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How does nclb affect teachers

2022.01.07 19:36

Eric A. Search form Search. Home Eric A. Policy Topics Accountability. Published Date:. Researchers found that most teachers are highly qualified under the requirements of NCLB, but that teachers who are less qualified are more prevalent in traditionally disadvantaged schools. They also found that a large percentage of teachers were not notified of their NCLB qualification status. Congress in and designed to improve the academic achievement of all students in U.

One of the central goals of NCLB is to ensure that every child is taught by a highly qualified teacher. The requirements apply to all teachers of core academic subjects, including teachers who provide instruction to students with limited English proficiency LEP and students with disabilities. To help improve the qualifications of teachers, NCLB provides funds that states can use for a wide variety of efforts, from improving certification systems to supporting strategies to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers.

As part of a federally funded study of NCLB, RAND Corporation researchers, in collaboration with researchers from the American Institutes for Research, analyzed the progress that states, districts, and schools have made in implementing the teacher qualification provisions of NCLB through the — school year. They found that most teachers are highly qualified under the requirements of NCLB, but that the proportion who are not highly qualified is greater for teachers of special education students, low-income students, and minority students.

This study draws together results from multiple data sources to identify how the new accountability systems developed in response to NCLB have influenced student achievement, school-district finances, and measures of school and teacher practices.

Our results indicate that NCLB brought about targeted gains in the mathematics achievement of younger students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. However, we find no evidence that NCLB improved student achievement in reading. Since teachers as a profession are explicitly charged with implementing the poli cies handed down by the federal and state governments, their attitudes and assessment of the legislation and its effects play a significant role in how these policies are viewed, implemented, and evaluated.

This research examines the ways in which National Board Certified Teachers, as highly accomplished educators, view how NCLB impacted their professional practice and their status as professionals.

In the spring of , we conducted an online survey of National Board Certified Teachers in California, with over respondents.