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Which is better feraligatr or gyarados

2022.01.07 19:35

So my favourite is Feraligatr. Ivysaur SoFloFoSho. Joined Jul 10, Messages 8, Reaction score Gyarados, on the other hand, has an awesome design in my opinion Not to mention it's better in battle. So, Gyarados. Feraligatr is a damn good Pokemon, but I'm apparently one of the few who's never liked his design. Joined Jun 20, Messages Reaction score 1. This is too close call Feraligatr hmmm Pretty much same thing, though I nowdays prefer Feraligatr more.

Gyarados wins by look and speed in my taste, but neither won't faint with light teasing either. Zwampert Loch Ness Monster.

Joined Jun 23, Messages 7, Reaction score 7. Gyarados is overrated. Joined Apr 15, Messages 1, Reaction score 0. I got some good use out of Feraligatr in the past, though. Gyarados has a slight edge in design, so that evens them out. Since they're completely even to me, I'll throw my vote behind Gyarados, since he's behind right now. Savagegnaw New Member. Joined Sep 2, Messages 23 Reaction score 0. Mewtwo24 New Member. Joined Aug 13, Messages Reaction score 0. Master Mew Level 7.

Joined Aug 23, Messages 4, Reaction score 7. Spinning, whirling, still descending. Like a spiral sea unending. This is actually a hard one. I've used both before and I like them both I like both Feraligatr and Gyarados, but I prefer Gyarados competitively because it has more Attack and a bit more Speed than Feraligatr, and has an easier time setting up Dragon Dance thanks to Intimidate. The Corrupt Plague. An alligator vs a majestic sea serpent.

I think it's clear who the winner is and I choose Gyarados. Credit goes to Team Brushfire for the awesome banner! Side Quest 7 Answers Where can I find the rock climb ability? Side Quest 2 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions.

Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: nel nel 11 years ago 1 Which one is better? A adamant Feraligatr or a adamant Gyarados? User Info: gamesmaster12be gamesmaster12be 11 years ago 7 Gyarados is way more bulky, seeing as it's most effective set is a bulky rest talk or bulky dd set.

User Info: keyos27 keyos27 11 years ago 8 for OU, gyarados all day. User Info: gamesmaster12be gamesmaster12be 11 years ago 9 lol, Feraligatr vs Starmie won't end up well for Feraligatr, nor does it particularly want to be switching into any of TTars attacks or Gengars - seriously, what are you talking about? User Info: ReasonisTreason ReasonisTreason 11 years ago 10 immunities, and has fantastic physical bulk when intimidate is factored. Please Help Help.

LF: Skull Fossil Cranidos. And get Typhlosion. Feraligatr can learn Dragon Dance too. It also can learn Ice Punch, which is way better than Ice Fang.

Conversely, Gyarados has higher stats in everything that matters everything besides Sp. Atk , learns Dragon Dance naturally it has to be bred onto Feraligatr , and gets Intimidate, which is way more useful than Torrent.

Gyarados' dual typing eliminates its Grass weakness, but doubles its weakness to Electric. Overall, I'd say Gyarados is more useful than Gyarados, but Feraligatr is still effective assuming you're talking about in-game. A quick browse of Smogon pretty much backs up what I said, but it does note that Feraligatr learns Swords Dance, so you can trade a Speed boost for a double Atk boost, closing the gap.

There are pros and cons each way, but I'd still go with Gyarados. User Info: sfgiantsfanmike. Gyarados: intimidate is REALLY handy when it comes to training up lower level pokemon, as it softens the incoming blow, or for switchimg in general.

He'll hit harder cold no set up , has a nice imunity and good bulk. It's down sides are 4x damage by electric and either trainimg him up from a 'Karp or waiting untl after the 4th gym to catch the Red Gyarados..