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How does dimension jumper work

2022.01.07 19:35

You are left with nothing, nothing but plenty of food, and a very amazing potion that gives you a very bizarre ability to travel to hell, and back. Heaven and hell are two overlapping dimensions, which means that they are very similar to each other, but with some small minor differences. It is these small minor differences you must utilize as a player, in order to find your way through the map, and conquer it! It is a very fun map that requires you to think things through, remember your steps, and remember the layout of the two different dimensions in order to progress.

Dimension Jumper 2 also features a custom resource pack, which is bundled with the map, in order to really make your heaven and hell experience live up to their respective names! Be sure to install it as well, in order to avoid any errors and to make the experience complete. The goal of the map is pretty simple: beat it, and get to the end, by whatever means you can. There is one rule though: do not break or place any blocks yourself. Do so, and you ruin the entire point of the map. Largely, it's similar to stuff written about in The Secret — the idea that you can "attract" what you want out of life by following the "Law of Attraction", i.

Only, because the principles of dimension jumping have been forged largely by anonymous people on the internet, and not a septuagenarian writer from Australia, the methods to "manifest" your desires are a bit weirder.

Dimension Jumping is centred around rituals — i. One, described as the "mirror method", involves someone sitting in darkness and staring at their reflection in the mirror. Another, the "two glass method", involves emptying water from a full glass into an empty one, symbolically "emptying" your life of what you don't want and "filling" it with what you do.

Some jumpers believe they've purposefully jumped to a parallel universe through a combination of these methods and a desire to change their life. Others believe they have accidentally jumped. These stories can be more unsettling to read, like the guy who says he woke up in a new house with a wife and kids he doesn't recognise.

Ryan Draft is a year-old Psychology student from Michigan who falls into the first category. Initially, he tried the two-glass method out of curiosity and, he says, has successfully done it several times since, jumping to a dimension where he is more content, and even one where his flatmates do the household chores more often.

He has since concocted his own "mental method", borrowing tips from neuro-linguistic programming NLP — a divisive therapy technique based around perception and personal choice, which has been called a pseudoscience.

The core idea behind dimension jumping — that several universes exist besides our own, such as the "parallel", "daughter" and "bubble" universes — has long been explored in scientific circles.

For example, the late Professor Stephen Hawking dedicated his final days to writing a research paper that addresses the multiverse theory he first proposed in the s. Submitted ten days before he died in , Hawking theorised that if the Big Bang created several universes alongside our own, they'd be similar to ours and share the same laws of physics. Meanwhile, a study from the Royal Astronomical Society entertained the theory of a multiverse. That said, no amount of scientific theorising detracts from the fact some DJ adherents genuinely believe they have managed to transcend dimensions — a belief that raises questions about the state of mind of those involved in the dimension jumping "scene".

Professor James Alcock from the Department of Psychology at York University, Toronto tells me, "It's likely that people who report dimension-hopping are high in what psychologists refer to as fantasy-proneness, a personality characteristic associated with a difficulty in distinguishing fantasy from reality. Professor Alcock, author of Belief: What It Means to Believe and Why Our Beliefs Are So Compelling , also explains that dimension jumping is all based around perception and memory , both of which can be "wildly inaccurate".

It's kind of similar to how Salvador Dali had a certain method for adjusting his perspective to reach the outlook he needed to paint his surrealist paintings.