moncbellbackper1974's Ownd

Can i take equifax to court

2022.01.07 19:37

Equifax failed to block the fraudulent accounts and verified them as accurate. Barbara Williams v. Plaintiff had two medical collection accounts on her Equifax credit report. The accounts belong to her adult son form whom she is not responsible.

Plaintiff disputed the two inaccurate collections accounts with Equifax. Jermaine Cobbins v. The dealership acknowledged the error and the Plaintiff disputed the late payment on his auto loan to Equifax with a letter from the dealership. Despite the letter from the dealership Equifax verified that the Plaintiff made a late payment.

Plaintiff had no other late payments. Yandell v. Equifax and Hyundai. Plaintiff disputed the inaccurate information with Defendant Equifax.

As a result Plaintiff received a higher interest rate on a construction loan and is worried that the inaccurate information will not be corrected in the future. McCants v. Equifax and 21st Mortgage Company. She disputed to Equifax and both Equifax and 21st mortgage failed to correct this inaccurate information.

As a result she was denied and auto loan. LaPeruta v. Experian, TransUnion, Equifax and Navient. The inaccurate information is at least 2 accounts from Dept. Due to the faulty procedures of Experian, TransUnion and Equifax, the Plaintiff was mixed with at least one other consumer on her credit reports.

Plaintiff disputed the inaccurate information and it was not corrected by any of the bureaus. She was denied a mortgage. Pauline Odeyemi v. She disputed two fraudulent accounts with Equifax and included a police report and an identity theft affidavit.

Stefanie Jones v. Filing a lawsuit based on information you know to be wrong i. This chatbot is an extension of DoNotPay, a bot designed to get you out of parking tickets. The tool he created, while clearly well-intentioned, is nothing of the kind.

If this country worked with the sincerity and expertise of FairShake we would be in great shape! They got more done in a few weeks than I did in over two years. They are really a light for us in a very hard time. Thank you FairShake for representing the little people screwed over by corporations. I was having problems with the company for months. That you could make it resolved in a few days is wonderful. It's not right what Big Business can get away with if we let them.

People need to know someone is out there to help! Tell us your complaint against Equifax. The qualifier. The first limit is the type of compensation you can ask for. So anything that went wrong, any damages that you and your dad have to be converted into a dollar value. The second is the limit of that dollar value. The demand letter. Lisa Stockard Peachtree Street, NW Atalnta, GA If you would like examples of demand letters or more information about how to write them, you can find an excellent guide here.

The court forms. If nothing happens as a result of the demand letter now you move forward with the process to sue Equifax in small claims court by filling out some paperwork. The filing. The hearing. Take your complaint beyond customer service and get a real resolution.