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Popular what if questions

2022.01.07 19:35

Of all the personal questions I could ask you, what's one you wouldn't want to answer? If we were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, who are three people you'd want on your team?

These intimate questions work especially well for a love interest, since they're all romance-related. If you're playing with your crush or on a first date , consider these flirty questions your go-to. At this point in your life, would you prefer a casual relationship or a serious relationship? Looking for more fun games and conversation starters? By Kristi Kellogg. How to Play the 21 Questions Game Playing 21 questions is super simple and straightforward.

Humans inspire humans. Spectacular feats have been achieved that were born of nothing but mere words. These interesting questions empower you to stimulate each other's minds and think in new and exciting ways. Some of these questions force you to use your imagination by putting you in impossible situations. Others are more of thought exercises that make you think outside the box by imagining strange occurrences and alternative universes.

Use them to blow minds. When you're ready to take the conversation to that next level, use these deep questions to ask. These are the big questions that may keep you up at night. From science to history to philosophy to existentialism, these are thought-provoking questions that may take days, months, or even years to fully hash out.

Ask them when you really want to understand the depths of a person's thoughts, opinions, and wildest imaginations. A simulated reality may not be far-fetched as you think. Are you The One? Would you take the risk? Eternal consciousness is bound to get old eventually, and what if there's nobody around to flip the switch off? Here is a downloadable and printable list of what if questions right click the image and select Save Image As Finally, try not to overthink things too much with these.

What if questions should be light — even when the topics are heavy. Approach them in a relaxed, easy, and casual way, and through the magic of good conversation, you'll find that you're able to form meaningful connections that last. Sure, what if questions are a ton of fun, and that's exactly why you don't want to overdo them. After all, too much of anything can get old, and you don't want to become known as the guy who constantly asks "what if These questions are just one of many tools in your kit.

Just because you're using the "what if" format doesn't mean you can ask anything. Recognize the other person's boundaries, and try not to cross them. What if questions can help you form connections fast , but you don't want to rush or force it.

Keep it natural. Of course, this rule can be broken when you're with close friends and family members who you're super comfortable with. This last is the ultimate starting point, but you're only limited to your imagination. Feel free to put your own twists on questions — especially if you can make them more relatable to the person you're talking to.

Keep your material fresh and relevant. What if questions are a whole lot of fun, but don't forget to change it up once in a while. Here are some more questions to add to your repertoire:. Now that you have a solid list of questions to ask , go have some fun with them. Pay attention to how people react, and take mental note of the best ones.

Think about your own answers so you can contribute to the conversation. Remember: it takes two to make a discussion work. Ask questions and give answers. Pin But if you fell into a somewhat larger black hole with less extreme tides, you could maintain your internal structure.

Einstein's theory of time dilation suggests that if you looked forward toward the black hole's center, you'd see every object that has fallen into it in the past. Behind you, you'd see everything that will ever fall into it in the future. If Earth had another species as tech-savvy as us, we would probably be locked in a constant battle for supremacy.

If after hundreds of thousands of years, no one won, we would start to adapt to require separate resources, and would come to ignore one another. If Earth's diameter were doubled to about 16, miles, the planet's mass would increase eight times, and the force of gravity on the planet would be twice as strong. All the plants and animals that currently exist would collapse under their own doubled weight, and new, stockier species would arise. If that asteroid hadn't struck, the dinosaurs would in all likelihood still rule the Earth.

After all, dinos dominated for million years prior to the Earth-shattering event. Researchers have speculated that intelligent "dinosauroids" might have evolved in humanity's place, based on the relatively large brain size of late-emerging trodontid species, which were bird-like predators.