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How does legionnaires disease develop

2022.01.07 19:36

They are found in rivers and lakes, and some other water sources, generally in low numbers. Occasionally, they may get into artificial water supply systems, for example, through the evaporative condensers that are associated with air conditioning and industrial cooling. They can appear wherever water is being artificially supplied or used. An infected person cannot generally pass the infection to another person, although it is possible in rare cases.

The Legionella bacteria exist in rivers, lakes and other places with fresh water, but numbers are usually low because the water temperature in such places is too low for the bacteria to multiply rapidly. Temperatures between 68 and degrees Fahrenheit, or from 20 to 45 degrees Celsius, can be ideal for the bacteria to multiply rapidly and spread. An ideal environment also provides the right food.

Impurities, such as algae, sludge, rust, and lime scale are types of food for this sort of bacteria. Hotels, hospitals, and large buildings can provide the ideal environment, if they have an air-conditioning system that uses water for cooling. Other types of artificial water systems that can potentially become contaminated include fountains, baths, showers, water taps, gardening sprinklers, spas, and humidifiers.

Existing health conditions : People with respiratory problems, including smokers, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD and those with lung cancer , are at higher risk. A weakened immune system : Patients with diabetes , kidney disease, leukemia and other cancers , and who are undergoing chemotherapy are at greater risk, as their immune system is compromised. Lifestyle factors : Heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk, and one study has suggested that using cannabis may increase susceptibility.

From to , there was only one case of an infant contracting the disease before the age of 1 month. A physician will consider the signs and symptoms, and ask whether the patient has recently spent time in a large building, such as a hotel or hospital. Treatment typically involves antibiotics , given by mouth or intravenously for between 10 and 14 days.

Some patients may receive intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration. Contrast bath therapy is a series of brief, repeated immersions in water, alternating between warm and cold temperatures. According to research…. Whether you're cycling to commute or to seek adventure, we've got you covered with our list of best baby bike seats.

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This happens when water accidently goes into the lungs while drinking. People at increased risk of aspiration include those with swallowing difficulties. However, this may be possible under rare circumstances. Your local health department can determine whether to investigate. Be sure to mention if you spent any nights away from home in the last 14 days.

Most healthy people exposed to Legionella do not get sick. Soil disturbed in areas where surface or aerosolized water discharge occurs has the potential to cause exposure to the microorganism. In a few cases, the Legionella bacteria from cooling towers has survived and spread into the air of ventilation systems and air ducts for distances of several kilometers. The likelihood of Legionella exposure may be reduced by good engineering practices which includes proper maintenance and operation of air and water handling systems and mist-producing devices.

These devices include shower heads, hot tubs, humidifiers, and whirlpool bathtubs. In all cases, follow the manufacturer's instructions for operation, cleaning, and maintenance. Cooling towers and evaporative condensers should be inspected and thoroughly cleaned at least once a year.

Corroded parts, such as drift eliminators, should be replaced. Algae and accumulated scale should be removed. These measures will not only control the growth of bacteria, but will also maintain operating efficiency. Never enter a confined space without proper instruction or training. All safety procedures must be followed if required to enter a confined space for cleaning or de-scaling. Cooling water should be treated constantly. Ideally, an automatic water treatment system should be used that continuously controls the quality of the circulating water.

Fresh air intakes should not be built close to cooling towers to reduce the risk of contaminated aerosols from entering the ventilation system. Hot water tanks and water systems which might provide ideal conditions for the growth of Legionella, should be cleaned and flushed regularly to prevent the water from stagnating.

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