Should i block spiritual mages
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Comment retrouver une switch perdu dans sa maison? Do you like this video? Play Sound. Information on mechanics, setups, and tactics is on this page. Categories Strategies. Universal Conquest Wiki. This article is a strategy guide for Spiritual mage. Sirenic mask. Pernix cowl. Armadyl helmet. Karil's coif. Salve amulet e. Saradomin's murmur. Amulet of ranging. Amulet of glory. Ava's alerter. Sirenic hauberk. Pernix body. Armadyl chestplate. Karil's top. Royal dragonhide body. Sirenic chaps.
Pernix chaps. Armadyl chainskirt. Karil's skirt. Royal dragonhide chaps. Ascension crossbow. Chaotic crossbow. Zaryte bow. Royal crossbow. Hand cannon. Crystal bow. Off-hand Ascension crossbow. Off-hand chaotic crossbow. Eagle-eye kiteshield. Dragonfire deflector. Armadyl buckler. Black dragonhide shield. If you cant afford a kodai but need a weapon to use ancients, then this is better than master wand.
The toxic staff of the dead is a staff made by using a magic fang on a staff of the dead, requiring 59 Crafting to do so. It also requires 75 Attack and 75 Magic to wield. It is tradeable only when uncharged. This tradeable staff will require 65 Magic and 50 Hitpoints to equip, and it will autocast both standard and ancient spells. An ancient staff corrupted by darkness. The Nightmare staff is a staff that can be received as a drop from The Nightmare.
Requiring level 65 Magic and 50 Hitpoints to wield, it can autocast offensive standard spells as well as Ancient Magicks. A magic staff is a magic weapon which provides standard magical bonuses and the autocast option when equipped. Staves are magical weapons.