow rain onto your log piles. If you do decide to use a tarpaulin, remember to only cover logs when it is raining. The tarpaulin should be partially or fully removed during sunny weather to help the logs dry out and to let air circulate between logs.

If you cover wet wood for long periods, it will inevitably begin to rot and will not burn well. A relatively new method of storing firewood but definitely an effective modern approach. These products offer fully enclosed protection, importantly they raise the contents off ground level and feature multiple vents to ensure free flow of air. Ensure you use one that is fire-resistant, maintenance free and has good resistance against corrosion — premium metal log stores offer a 25 year guarantee which is ideal.

There are a number of solutions to practically, conveniently and safely storing your logs outside. See some of the stunning transformations by JC Bethall Services, our trusted installers for over ten years! Both have their pros and cons. Here's how to decide which is right for you. Read about a Somerlap customer who bought our composite decking and used it to transform their garden..

We offer a range of quality treated and untreated sawn timber, framing timber, cladding, waney edge boards and tongue and groove boards. The government has made it illegal to burn wet wood or sell certain fuels. Kiln dried logs burn better and more efficiently than unseasoned logs — giving you more heat and less mess.

That's why kiln dried logs are often favoured by those that have wood burning stoves and open fires. The lower the moisture content of firewood, the better it burns. Because of this they are less likely to take on additional moisture in storage than unseasoned wood, but you still need to keep them dry and sheltered for best results. A sheltered place, such as a garage or barn, makes an ideal place to store your kiln dried wood. However, you'll still need to follow the guidelines below to ensure the logs have enough airflow.

If you do need to store logs outside, make sure they're kept under shelter and that the air can reach them If you are storing your logs outside, keep them protected from moisture in the form of rain and snow.

You could do this with a tarpaulin cover or a timber log store , but you need to ensure they are never sealed or covered completely, as air flow is essential.