When is frances winter

2022.01.07 19:29

In addition, there are mountainous areas, with a colder climate depending on altitude. The amount of sunshine also varies widely: the sun shines for less than 1, hours a year in Brittany and the far north, for 1, hours in Paris, for about 2, hours in the center-south, and for more than 2, hours along the Mediterranean coast. Precipitation exceeds 1, millimeters 40 inches per year in the most exposed areas of Brittany and Normandy, and also at the foot of the mountains in the center-south, while it drops below mm I remember once, our friend Xavier who is a local wine merchant, drove to his office one morning in Meze and the whole wine depot was just ash.

There is also something strange that happens to the weather in South of France in August. You usually get a few days in the middle of the month when the wind picks up and you get these spectacular summer storms for a couple of days. In the north, dry winds like the Mistral , and the Tramontane blow during the summer months. A few days each year the Sirocco blows in from North Africa, carrying a fine dust which coats all the cars and houses. Sometimes the wind can get up in other areas, but the Montagne Noir Black Mountains and Alpilles often protect the coastal plain from the strong winds.

The average temperature in South of France during August is 28 o C which is surprising because it usually feels hotter and there are on average around 5 days when it rains. Apart from May, September is my favourite month for weather in the South of France.

The days are warm and bright and the temperature is not so hot that you need to change your T shirt 3 times a day. The weather in South of France in September is still hot enough for the pool and the beach and the thing that I most enjoy is the fact that the South of France is empty.

The tourists have returned to Northern France and back home to Europe and you have the space to enjoy the weather. The average temperature in South of France during September is 22 o C and there are on average around only 6 days during September when it rains. The weather in South of France in October usually starts to turn and the warm dry days of September become replaced with cooler wetter days.

You still get plenty of sunny days, but the showers increase and you sometimes get some spectacular downpours. It is still a good time to be in the South of France and it is not like it is raining all the time. The average temperature in South of France during October is 18 o C and there are on average around 8 days during October when it rains this however disguises the fact that when it rains it absolutely thumps it down. The weather in South of France in November is bright but cold.

The average temperature in South of France during November is 14 o C and there are on average around 10 days during November when it rains. The weather in South of France in December is quite variable. Some days you get sunshine all day long and other days you have sunny showers. The snow starts to fall in the Pyrenees and Alps and you look forward to dusting off all your ski equipment.

The coastal plains of the Languedoc and Provence rarely freeze in winter due to the influence of the Mediterranean Sea. Summer in France is the time of festivals, carnivals and theatrical performances in ancient castles. At June 21 st the Day of Music is held across the country. Music is everywhere: in concert halls, on the streets and in the houses of the French. Autumn in France smells like sweet wines of Aquitaine and Burgundy and the rotting leaves in the vicinity of the Loire castles, filled with mild October sun.

This is the time when the French return from their holidays and many tourists conversely rush to the Cote d'Azur in eager not to miss the velvet season. The main harvest time in France also occurs in the autumn. The French are celebrating the Day of chestnut in late October. This goodie is fried and its aroma envelops the streets of cities and villages. October 9: The Day of chestnut. October Reading Festival in France. October Halloween Samhain. November Festival of New Beaujolais.

In the South, the climate is Mediterranean. Summers are hot and winters mild and dry. The autumn often brings thunderstorms and heavy rain that can lead to flooding. In the overseas departments, the climate is tropical and temperatures rarely dip below 20 degrees Celsius.

Flag this item. Very different seasons. Bring warm clothing as well as light clothing so you are ready for every season. Welcome to France.