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Which gmail themes change with time of day

2022.01.07 19:35

What should I do? The tea house theme is by far the best. It's so peaceful to see the little fox going about his day. With some of the scenery themes, they should change according to the weather or time of day? Mine might change onces every 2 days. Is anyone else getting consistent weather or day changes? Not all Google Apps users are Enterprise clients. The other kick in the teeth is that, although Themes may not be being rolled out to Google Apps Gmail, there have obviously been some changes, because good the great "Gmail Redesigned" skin no longer works and the timing is just too xcoincidental to the themes rollout announcement, which also mentioend other changes to the basic mail interface.

Hi how to change the gmail themes? I already use candy themes, and want to change it. I have been trying to post a theme, but can't because there is no theme settings for mine. How long will I have to wait before I get the theme settings.

I know go to themes from settings, but my settings doesn't have a theme tab, how do you get it. I just changed my theme was playing with it, wanting to see them but now I can't change it to another one I press settings and themes isn't there anymore. I don't like the one I chose :. To all of you who havent got themes yet The themes themselves are nice but the good ones are unusable due to the poor contrast. I hope they adjust that or at least let the user adjust it.

Oh my. If Google are using this as a means to convince people to move away from IE IE6 is an outdated browser released in , before companies started to use Ajax. If you remember, Gmail has been launched in , three years after IE6. When you use an outdated software, you shouldn't expect to be supported by new services. Since then, the support has been extended to Safari 3, Chrome and IE6 completely updated with all the patches released by Microsoft.

You can still use the old version of Gmail in all the other browsers, but you'll miss new features like themes, video chat etc. I don't like default login page now..

I switched to Classic, but login page is still with some mountains in background : Is Google going MS way of "customizing" everything? I think the themes are so cool. I wish these themes weren't so hoggy on real estate, but most of them look good. I have been waiting since last wed!!! N there U are!!!!!!!!! I found the themes! See the top right image? That theme is not in my list!

Where can I find it? Is it hidden? Is it a special feature? Does it mean there are more themes to come?? I was able to get mine only when I upgraded my browsers. Download the newest versions of Internet Explorer or Mozilla.

I love the teahouse theme. I like watching the little fox go about his day doing things -- late at night there are little ghost foxies that come out too. I have themes on my account on a computer, but not on another.

How's that possible? Well, I found it's great. But somehow, it doesn't work on some computer. Any special requirements necessary? Like A. K I love the teahouse theme. Although until now I hadn't realised the pictures changed. Obviously I can't stay glued to my email for 24 hours! Is there anywhere I can checkout what happens thruout its day in 30 seconds?!!! I have 26 themes instead of And from the image in your post I can clearly see that I actually do miss a few themes.

How come? I'm from France. Find a link at the top of the page title "Older version". If you don't have the new Gmail, you're probably using an old version of a browser. Ever since myspace , Google and Yahoo has followed thier lead with theme layouts. I have the theme settings, only problem is it won't show the theme I set it on.

Me again, I tried it on safari browser and it works great! Hey nice themes Does anyone else not have all the themes shown in the pictures above? How can i enable that theme tab in my gmail. I love it From sun up to sun down this nice fox is having a good time, even the ghosts are having their own tea party : Thumbs up!

I see the themes tab in settings only if I open Gmail in Google chrome. I do not see the themes tab if open Gmail in Internet explorer. Nor, can I see the theme I set in Gmail in Google chrome. For those who don't have themes: do you use Internet Explorer 6?

Then you have three options: 1 install all the updates for your browser from Windows Update 2 upgrade your browser to the latest version: IE7 3 install a better browser: Firefox, Chrome.

I think I recognize one, which is looking down on Largo di Garda in Italy, right?? I love the themes Keep up with the good work. Bravo Kori from Kenya. I love the new themes! However, when I log in at home, the themes work. When I log in at work, I don't even have the option to select themes. Anyone have an answer for this? After i could manage igoogle i was expecting the same thing for gmail. Well, I've found it now. It's the browser version and the plugins problem Got it!

Natural themes definitely the best Using Server I still don't have a themes tab under settings in either Firefox 3. You don't have "Tea Garden" as an option for yours! The tea garden has a little fox who keeps busy around the garden during the day.

He works on the roof, cuts flowers, sweeps, etc. It's all static, there's no animation but it's really adorable. Having said that, I am not entirely sure why the user needs to enter this information because to know the local time, the programmers could have simply used JavaScript… Or maybe there is more to it. Maybe knowing the location could change the theme colors and image depending on the weather. I chose the Shiny theme if you really want to know. No cartoony or cute characters for me… I like my screen to be clean without distracting elements.

I could have stuck with the default but I had to try this out — at least for a few days. The Planets theme was one that I did consider using — loved its night time photograph — but decided against.

So you want to create your own Gmail theme? As of February 20, , you can now do this easily and have a personalized Gmail interface with customized colors and background images. How do I view a deleted web page? Is there a way to view a deleted web page - one that is no longer available? Yes there is and the solution is quite simple. Set Gmail as default MailTo Handler. Did you know that certain Gmail themes change with the weather, time of day, or day of the week? Select the thumbnail and enter your location to see the theme change in accordance with your surroundings.

Themes with the sun icon, such as the "Tree" theme to the left, change with the weather. Themes with the boxes icon, such as the "Orcas Island" theme to the left, change with the day of the week.

Themes with the clock icon, such as the "Tea House" theme to the left, change with the time of day. I use Gmail but not as frequent as yahoo but I recently found out how you can change the themes and get something you like. It was amazing. It just takes a minute to make your Gmail much more appealing. Yes, sharing your custom theme is easy too. If you make a theme of a family reunion or your adorable puppy, you can share your theme and your joy at once! Need to check that out and perhaps add a bit of color to my work life, after all why not.

Hi Harleena, Yes, since you use Gmail for your work email you could make a theme with your logo and share that! But if a theme gives you a sense of peace and serenity, then that would be a bonus!

Thanks for sharing this with us and making it easy! Have a great week Carolyn. Hi Lisa, Yes, I really like the Mountain theme. I used that one for quite a while. I really like the dynamic themes that change with the time of day and weather. Everyone who uses Gmail should set that up!

Congratulations on 3 years blogging, Lisa! I read your article this morning and I will head back to comment. Though my brother has a theme on his e-mail, he will surely love the tips you have shared regarding them. You have make me aware about a new idea about G-mail modification. I was not aware about using any theme in my G-mail account. With this explanation I have come to a new thing about G-mail. Hi Ravi, Yes, themes are a fun way to make the most of your Gmail.

Themes are free, so why not customize your Gmail with a look you like? Thanks so much for your kind words, Ravi, and for letting us know this article was helpful to you.

I did know about Gmail themes and I never liked any of those custom ones they gave. So, I always kept the default one in place. I also really was impressed with the quality of themes available on GmailSkins. I also like how you can make any GmailSkin theme light or dark. People with more simple tastes may want to change the theme to a simple color.

Because you can create your own theme easily you can get the theme that works best for you! I really like this blog post. We are in the same triberr tribe. How did you do that?