fiemenliome1982's Ownd

How long does zergrush take

2022.01.07 19:36

While the constant withering of the Terrans is effective, so is sending a huge force at them at once. There are several targets that should be destroyed as soon as possible. Psi Disruptors near the Command Center will make your life hell until they are destroyed; and even killing one Ghost is a huge increase in survivability for your forces.

CurseForge Register Sign In. Download Latest File. The Zerg Rush. X Table of Contents. Ghost Tips: You outrange all Zerg units. Try to avoid a close range fight as much as possible. Combine Guardian Shield with Auto-Turret to set up an excellent defensive perimeter. Zerg Tips: Use your Creep Tumors when you've pushed the Terrans back or you find that there are no Ghosts defending a side. To post a comment, please login or register a new account.

Apply To Selected. Posts Quoted:. About This Project. Project ID. Apr 25, Google has crafted a rather amusing little Easter egg - just run a search for "Zerg rush" and see what happens. As you'll immediately notice, little Os are now running around the screen attacking and destroying every search result — you even see the life bars depleting in true RTS style.

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