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What is the difference between a scan component and a rollup component

2022.01.07 19:29

Scan With Roll Up. Uploaded by Sreenivas Yadav. Document Information click to expand document information Description: Scan component. Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document.

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Newsletter Topics Select minimum 1 topic. Data Management. Tags: Ab Initio. Can anybody tell me the difference between Rollup,scan,Aggregate? Hi Avijit Aggregate : Summarizes group of records. Dear Abhijit, Scan 1. Regards, Ahirjoy ———————————————————————— Scan 1. Hope it answers your query. Hi Nidar Even I have read in AbInitio documentation that Rollup will provide more control over record selection, grouping, and aggregation than Aggregate. Register or Login.

Welcome back! Reset Your Password We'll send an email with a link to reset your password. Scan is for successive total and is used to produce summary cumulative of data.

A multistage component is a componet which transforms the input records in 5 levels,such as input selection,temporary initialization,processing ,output selection,and finalize. Profile Answers by sixto. By using rollup we can generate aggregate values like sum ,count….. Profile Answers by kalyanvadlamudi2kn. Roll up: Scan: Aggregate Summary Cumulative Summary The Finalize function is called at end of each group The Finalize function is called at end of each record Generates one record for each group Generates record for each record in a group.

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