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What is the difference between news and feature articles

2022.01.07 19:37

A news story is about an event that is happening or has recently happened that is of interest or importance to a reader. Feature stories are meant to inform and entertain the readers. Feature stories can also be said to be the story behind the news story.

An example of a feature story is the story of an immigrant winning the lottery. In writing a feature story, writers let their imaginations to flow around the facts because feature stories are more creative in structure.

Here we are with the major differences between a news story and a feature. Both news stories and features appear in newspapers and magazines. Over time and place, journalism ethics and standards have varied in the degree of objectivity or sensationalism they incorporate.

The primary difference between a feature story and a straight news story is the style. A feature article is more in-depth than a traditional hard news article and uses the types of storytelling devices and details that you might find in novels. Examples of feature stories include news features, profiles, spot features, trend stories, and live-ins. Feature stories can be found in the main news section of a newspaper, especially if they profile a person or group currently in the news.

The hard news are those stories that are covering the events that are taking place out there. Feature stories are much more either playing off that or are fun, amusing, or life revealing kinds of stories. Good examples of feature kinds of writing: music, the arts, movies, food, entertainment of all kinds, fashion. As nouns the difference between story and article is that story is a sequence of real or fictional events; or, an account of such a sequence while article is a part or segment of something joined to other parts, or, in combination, forming a structured set.

Hard news refers to the news stories that have an big impact at the society as a whole and need to be reported urgently. Examples include news on politics, crime, economics, international affairs, natural calamities, riots etc. Conversely, soft news topics include entertainment, celebrity, and lifestyle news.

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Home Blog: What's New! Search This Site. Subscribe To This Site. A good feature goes deeper than just a press release as it thoroughly explores an issue from all direction. The feature news consists of quotes from important people pertaining to the story of the feature news. It analyses the events, ask pertinent questions and seeks answers. It does not merely report, it ponders. The writer or reporter gives his opinions in a feature piece. Different writers follow different styles of writing news features.

This very difference in every news feature makes it unique in its own way. The average words in a feature news range between to words. The major difference between a news story and a feature story is that a news story is time-sensitive. Media outlets want to publish news stories as quickly as possible after an event occurs. Feature stories, however, are not as time-dependent and contain no urgent content.