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How does moonstone form

2022.01.07 19:36

Moonstone deposits are often found as constituents in feldspar-rich granitic and syenitic pegmatites all over the world. The most important moonstone deposits are from Sri Lanka and India.

Sri Lankan moonstone is most famous for its attractive blue coloured material, but blue moonstone is becoming increasingly rare. India is known for producing fine 'rainbow moonstone'. Switzerland's Adula Mountains possess the most historically interesting moonstone mines. Moonstone belongs to the large group of feldspar minerals, the most abundant minerals on earth.

Quartz gemstones make up the second most abundant gemstone group, second only to the feldspar family. Feldspars are typically classified into two main gemstone groups: Potassium feldspar and plagioclase feldspar. All varieties of moonstone are potassium feldspar. Other potassium feldspar gemstones include amazonite and orthoclase. There are also several gemstones which are often confused with moonstone based on appearance alone, such as 'rainbow moonstone'.

Rainbow moonstone is actually not a true moonstone, but rather, it is a variety of labradorite plagioclase feldspar. As it hardens, the material which is still liquid has a tendency to stick together, but while the two feldspar types have such similar densities, the liquid cannot travel very far. The microscopic layers form as a result of the first ingredient solidifying into a lattice while fighting for space with the liquid ingredient.

The liquid layers then start to solidify. In the absence of any foreign disturbance, the gemstone structure is determined at this point and needs only to harden before it becomes a gemstone. If other minerals are present during this process, it is easy to see how the fragile system could be disrupted, either by a liquid persisting after everything else solidifies or a solid forming too early, breaking the lattice, and a lesser quality stone produced as a result.

BTW: Do you want to know more about rocks and minerals identification? The books listed below are the best ones you can find on the internet Amazon links :. Like anything valuable, people have found a way to reproduce it with disturbing accuracy. If the gleam is showing bright colors but seems to be coming from the surface of the stone, it may be an opal.

Opalite is also often confused with moonstone because it displays a shimmer that can be typical of adularescence. However, this is a glass that is man-made to mimic the qualities of moonstone. Labradorite is also sometimes confused with moonstone because of its color. In fact, a variety of labradorite is called rainbow moonstone.

The difference between this stone and real moonstones is that this stone is nearly perfectly clear, while even the clearest moonstones will have a more cloudy color. TIP: The problem with fake rocks has been quite common in the last few years.

And one of the most frequently faked rocks are geodes which are really popular gemstones. Learn how to know the difference between real and fake geodes:. Geologists typically field-verify the identity of a stone by leveraging its known properties, such as hardness and cleavage, and performing tests to match the performance of the sample to how they know a sample of a certain mineral would act.

The best way to immediately recognize a moonstone is from its adularescence. It can look different depending on the sample. If you have a raw sample, it should still show smalls signs of this property, but washing the stone is a good place to start.

If you are still not sure, chisel off a small impurity in the sample or just simply chip off a small piece and see if the exposed area displays these symptoms. Another way that adularescence can present itself in moonstone is under the surface. The scattering of light through the stone will sometimes cause different colors to appear outside of the reflection area. A: M oonstone and especially moonstone jewelry is prized because it is believed to help its wearer develop a greater sense of compassion, understanding, and empathy.

When used in Feng Shui It helps open up greater intuition and enhances psychic abilities and clairvoyance. Moonstone taps into the feminine energy and was anciently believed to aid in human sexuality. Increased intuition and insight are also reported benefits of wearing moonstone. A: Moonstone is indeed a real gemstone, a member of the orthoclase feldspar family that also includes Labradorite and Sunstone, as well as Rainbow Moonstone and Amazonite.

Moonstone is made of two mineralsorthoclase and albitewhich form in stacked layers within the stone. When light enters between these thin layers it produces the familiar phenomenon observed in moonstone called adularescence. This unique "shine" reminded the ancients of the shimmer of the moon and is the origin of the name. Moonstone jewelry has become popular in more recent times as wearers learn more about the stone and seek to take advantage of the purported benefits of this unique "moon gem.

A: To the casual wearer - not much. Rainbow moonstone is technically transparent labradorite. It is a close relative of white moonstone, a feldspar mineral with a sheen that displays in a variety of iridescent colors. Moonstone jewelry is often made with rainbow moonstone although it is rarely noted as such. The white and blue hues of the stone may be more pronounced in the white moonstone variety, but the color is not dissimilar enough for most to notice.

A: Moonstone can certainly be worn every day, but if you want to do so, be sure that the setting is high quality to avoid loss or damage. Sterling silver moonstone jewelry such as rings are a popular choice and balance high quality with attainable prices. Moonstone pendants and moonstone earrings are also popular choices in sterling silver.

To get the most benefit from moonstone jewelry, be sure to keep the piece clean and dry. Remove in chlorinated water and avoid harsh chemicals. From aiding in medicine to representing one of the greatest feats the U. If you're looking for that perfect gemstone to accent an upcoming event or for a gift, check us out today. Close menu. Italian Adjustables. Gorgeous pendants to enhance your chains. Statement to Simple. Star Moonstone - Moonstone displaying asterism.

Moonstone gemstones are not treated or enhanced. Moonstone has a distinct appearance and it is difficult to confuse with other gemstones. Reddish and brownish Moonstone can look similar to Carnelian but Carnelian lacks the color effect of Moonstone. The mineral Oligoclase The mineral Orthoclase. Have a question about Moonstone? To sponsor this page, click here. Amazon Supply Store. Hammers, Chisels, Loupes, Cotton-filled boxes, etc.

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