Where is items not in my library
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Searching the Catalog. The home page for the Scenic Regional Library catalog allows you to search for books and other items at your library. The home page contains a single search box for you to enter search terms. You may limit your search to one format. You may also limit your search to one library or group of libraries.
If you are using the catalog in a library, the default is to search for the item in all of the libraries of our Missouri Evergreen consortium. Use the dropdown box to limit your search to one library system Scenic Regional and Washington Public or to one library branch Scenic Regional — Owensville.
By scrolling through the results, you will find what you want. Back to the Top. These results show groups of related titles, which may include several editions and formats.
Communities Get Support. Sign in Sign in Sign in corporate. Browse Search. Ask a question. User profile for user: johnthegreen1 johnthegreen1. Question: Q: Question: Q: Items not in my library For the longest time, my wife and I had been able to use a function of Home Sharing wherein we could choose "items not in my library" while accessing each other's library. More Less. Reply I have this question too 8 I have this question too Me too 8 Me too.
Helpful answers Drop Down menu. I see that you are unable to choose the option "Items not in my library" when accessing each other's iTunes library via Home Sharing. I'm happy to help assist you with this. Learn more. There is no limit to the number of items you may request. I need a book or movie our library doesn't own or is checked out Delivery Time: days average Items that can be loaned from other libraries Books, reports, thesis, dissertations, government documents, audio visual materials, newspapers and microfilm Loan Restrictions Items currently on Reserve or in Special Collections will not be ordered Rush shipping is unavailable Especially rare or fragile items may be limited to use only within the library Loans cannot be picked up by anyone but you, unless you're a faculty member who has filled out a Check-Out Authorization Form.
Renewals Some libraries will grant due date extensions, known as renewals, for certain items allowing you to keep the item for longer. Getting another copy If you need a book for longer, and the lending library does not allow renewals or your renewal request has been denied , you can place a new interlibrary loan request or clone your existing one and we'll order another copy from a different library.