fiemenliome1982's Ownd

How long pierced ears

2022.01.07 19:36

We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. But before you or your child join the land of the pierced, get answers to some of the most common piercing questions from dermatologist Rachel Ward, MD.

The piercing gun has a spring. When the trigger is released, the rapid spring motion pushes the earring through the ear. Some tattoo and piercing shops use hollow-bore needles instead.

Hollow-bore needles are the needles used when starting an IV. As they push through, they create a tiny hole in the earlobe or cartilage.

It depends on the part of the ear and person — everyone is different. If there is a lot of bleeding, you should seek medical help right away. You may also bleed more if you take blood thinners or aspirin. That also depends on you and your pain threshold. The pain from either piercing method is probably equivalent. The ear has nerves all through it. But the fatty tissue in the earlobe has less than other areas, so it may feel less painful.

Putting an ice cube or ice pack on your ear before the piercing can help. But taking an extra-strength acetaminophen an hour before your procedure could help.

If you have a fear of needles or pain, we can certainly give you a numbing cream ahead of time. These most often happen in the first few days or weeks after piercing.

Disclaimer: this health information is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it.

The long two-month wait is over. Jewelers suggest wearing 14K yellow gold earrings consistently throughout the first year because yellow gold is more pure than most metals. They recommend not using white gold because it may be mixed with nickel, which could possibly lead to an infection depending on your skin sensitivity. During the first year, your ears may be more sensitive, and the last thing you want is an allergic reaction.

Once you get your ears pierced, take care of them! Your beautifully pierced ears will thank you. If you're looking for more insights on how to clean and care for your jewelry, check out our guide! Interested in seeing how much it might cost you to insure your earrings or other jewelry? Get a quote in under a minute without providing any personal information. Estimate your rate in less than one minute. Already have a quote? Retrieve your saved quote or application.

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