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Struts2 what is new

2022.01.07 19:35

Using interceptor will make our application loosely coupled, flexible and configurable. Our final project will look like below image. Notice that I am declaring an interceptor authentication which is referring to class com.

Also notice that authStack is the default interceptor-stack for the package. I am not using this stack for login. JSP result pages are easy to understand and nothing related to interceptors. A simple java bean with properties that are used in result pages.

We will use this java bean in action class to hold properties. This is our custom interceptor class that is implementing com. Interceptor interface. We can get session attributes from ActionInvocation reference and use it to make sure session is valid. If session is valid, then we are injecting user into action class. Finally we are calling ActionInvocation invoke method that will call the next interceptor or action class in the chain. Notice that LoginAction is implementing SessionAware interface to get session attributes and if user is validated, then putting user attribute in session to be used in authentication interceptor for validation.

Notice that LoginAction is not implementing UserAware interface. Notice that WelcomeAction is implementing UserAware interface and our AuthenticationInterceptor is injecting it to the action class behind the scene.

Notice that action class is simple and there is no code for validating the user session or to set the user bean. If you are not logged in and you will try to invoke login. Skip to content.

Java Programming. By admin Sep 23, Struts 2 Interceptor Struts 2 interceptors are responsible for most of the processing done by the framework. Struts 2 Interceptors and Global Results configuration We can define global results in struts. Should any issues arise with your use of any version of the Struts framework, please post your comments to the user list, and, if appropriate, file a tracking ticket.

Both issues affect Apache Struts in the version range 2. The current version 2. By design, Struts 2 allows developers to utilize forced double evaluation for certain tag attributes. When used with unvalidated, user modifiable input, malicious OGNL expressions may be injected. In an ongoing effort, the Struts framework includes mitigations for limiting the impact of injected expressions, but Struts before 2.

Struts 2. The Struts 2. You may be wondering why you might want to upgrade a newer version of Struts if your current version is working. Depending on the age of your code, you might find that your current version is reaching end of life EOL and will no longer be supported.

There may be newer enhancements to the framework that you want to take advantage of. Another consideration might be that there is a security vulnerability that was discovered in your version and you want to update to make sure that the vulnerability has been patched.

Check out all the known Struts 2 security vulnerabilities here. Once you decide to upgrade, you will need to consider what your current version is. If you go this route and are on a pre We decided to go directly to 2. Make sure you consider the following when upgrading to Struts 2. Double check your Java version; you will need Java 7 or above. Struts 2 jars can be downloaded here. Make sure all the versions of struts match when you are updating.

If you are making use of a struts2-spring plugin jar, make sure the version of that jar matches your Struts 2 jar. You can also check the version notes here to see an example of the maven dependency if you are using maven. Dependencies can also be found here which include:.

Another option is to go to a maven repository like this one and view any compile dependencies listed. These will indicate the version required and will indicate if it is optional or not.

The following items are no longer supported in Struts 2. Instead of using the filter-class of org. StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter, you should use org. As a result, your filter element should look like this. If you have a field name that starts with a single lowercase letter that is followed by an uppercase letter like:. In Struts 2. Tiles2 is no longer in use, and Tiles3 no longer requires the tiles3-plugin, just the tiles-plugin.

Make sure the version of the struts2-tiles-plugin matches your struts version. Apache provides migration documentation for upgrading from Log4j 1. The jars necessary can be downloaded from Apache as well here.