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Why is aqua in the realm of darkness

2022.01.07 19:37

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Upload or insert images from URL. Search In. Sign in to follow this Followers 1. Why couldn't aqua get out of the realm of darkness? Reply to this topic Start new topic. Recommended Posts. IAMME Posted October 7, Mickey uses the same thing to reach Riku. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. Posted October 7, edited.

KingdomHearts3 2, Posted October 13, VisitJoan 2, General 1 Answer. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: vivi21 vivi21 4 years ago 4 Paulf posted Bugged recipe collector trophy. Anyone have the Japanese version of this? Why are some of abilities "locked" even though I have all the spirits? Do I have to play Kingdom Hearts 0. Tech Support. Kingdom hearts X back cover, is it a retelling of KHX or not? And man did she get knocked down from her pedestal But back to Anti-Aqua, what wasted potential.

A Darkqua love that fan name story could have been very interesting and done well for Aqua's character. She's had to cleanup Terra and Ventus's messes, shoulder the burden of Keyblade Master that Eraqus gave her, was the last one standing against Terranort, and was rewarded by being trapped in a dark world of Heartless. I wish they did more with Aqua's darkside. It could have been really compelling if done right. It's why I was hoping she was a Seeker, despite how unlikely the idea seemed at first.

Well, although Aqua didn't willingly fallen to darkness, she still did transform into a darkness monster when she drowned in the dark sea, forced or not. This post basically exists because I like refusing myself to believe that Aqua's death is just bad writing.

The way nomura writes the story and KH's universe is quite peculiar. He tries to convey everything he created through the games, but it is clear he doesn't always succeed. Xehanort is the best example: this character probably has a good ending arc, and Nomura way of talking about Xehanort's game and past story shows me he did imagined a backstory for him, and still haven't showed us anything about it. The fact we don't know about his past life surely makes the last scene less emotional how it is intended to be, and maybe that's what happens with Aqua too There is probably a reason for why Aqua just gave up at the end, right?

My first though made me connect her actions to the time she spent in RoD. To the time she got dark. Any other explanation would be suitable as well, I'm just theorizing around unanswered questions I find in the game while I watch and play. The way Nomura writes the story and KH's universe is quite peculiar.

Face My Fears said:. I think it was interesting that she was the only character that we ever saw submerged in the Dark Ocean. Mickey says that it's the deepest darkness. All the things she said as "Dark Aqua" didn't just come out of nowhere, those were her vulnerabilities that she was bottling up inside.

I agreed with her when she called out Mickey for leaving her there for a decade. I would love if there was a part of her that struggles with having those thoughts even while in the realm of light. If we wanted Dark Aqua to work narratively, it should have been that Aqua got hit by the darkness and sank into the water and rather than be confused about what was going on, she starts losing her resolve again.

She should have been sinking into the depths and thinking "If I could be defeated so easily, maybe I should give up. I've failed my friends. I'm all alone. Why fight anymore? Last edited: Sep 19, FudgemintGuardian Moist with roistering. She didn't fall slowly to those fears and insecurities, she was blasted into some water and that is the problem with Dark Aqua.

Aqua had all of the makings for this sort of fall. She constantly battled against her insecurities during 0. She HAD her emotional journey in 0. Blank Points showed that she was back at the edge of struggling again but Ansem's words rekindled that hope.

That isn't what happened, though. The game doesn't even bother to try and explain why that combination of attacks and the water corrode her. She just is and that's the tea.

Twilight Lumiair said:. THAT'S probably the most ludicrous one to agree with. Most of what she says is just overaggeration or omiting details, which I've come to terms with, but claiming Mickey whom she told to leave without her "abandoned her for over a decade" is objectively false. Not only did Mickey, by definition , not abandon her, but the only legitimate "decade" Aqua even spent in the RoD was during a time in which no one knew of her fate-- and she was AWARE of this.

She hadn't even run into Mickey till the very end of KH1, which chronologically took place at the end of those ten years, and little over a year before KH3 potentially even less for her, as she expresses surprise that it had been ten years between the end of BBS, and her initial meeting with Mickey. Not only this, but Aqua herself was entirely responsible for both of her stays in the RoD, as they were conscious choices she made entirely to save her friends.

That's why those moments are so powerful. What grounds does she realistically have to claim Mickey "abandoned" her anywhere, when at no point did he even have a say in her own personal decisions? That's called not taking accountability for your actions, and that's definitely not a trait the character has ever displayed, or something I would be comfortable praising. Really, there's nothing to agree with about this statement, because it's objectively not true in any sense. To the point where it's actually shocking no one ever called her out when she was obviously passing the blame which, if we were to take that seriously, retroactively damages the integrity of her sacrificial moments.

Not only this, but if we truly wanted Dark Aqua to mean anything, it should've been acknowledged after the fact, and had legitimate consequences even if they don't extend beyond extra conversations. The closest and only thing we get resembling that in the game is Aqua outright contradicting her anti-self again , and saying she was never disappointed in Riku or Mickey the way the former thought.

And that's really what I mean about the game not trying to hide the fact that nothing Anti-Aqua said is meant be taken seriously, because it's ultimately not an accurate, or relavent enough representation of how the character actually feels. So leaving Aqua in the dark realm for one year while Mickey did Yen Sid and Mickey knew that she was missing or at least vanished from existence just like Ven and Terra , and what did they do? He may not have known that he abandoned Aqua in the realm of darkness for a decade, but Mickey did abandon her.

Mickey and Yen Sid knew the threat that Xehanort posed, they knew that Aqua was out there somewhere and did nothing to find her. He wasn't even looking for her when he bumped into her in the realm of darkness, he was busy trying to clean up the mess that was caused because he let Xehanort run wild. So I do think that Mickey abandoned Aqua there -- he may not have known the location he abandoned her, but he definitely did abandon her.