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Publish in which journal

2022.01.07 19:35

You can get a well-written, well-structured manuscript that will increase your chances of acceptance by your target journal. Apart from fixing errors related to language and grammar, Premium Editing ensures that you work has been edited with specific knowledge of your subject. Our experts check the logical flow of a manuscript. Artwork such as graphs, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, or other visuals are essential to effectively communicate your findings. Every journal has specific guidelines for technical artwork, which can often be cumbersome.

Our graphic design specialists understand technical artwork guidelines and have expertise in dealing with artwork preparation guidelines of various journals. As part of the submission, the journal will peer review your study before deciding whether to publish it. Reviewers determine the validity, significance, and originality of your study, and may suggest improvements to the manuscript and the study.

Based on the recommendation of the peer review committee, editors can accept, accept with revisions, or reject a manuscript. Popular scientific journals reject four out of every five manuscripts they receive. Using our Rapid Technical Review service you can get our expert panelists, all of whom have published peer-reviewed papers, to review your paper and provide constructive comments so that you can improve your manuscript BEFORE you submit it to your desired journal.

PubMed PubReMiner. Ulrich'sWeb Global Serials Directory. Subject Specific LIsts If you would like to suggest a subject-specific list, please contact David Nolfi with your recommendation.

Recognizing Predatory Practices Cabell's Scholarly Analytics Includes "Predatory Reports," which use behavioral indicators to identify journals potentially engaging in predatory practices.

Report a problem. Subjects: Library Resources , Resources for Faculty. Read about publishing in a special issue. You can submit to most Elsevier journals using our online systems. The system you use will depend on the journal to which you submit.

You can access the relevant submission system via the "submit your paper" link on the Elsevier. Alternatively, if you have been invited to submit to a journal, follow the instructions provided to you. Once submitted, your paper will be considered by the editor and if it passes initial screening, it will be sent for peer review by experts in your field.

If deemed unsuitable for publication in your chosen journal, the editor may suggest you transfer your submission to a more suitable journal, via an article transfer service. Read more on how to submit and revise. You can track the status of your submitted paper online.

The system you use to track your submission will be the same system to which you submitted. Use the reference number you received after submission to track your submission.

In case of any problems contact the Support Center. However, even without a notification you can track the status of your article by entering your article reference number and corresponding author surname in Track Your Accepted Article. Read more about the article tracking service. Now that your article is published, you can promote it to achieve a bigger impact for your research.

Sharing research, accomplishments and ambitions with a wider audience makes you more visible in your field. This helps you get cited more, enabling you to cultivate a stronger reputation, promote your research and move forward in your career. Read more on sharing your research After publication, celebrate and get noticed!